module Reddy # A simple graph to hold triples. # # Graphs store triples, and the namespaces associated with those triples, where defined class Graph attr_reader :triples attr_reader :nsbinding attr_reader :identifier attr_reader :store # Create a Graph with the given store and identifier. # # The constructor accepts a _store_ option, # that will be used to store the graph data. # # Stores can be context-aware or unaware. Unaware stores take up # (some) less space but cannot support features that require # context, such as true merging/demerging of sub-graphs and # provenance. # # The Graph constructor can take an identifier which identifies the Graph # by name. If none is given, the graph is assigned a BNode for it's identifier. # For more on named graphs, see: # # @param [Hash] options:: Options # <em>options[:store]</em>:: storage, defaults to a new ListStore instance # <em>options[:identifier]</em>:: Identifier for this graph, Literal, BNode or URIRef # # @author Gregg Kellogg def initialize(options = {}) @nsbinding = {} # Instantiate triple store @store = case options[:store] when AbstractStore then options[:store] when :list_store then when :memory_store then else end @identifier = options[:identifier] || end def inspect "Graph[id=#{identifier},store=#{store.inspect}]" end def context_aware?; @context_aware; end # Data Store interface def nsbinding; @store.nsbinding; end # Destroy the store identified by _configuration_ if supported def destroy(configuration = nil) @store.destroy(configuration) self.freeze end # Commit changes to graph def commit; @store.commit; end # Rollback active transactions def rollback; @store.rollback; end # Open the graph store # # Might be necessary for stores that require opening a connection to a # database or acquiring some resource. def open(configuration, create=false), create) end # Close the graph store # # Might be necessary for stores that require closing a connection to a # database or releasing some resource. def close(commit_pending_transaction=false) end ## # Exports the graph to RDF in N-Triples form. # # ==== Example # g =; g.add_triple(,""),; g.to_ntriples # => returns a string of the graph in N-Triples form # # @return [String]:: The graph in N-Triples. # # @author Tom Morris def to_ntriples triples.collect do |t| t.to_ntriples end * "\n" + "\n" end # Output graph using to_ntriples def to_s; self.to_ntriples; end ## # Exports the graph to RDF in RDF/XML form. # # @return [String]:: The RDF/XML graph # # @author Gregg Kellogg def to_rdfxml replace_text = {} rdfxml = "" xml = builder = => rdfxml, :indent => 2) extended_bindings = nsbinding.merge( "rdf" => RDF_NS, "rdfs" => RDFS_NS, "xhv" => XHV_NS, "xml" => XML_NS ) rdf_attrs = extended_bindings.values.inject({}) { |hash, ns| hash.merge(ns.xmlns_attr => ns.uri.to_s)} uri_bindings = extended_bindings.values.inject({}) { |hash, ns| hash.merge(ns.uri.to_s => ns.prefix)} xml.instruct! xml.rdf(:RDF, rdf_attrs) do # Add statements for each subject subjects.each do |s| xml.rdf(:Description, (s.is_a?(BNode) ? "rdf:nodeID" : "rdf:about") => s) do triples(, nil, nil)) do |triple, context| xml_args = triple.object.xml_args if triple.object.is_a?(Literal) && triple.object.xmlliteral? replace_text["__replace_with_#{triple.object.object_id}__"] = xml_args[0] xml_args[0] = "__replace_with_#{triple.object.object_id}__" end xml.tag!(triple.predicate.to_qname(uri_bindings), *xml_args) end end end end # Perform literal substitutions replace_text.each_pair do |match, value| rdfxml.sub!(match, value) end rdfxml end ## # Bind a namespace to the graph. # # ==== Example # g =; g.bind("", "foaf")) # => binds the Foaf namespace to g # # @param [String] namespace:: the namespace to bind # @return [Namespace]:: The newly bound or pre-existing namespace. def bind(namespace) raise GraphException, "Can't bind #{namespace.inspect} as namespace" unless namespace.is_a?(Namespace) @store.bind(namespace) end # Namespace for prefix def namespace(prefix); @store.namespace(prefix); end # Prefix for namespace def prefix(namespace); @store.prefix(namespace); end # Number of Triples in the graph def size; @store.size(self); end # List of distinct subjects in graph def subjects; @store.subjects(self); end # List of distinct predicates in graph def predicates; @store.predicates(self); end # List of distinct objects in graph def objects; @store.objects(self); end # Indexed statement in serialized graph triples. Equivalent to graph.triples[item] def [] (item); @store.item(item, self); end # Adds a triple to a graph directly from the intended subject, predicate, and object. # # ==== Example # g =; g.add_triple(,""), # => results in the triple being added to g; returns an array of g's triples # # @param [URIRef, BNode] subject:: the subject of the triple # @param [URIRef] predicate:: the predicate of the triple # @param [URIRef, BNode, Literal] object:: the object of the triple # @return [Graph]:: Returns the graph # @raise [Error]:: Checks parameter types and raises if they are incorrect. def add_triple(subject, predicate, object) self.add(, predicate, object)) self end ## # Adds an more extant triples to a graph. Delegates to Store. # # ==== Example # g =; # t =,""),; # g << t # # @param [Triple] t:: the triple to be added to the graph # @return [Graph]:: Returns the graph def << (triple) @store.add(triple, self) self end ## # Adds one or more extant triples to a graph. Delegates to Store. # # ==== Example # g =; # t1 =,""),; # t2 =,""),; # g.add(t1, t2, ...) # # @param [Triple] triples:: one or more triples. Last element may be a hash for options # <em>options[:context]</em>:: Graph context in which to deposit triples, defaults to default_context or self # @return [Graph]:: Returns the graph def add(*triples) options = triples.last.is_a?(Hash) ? triples.pop : {} ctx = options[:context] || @default_context || self triples.each {|t| @store.add(t, ctx)} self end # Remove a triple from the graph. Delegates to store. # Nil matches all triples and thus empties the graph def remove(triple); @store.remove(triple, self); end # Triples from graph, optionally matching subject, predicate, or object. # Delegates to Store#triples. # # @param [Triple, nil] triple:: Triple to match, may be a patern triple or nil # @return [Array]:: List of matched triples def triples(triple =, nil, nil), &block) # :yields: triple, context @store.triples(triple, self, &block) || [] end alias_method :find, :triples # Detect the presence of a BNode in the graph, either as a subject or an object # # @param [BNode] bn:: BNode to find # def has_bnode_identifier?(bn) triples do |triple, context| return true if triple.subject.eql?(bn) || triple.object.eql?(bn) end false end # Check to see if this graph contains the specified triple def contains?(triple) @store.contains?(triple, self) end # Get all BNodes with usage count used within graph def bnodes @store.bnodes(self) end # Get list of subjects having rdf:type == object # # @param [Resource, Regexp, String] object:: Type resource def get_by_type(object) triples(, RDF_TYPE, object)).map {|t, ctx| t.subject} end # Merge a graph into this graph def merge!(graph) raise"merge without a graph") unless graph.is_a?(Graph) # Map BNodes from source Graph to new BNodes bn = graph.bnodes bn.keys.each {|k| bn[k] =} graph.triples do |triple, context| # If triple contains bnodes, remap to new values if triple.subject.is_a?(BNode) || triple.object.is_a?(BNode) triple = triple.clone triple.subject = bn[triple.subject] if triple.subject.is_a?(BNode) triple.object = bn[triple.object] if triple.object.is_a?(BNode) end self << triple end end # Two graphs are equal if each is an instance of the other, considering BNode equivalence. # This may be done by creating a new graph an substituting each permutation of BNode identifiers # from self to other until every permutation is exhausted, or a textual equivalence is found # after sorting each graph. # # We just follow Python RDFlib's lead and do a simple comparison def eql? (other) #puts "eql? size #{self.size} vs #{other.size}" return false if !other.is_a?(Graph) || self.size != other.size bn_self = bnodes.values.sort bn_other = other.bnodes.values.sort #puts "eql? bnodes '#{bn_self.to_sentence}' vs '#{bn_other.to_sentence}'" return false unless bn_self == bn_other # Check each triple to see if it's contained in the other graph triples do |t, ctx| next if t.subject.is_a?(BNode) || t.object.is_a?(BNode) #puts "eql? contains '#{t.to_ntriples}'" return false unless other.contains?(t) end true end alias_method :==, :eql? end # Parse source into Graph. # # Merges results into a common Graph # # @param [IO, String] stream:: the RDF IO stream, string, Nokogiri::HTML::Document or Nokogiri::XML::Document # @param [String] uri:: the URI of the document # @param [Hash] options:: Options from # <em>options[:debug]</em>:: Array to place debug messages # <em>options[:type]</em>:: One of _rdfxml_, _html_, or _n3_ # <em>options[:strict]</em>:: Raise Error if true, continue with lax parsing, otherwise # @return [Graph]:: Returns the graph containing parsed triples def parse(stream, uri, options = {}, &block) # :yields: triple Parser.parse(stream, uri, options.merge(:graph => self), &block) end end