3.0 set_window_to_wall_ratio_by_facade c567a0bf-a7d9-4a06-afe9-bf7df79e6bf8 aff8deeb-a011-4ad8-8c0d-22e736faa347 20210423T142511Z 6DE831F7 SetWindowToWallRatioByFacade Set Window to Wall Ratio by Facade This measure will set the window to wall ratio for exterior surfaces with a specified orientation. If one or more windows exist on an affected wall, they will be removed and replaced with a single ribbon window. Doors will not be removed. If the requested ratio can?t be achieved then the wall will remain un-touched. This measure identifies exterior surfaces of the proper orientation. Then it runs a method that removes existing windows and applies a new window with a specified window to wall ratio and sill height. The construction chosen for the new window is defaulted to what is assigned to the space, or inherited from a higher level object, such as the building. If the baseline model uses hard assigned constructions you may not get the expected results. The measure doesn?t have any cost or lifecycle arguments, however If lifecycle objects exist for exterior wall and window constructions, then this measure will be able to calculate the economic impact of change in window to wall ratio. wwr Window to Wall Ratio (fraction). Double true false 0.4 sillHeight Sill Height (in). Double true false 30 facade Cardinal Direction. Choice true false South North North East East South South West West All All exl_spaces_not_incl_fl_area Don't alter spaces that are not included in the building floor area Boolean true false true true true false false split_at_doors Exterior Door Logic This will only impact exterior surfaces with specified orientation. Can do nothing, split all, or remove doors. Choice true false Split Walls at Doors Do nothing to Doors Do nothing to Doors Split Walls at Doors Split Walls at Doors Remove Doors Remove Doors inset_tri_sub Inset windows for triangular surfaces Boolean true false true true true false false triangulate Triangulate non-Rectangular surfaces This will only impact exterior surfaces with specified orientation Boolean true false true true true false false Envelope.Fenestration Measure Type ModelMeasure string Measure Function Measure string Requires EnergyPlus Results false boolean Uses SketchUp API false boolean EnvelopeAndLoadTestModel_02_RotatedSpaceAndBuilding.osm osm test 74A6EE8C ReverseTranslatedModel.osm osm test 0B94403D EnvelopeAndLoadTestModel_01.osm osm test 3956B3D1 Triangles.osm osm test 19169728 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 232D0477 README.md md readme C85B9D94 LICENSE.md md license A21A3ED2 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script DC3FE3CF SetWindowToWallRatioByFacade_Test.rb rb test 23972ACF