require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Grape::App do subject { described_class } before { subject.init! File.expand_path('../../scenario', __FILE__) } it 'should have an env' do expect(subject.env).to be_instance_of(ActiveSupport::StringInquirer) expect(subject.env).to eq("test") end it 'should have an root' do expect(subject.root).to be_instance_of(Pathname) end it 'should be an API' do expect(subject).to be < Grape::API end it 'should init with default time zone' do expect( eq("UTC") expect( { } eq("UTC") end it 'should configure i18n' do expect(I18n.load_path).to include(subject.root.join("config", "locales", "en.yml").to_s) expect(I18n.default_locale).to eq(:en) expect(I18n.exception_handler).to be_instance_of(Proc) end it 'should read env specific initializers' do expect(subject.config).to eq( test_specific: true, raise_on_missing_translations: true, cors_allow_origins: [""], ) end it 'should prepare middleware' do expect(subject.middleware).to be_instance_of(Rack::Builder) expect(subject.middleware.send(:instance_variable_get, :@use).size).to eq(1) expect(subject.middleware.send(:instance_variable_get, :@run)).to eq(subject) end end