require 'uri' require 'cgi' require 'rack/utils' require 'addressable/uri' require_relative 'internal_utils' module Fanforce::Base::Utils extend self def self.included(base) base.extend(self) end # An object is blank if it's nil, false, or empty. For example, '', nil, [], and {} are all blank. # @return [boolean] def is_blank?(obj) obj.respond_to?(:empty?) ? !!obj.empty? : !obj end # An object is present if it's not blank. # @return [boolean] def is_present?(obj) !is_blank?(obj) end # Return a new hash with all keys converted to symbols, as long as they respond to to_sym. def symbolize_keys(object) #:nodoc: Fanforce::Base::InternalUtils.modify_keys(object) do |key| key.is_a?(String) ? key.to_sym : key end end # Convert a URL string to a hash of URI parts: # - scheme # - host # - port # - path # - query_params # - query_string # - fragment # - clean_url # @param url [string] # @return [hash] def extract_uri_hash(url) uri = extract_uri(url) || return if is_present?(uri.query) query_params = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(uri.query).inject({}) do |result, (k,v)| result[k] = v if k !~ /^ff_.+/ result end query_string = to_query_string(Hash[query_params.sort]) end fragment = uri.fragment.gsub(/^ff_[^=]+=[^&]+$/, '').gsub(/&ff_[^=]+=[^&]+/, '') if is_present?(uri.fragment) uri_hash = {} uri_hash[:scheme] = uri.scheme || 'http' uri_hash[:host] = clean_uri_var( uri_hash[:port] = clean_uri_var(uri.port) uri_hash[:path] = clean_uri_var(uri.path || '/') uri_hash[:query_params] = query_params || {} uri_hash[:query_string] = query_string || '' uri_hash[:fragment] = fragment || '' uri_hash[:clean_url] = "#{uri_hash[:scheme]}://#{uri_hash[:host]}#{":#{uri_hash[:port]}" if [80,443].include?(uri_hash[:port])}#{uri_hash[:path]}#{"?#{query_string}" if is_present?(uri_hash[:query_string])}" return uri_hash end def clean_uri_var(v) (v.is_a?(Hash) or v.is_a?(Array) or v.is_a?(Integer)) ? v : v.to_s end def extract_uri(url) url = url.gsub(/^file:\/\/:/, 'file://LOCALFILE') if url =~ /^file:\/\// Addressable::URI.parse(url) rescue return if !url.is_a?(String) if url =~ /^(http(.+))http\2+$/ extract_uri($1) elsif url =~ /^(.+)#.*\s+.+$/ extract_uri($1) end end def to_query_string(obj, namespace=nil) return '' if is_blank?(obj) if obj.is_a?(Array) obj.collect { |value| to_query_string(value, "#{namespace}[]") }.join '&' elsif obj.is_a?(Hash) obj.collect { |key, value| to_query_string(value, namespace ? "#{namespace}[#{key}]" : key) }.sort * '&' elsif obj.is_a?(Object) "#{CGI.escape(Fanforce::Base::InternalUtils.to_param(namespace))}=#{CGI.escape(Fanforce::Base::InternalUtils.to_param(obj).to_s)}" else raise "Argument must be an object, hash, or array; instead it was a #{obj.class}" end end def curl_command(method, url, req_params) case method.to_s.downcase.to_sym when :get "curl \"#{url}?#{to_query_string(req_params)}\"" when :post "curl -X POST -d \"#{to_query_string(req_params)}\" #{url}" when :put "curl -X PUT -d \"#{to_query_string(req_params)}\" #{url.to_json}" when :delete "curl --request DELETE \"#{url}?#{to_query_string(req_params)}\"" when :options "curl -X OPTIONS \"#{url}?#{to_query_string(req_params)}\"" else raise 'Unknown request method' end end end