module Embulk def self.new_plugin(name, language, category) require 'embulk/data/package_data' require 'embulk/version' require 'fileutils' embulk_category = category embulk_category = :input if category == :file_input embulk_category = :output if category == :file_output project_name = "embulk-#{embulk_category}-#{name}" plugin_path = "lib/embulk/#{embulk_category}/#{name}.rb" if File.exist?(project_name) raise "./#{project_name} already exists. Please delete it first." end FileUtils.mkdir_p(project_name) puts "Creating #{project_name}/" success = false begin author = `git config`.strip author = "YOUR_NAME" if author.empty? email = `git config`.strip email = "YOUR_NAME" if email.empty? ruby_class_name = name.split('-').map {|a| a.capitalize }.join + category.to_s.split('_').map {|a| a.capitalize }.join + "Plugin" java_iface = category.to_s.split('_').map {|a| a.capitalize }.join java_class_name = name.split('-').map {|a| a.capitalize }.join + java_iface + "Plugin" display_name = name.split('-').map {|a| a.capitalize }.join(' ') display_category = category.to_s.gsub('_', ' ') description = case category when :input %[that loads records from #{display_name} so that any output plugins can receive the records. Search the output plugins by 'embulk-output' keyword.] when :file_input %[that reads files from #{display_name} and parses the file using any parser plugins. Search the parser plugins by 'embulk-parser' keyword.] when :parser %[that parses #{display_name} file format read by any file input plugins. Search the file input plugins by 'embulk-input file' keywords.] when :decoder %[that decodes files encoded by #{display_name} read by any file input plugins. Search the file input plugins by 'embulk-input file' keywords.] when :output %[that loads records to #{display_name} read by any input plugins. Search the input plugins by 'embulk-input' keyword.] when :file_output %[that stores files to #{display_name} formatted by any formatter plugins. Search the formatter plugins by 'embulk-formatter' keyword.] when :formtter %[that formats records using #{display_name} file format and so that any file output plugins can store the files. Search the file output plugins by 'embulk-output file' keywords.] when :encoder %[that encodes files using #{display_name} so that any file output plugins can store the files. Search the file output plugins by 'embulk-output file' keywords.] when :filter %[that converts records read by an input plugin before passing it to an output plugins. Search the input and plugins by 'embulk-input' and 'embulk-output' plugins.] end pkg ="new", project_name, binding()) pkg.cp_erb("", "") pkg.cp("LICENSE.txt", "LICENSE.txt") pkg.cp_erb("gitignore.erb", ".gitignore") case language when :ruby pkg.cp("ruby/Rakefile", "Rakefile") pkg.cp("ruby/Gemfile", "Gemfile") pkg.cp_erb("ruby/gemspec.erb", "#{project_name}.gemspec") pkg.cp_erb("ruby/#{category}.rb.erb", plugin_path) when :java pkg.cp("java/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar", "gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar") pkg.cp("java/gradle/wrapper/", "gradle/wrapper/") pkg.cp("java/gradlew.bat", "gradlew.bat") pkg.cp("java/gradlew", "gradlew") pkg.set_executable("gradlew") pkg.cp_erb("java/build.gradle.erb", "build.gradle") pkg.cp_erb("java/plugin_loader.rb.erb", plugin_path) pkg.cp_erb("java/#{category}.java.erb", "src/main/java/org/embulk/#{embulk_category}/#{java_class_name}.java") pkg.cp_erb("java/", "src/test/java/org/embulk/#{embulk_category}/Test#{java_class_name}.java") end success = true puts "" ensure FileUtils.rm_rf project_name unless success end end end