# #
# Modeled on Octokit::Configurable #
# #
# Original Octokit license #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Wynn Netherland, Adam Stacoviak, Erik Michaels-Ober #
# #
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a #
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), #
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation #
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, #
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the #
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #
# #
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included #
# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# #
module Hyperkit
# Configuration options for {Client}, defaulting to values
# in {Default}
module Configurable
# @!attribute api_endpoint
# @return [String] the base URL for API requests (default: https://localhost:8443/
# @!attribute auto_sync
# Whether to automatically wait for asynchronous operations to complete
# A good deal of the LXD API calls are asynchronous: you issue the call,
# and you receive an operation ID. You must then wait on the operation
# to complete. Each asynchronous method is marked as such in the Hyperkit
# documentation.
# By default, Hyperkit provides auto-synchronization. When you
# initiate an asynchronous operation, Hyperkit will automatically wait for
# the operation to complete before returning. If you wish to override
# this functionality, there are two ways to do this:
# * Pass sync: false
to any of the asynchronous methods
# * Set auto_sync
to false
at the module or
# class level (see examples)
# Any asynchronous calls you issue after setting auto_sync
# to false
will immediately return an operation ID instead of
# blocking. To ensure that an operation is complete, you will need to
# call {Hyperkit::Client::Operations#wait_for_operation}.
# Most users will likely want to keep auto_sync
enabled for
# convenience.
# @example Create a container and automatically wait for it to complete (auto_sync is true
by default)
# Hyperkit.create_container("test-container", alias: "ubuntu/trusty/amd64")
# @example Disable auto-synchronization at the module level
# Hyperkit.auto_sync = false
# op = Hyperkit.create_container("test-container", alias: "ubuntu/trusty/amd64")
# Hyperkit.wait_for_operation(op.id)
# @example Disable auto-synchronization at the class level
# client = Hyperkit::Client.new(auto_sync: false)
# op = client.create_container("test-container", alias: "ubuntu/trusty/amd64")
# client.wait_for_operation(op.id)
# @example Disable auto-synchronization, but enable it for one call by passing sync: true
# Hyperkit.auto_sync = false
# Hyperkit.create_container("test-container", alias: "ubuntu/trusty/amd64", sync: true)
# @example Enable auto-synchronization, but disable it for one call by passing sync: false
# Hyperkit.auto_sync = true
# op = Hyperkit.create_container("test-container", alias: "ubuntu/trusty/amd64", sync: false)
# Hyperkit.wait_for_operation(op.id)
# @return [String] whether to automatically wait on asynchronous events (default: true
# @!attribute client_cert
# @return [String] the client certificate used to authenticate to the LXD server
# @!attribute client_key
# @return [String] the client key used to authenticate to the LXD server
# @!attribute default_media_type
# @return [String] the preferred media type (for API versioning, for example)
# @!attribute middleware
# @see https://github.com/lostisland/faraday
# @return [Faraday::Builder or Faraday::RackBuilder] middleware for Faraday
# @!attribute proxy
# @see https://github.com/lostisland/faraday
# @return [String] the URI of a proxy server used to connect to the LXD server
# @!attribute user_agent
# @return [String] the User-Agent
header used for requests made to the LXD server
# @!attribute verify_ssl
# @return [Boolean] whether or not to verify the LXD server's SSL certificate
attr_accessor :auto_sync, :client_cert, :client_key, :default_media_type,
:middleware, :proxy, :user_agent, :verify_ssl
attr_writer :api_endpoint
class << self
# List of configurable keys for {Hyperkit::Client}
# @return [Array] of option keys
def keys
@keys ||= [
# Set configuration options using a block
def configure
yield self
# Reset configuration options to default values
def reset!
Hyperkit::Configurable.keys.each do |key|
instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", Hyperkit::Default.options[key])
alias setup reset!
# Compares client options to a Hash of requested options
# @param opts [Hash] Options to compare with current client options
# @return [Boolean]
def same_options?(opts)
opts.hash == options.hash
def api_endpoint
File.join(@api_endpoint, "")
def options
Hash[Hyperkit::Configurable.keys.map{|key| [key, instance_variable_get(:"@#{key}")]}]