name = 'irt' def ensure_clean(action, force=false) if !force && ! `git status -s`.empty? puts <<-EOS.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') Rake task aborted: the working tree is dirty! If you know what you are doing you can use \`rake #{action}[force]\`" EOS exit(1) end end desc "Install the gem" task :install, :force do |t, args| ensure_clean(:install, args.force) orig_version = version ='VERSION').strip begin commit_id = `git log -1 --format="%h" HEAD`.strip version = "#{orig_version}.#{commit_id}"'VERSION', 'w') {|f| f.puts version } gem_name = "#{name}-#{version}.gem" sh %(gem build #{name}.gemspec) sh %(gem install #{gem_name} --local) puts <<-EOS.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') ******************************************************************************* * NOTICE * ******************************************************************************* * The version id of locally installed gems is comparable to a --pre version: * * i.e. it is alphabetically ordered (not numerically ordered), besides it * * includes the sah1 commit id which is not aphabetically ordered, so be sure * * your application picks the version you really intend to use * ******************************************************************************* EOS ensure remove_entry_secure gem_name, true'VERSION', 'w') {|f| f.puts orig_version } end end desc %(Remove all the "#{name}" installed gems and executables and install this version) task :clean_install, :force do |t, args| ensure_clean(:install, args.force) sh %(gem uninstall #{name} --all --ignore-dependencies --executables) Rake::Task['install'].invoke(args.force) end desc "Push the gem to" task :push, :force do |t, args| begin ensure_clean(:push, args.force) version ='VERSION').strip gem_name = "#{name}-#{version}.gem" sh %(gem build #{name}.gemspec) sh %(gem push #{gem_name}) ensure remove_entry_secure gem_name, true end end