require 'easy_map_tiles/version' module EasyMapTiles class << self TO_DEG = Rational(180.0, Math::PI) TO_RAD = Rational(Math::PI, 180) TILE_SIZE = 256.0 # in px EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137.0 # in meters PX_PER_RAD = Rational(TILE_SIZE, (2 * Math::PI)) # returns the pixel coordinates at the given zoom level on the world map def to_world_px(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom) # scale the latitude via mercator projections # see lat_scaled_rad = Math.log( Math.tan( Rational(Math::PI, 4) + Rational(TO_RAD * lat_deg, 2) )) # wx = (TILE_SIZE / 2) + PX_PER_RAD * (TO_RAD * lon_deg) wy = (TILE_SIZE / 2) - PX_PER_RAD * lat_scaled_rad tiles_count = 2**zoom [(wx * tiles_count).to_i, (wy * tiles_count).to_i] end def tile_url(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom, satellite=false) px,py = to_world_px(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom) x, y = Rational(px, TILE_SIZE).to_i, Rational(py, TILE_SIZE).to_i if satellite "https://khms#{rand(0..3)}{x}&y=#{y}&z=#{zoom}" else "http://mt#{rand(0..3)}{x}&y=#{y}&z=#{zoom}" end end def most_fitting_zoom_level(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom_levels) Array(zoom_levels).min_by do |zoom| to_world_px(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom).reduce(0){|s,e| s += (TILE_SIZE / 2 - (e % TILE_SIZE)).abs} end end def tile_div(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom_levels, opts={}) satellite = opts[:satellite] || false marker = opts[:marker] || false zoom = most_fitting_zoom_level(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom_levels) if marker px,py = to_world_px(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom).map{|e| (e % TILE_SIZE) / TILE_SIZE} styles = [ "left: #{(px*100).round(3)}%", "top: #{(py*100).round(3)}%" ] styles += [ 'border-radius: 50%', 'background: rgba(255,50,50,0.9)', 'width: 12px', 'height: 12px', 'position: absolute', 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px 2px rgba(255,50,50,0.9)' ] unless opts[:marker_styles] == false marker_div = "
" end styles = [ "background-image: url(\"#{tile_url(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom, satellite)}\")" ] styles += [ 'background-size: cover', 'position: relative', 'display: inline-block', 'width: 256px', 'height: 256px' ] unless opts[:tile_styles] == false "