ifdef::env-github[] NOTE: For the best reading experience, please view this documentation at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/ruby/current/introduction.html[elastic.co] endif::[] [[introduction]] == Introduction Welcome to the APM Ruby Agent documentation. The Elastic APM Ruby Agent sends performance metrics and error logs to an Elastic APM Server. It has built-in support for <> and other <> applications. [float] [[additional-components]] === Additional Components APM Agents work in conjunction with the {apm-server-ref-v}/index.html[APM Server], {ref}/index.html[Elasticsearch], and {kibana-ref}/index.html[Kibana]. Please view the {apm-overview-ref-v}/index.html[APM Overview] for details on how these components work together. [float] [[framework-support]] === Framework Support The Elastic APM Ruby Agent officially supports Ruby on Rails versions 4.x on onwards, see <>. For Sinatra and other Rack compatible frameworks, see <>.