require 'string/similarity/version' class String def cosine_similarity_to(other) String::Similarity.cosine(self, other) end # +String::Similarity+ provides various methods for # calculating string distances. module Similarity extend self # Calcuate the # { Cosine similarity} # of two strings. # # @param str1 [String] first string # @param str2 [String] second string # @return [Float] cosine distance of the two arguments. # - +1.0+ if the strings are identical # - +0.0+ if the strings are completely different # - +0.0+ if one of the strings is empty def cosine(str1, str2) return 1.0 if str1 == str2 return 0.0 if str1.empty? || str2.empty? # convert both texts to vectors v1, v2 = vector(str1), vector(str2) # calculate the dot product dot_product = dot(v1, v2) # calculate the magnitude magnitude = mag(v1.values) * mag(v2.values) dot_product / magnitude end private # create a vector from +str+ # # @example # vector('hello') # => {"h"=>1, "e"=>1, "l"=>2, "o"=>1} def vector(str) v = str.each_char { |c| v[c] += 1 } v end # calculate the dot product of +vector1+ and +vector2+ def dot(vector1, vector2) product = 0 vector1.each do |k,v| product += v * vector2[k] end product end # calculate the magnitude for +vector+ def mag(vector) # calculate the sum of squares sq = vector.inject(0) { |s,n| s + n**2 } Math.sqrt(sq) end end end