@spawn Feature: Cucumber --work-in-progress switch In order to ensure that feature scenarios do not pass until they are expected to Developers should be able to run cucumber in a mode that - will fail if any scenario passes completely - will not fail otherwise Background: A passing and a pending feature Given the standard step definitions And a file named "features/wip.feature" with: """ Feature: WIP @failing Scenario: Failing Given this step raises an error @undefined Scenario: Undefined Given this step is undefined @pending Scenario: Pending Given this step is pending @passing Scenario: Passing Given this step passes """ And a file named "features/passing_outline.feature" with: """ Feature: Not WIP Scenario Outline: Passing Given this step Examples: | what | | passes | """ Scenario: Pass with Failing Scenarios When I run `cucumber -q -w -t @failing features/wip.feature` Then the stderr should not contain anything Then it should pass with: """ Feature: WIP @failing Scenario: Failing Given this step raises an error error (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:2:in `/^this step raises an error$/' features/wip.feature:4:in `Given this step raises an error' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/wip.feature:3 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed) """ And the output should contain: """ The --wip switch was used, so the failures were expected. All is good. """ Scenario: Pass with Undefined Scenarios When I run `cucumber -q -w -t @undefined features/wip.feature` Then it should pass with: """ Feature: WIP @undefined Scenario: Undefined Given this step is undefined 1 scenario (1 undefined) 1 step (1 undefined) """ And the output should contain: """ The --wip switch was used, so the failures were expected. All is good. """ Scenario: Pass with Undefined Scenarios When I run `cucumber -q -w -t @pending features/wip.feature` Then it should pass with: """ Feature: WIP @pending Scenario: Pending Given this step is pending TODO (Cucumber::Pending) ./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:3:in `/^this step is pending$/' features/wip.feature:12:in `Given this step is pending' 1 scenario (1 pending) 1 step (1 pending) """ And the output should contain: """ The --wip switch was used, so the failures were expected. All is good. """ Scenario: Fail with Passing Scenarios When I run `cucumber -q -w -t @passing features/wip.feature` Then it should fail with: """ Feature: WIP @passing Scenario: Passing Given this step passes 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ And the output should contain: """ The --wip switch was used, so I didn't expect anything to pass. These scenarios passed: (::) passed scenarios (::) features/wip.feature:15:in `Scenario: Passing' """ Scenario: Fail with Passing Scenario Outline When I run `cucumber -q -w features/passing_outline.feature` Then it should fail with: """ Feature: Not WIP Scenario Outline: Passing Given this step Examples: | what | | passes | 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ And the output should contain: """ The --wip switch was used, so I didn't expect anything to pass. These scenarios passed: (::) passed scenarios (::) features/passing_outline.feature:7:in `Scenario Outline: Passing, Examples (#1)' """