module RocketJob def self.create_indexes # Ensure models with indexes are loaded into memory first Job.create_indexes Server.create_indexes DirmonEntry.create_indexes end # Whether the current process is running inside a Rocket Job server process. def self.server? @server end # When running inside a Rocket Job server process, returns # true when Rails has been initialized. def self.rails? @rails end # When running inside a Rocket Job server process, returns # true when running standalone. def self.standalone? !@rails end # Returns a human readable duration from the supplied [Float] number of seconds def self.seconds_as_duration(seconds) return nil unless seconds if seconds >= 86_400.0 # 1 day "#{(seconds / 86_400).to_i}d #{'%-Hh %-Mm')}" elsif seconds >= 3600.0 # 1 hour"%-Hh %-Mm") elsif seconds >= 60.0 # 1 minute"%-Mm %-Ss") elsif seconds >= 1.0 # 1 second format("%.3fs", seconds) else duration = seconds * 1000 if defined? JRuby "#{duration.to_i}ms" else duration < 10.0 ? format("%.3fms", duration) : format("%.1fms", duration) end end end # private @rails = false @server = false def self.server! @server = true end def self.rails! @rails = true end end # Slice is a reserved word in Rails 7, but already being used in RocketJob long before that. Mongoid.destructive_fields.delete(:slice) if Mongoid.respond_to?(:destructive_fields)