use crate::ast::*; use crate::resolve::gensym; use std::collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap}; pub fn run(fields: &mut Vec) { let mut cur = 0; let mut cx = Expander::default(); // Note that insertion here is somewhat tricky. We're injecting aliases // which will affect the index spaces for each kind of item being aliased. // In the final binary aliases will come before all locally defined items, // notably via the sorting in binary emission of this crate. To account for // this index space behavior we need to ensure that aliases all appear at // the right place in the module. // // The general algorithm here is that aliases discovered in the "header" of // the module, e.g. imports/aliases/types/etc, are all inserted preceding // the field that the alias is found within. After the header, however, the // position of the header is recorded and all future aliases will be // inserted at that location. // // This ends up meaning that aliases found in globals/functions/tables/etc // will precede all of those definitions, being positioned at a point that // should come after all the instances that are defined as well. Overall // this isn't the cleanest algorithm and probably isn't the final form of // those. It's hoped that discussion on WebAssembly/module-linking#25 might // lead to a good solution. let mut insertion_point = None; while cur < fields.len() { let field = &mut fields[cur]; match field { ModuleField::Alias(_) | ModuleField::Type(_) | ModuleField::Import(_) | ModuleField::NestedModule(_) | ModuleField::Instance(_) => {} _ if insertion_point.is_none() => insertion_point = Some(cur), _ => {} } cx.process(field); if insertion_point.is_none() { for item in cx.to_prepend.drain(..) { fields.insert(cur, item); cur += 1; } } cur += 1; } if let Some(mut i) = insertion_point { for item in cx.to_prepend.drain(..) { fields.insert(i, item); i += 1; } } assert!(cx.to_prepend.is_empty()); } #[derive(Default)] struct Expander<'a> { to_prepend: Vec>, instances: HashMap<(Index<'a>, &'a str, ExportKind), Index<'a>>, parents: HashMap<(Index<'a>, Index<'a>, ExportKind), Index<'a>>, } impl<'a> Expander<'a> { fn process(&mut self, field: &mut ModuleField<'a>) { match field { ModuleField::Alias(a) => { let id = gensym::fill(a.span, &mut; match &mut a.source { AliasSource::InstanceExport { instance, export } => { self.expand(instance); self.instances .insert((*instance.unwrap_index(), export, a.kind), id.into()); } AliasSource::Outer { module, index } => { self.parents.insert((*module, *index, a.kind), id.into()); } } } ModuleField::Instance(i) => { if let InstanceKind::Inline { module, args } = &mut i.kind { self.expand(module); for arg in args { self.expand(&mut arg.index); } } } ModuleField::Elem(e) => { if let ElemKind::Active { table, offset, .. } = &mut e.kind { self.expand(table); self.expand_expr(offset); } match &mut e.payload { ElemPayload::Indices(funcs) => { for func in funcs { self.expand(func); } } ElemPayload::Exprs { exprs, .. } => { for func in exprs { if let Some(func) = func { self.expand(func); } } } } } ModuleField::Data(e) => { if let DataKind::Active { memory, offset, .. } = &mut e.kind { self.expand(memory); self.expand_expr(offset); } } ModuleField::Export(e) => self.expand(&mut e.index), ModuleField::Func(f) => { self.expand_type_use(&mut f.ty); if let FuncKind::Inline { expression, .. } = &mut f.kind { self.expand_expr(expression); } } ModuleField::Import(i) => self.expand_item_sig(&mut i.item), ModuleField::Global(g) => { if let GlobalKind::Inline(expr) = &mut g.kind { self.expand_expr(expr); } } ModuleField::Start(s) => self.expand(s), ModuleField::Event(e) => match &mut e.ty { EventType::Exception(t) => self.expand_type_use(t), }, ModuleField::NestedModule(m) => match &mut m.kind { NestedModuleKind::Import { ty, .. } => self.expand_type_use(ty), NestedModuleKind::Inline { fields } => run(fields), }, ModuleField::Custom(_) | ModuleField::Memory(_) | ModuleField::Table(_) | ModuleField::Type(_) => {} } } fn expand_item_sig(&mut self, sig: &mut ItemSig<'a>) { match &mut sig.kind { ItemKind::Func(t) => self.expand_type_use(t), ItemKind::Module(t) => self.expand_type_use(t), ItemKind::Instance(t) => self.expand_type_use(t), ItemKind::Table(_) => {} ItemKind::Memory(_) => {} ItemKind::Global(_) => {} ItemKind::Event(_) => {} } } fn expand_type_use(&mut self, ty: &mut TypeUse<'a, T>) { if let Some(index) = &mut ty.index { self.expand(index); } } fn expand_expr(&mut self, expr: &mut Expression<'a>) { for instr in expr.instrs.iter_mut() { self.expand_instr(instr); } } fn expand_instr(&mut self, instr: &mut Instruction<'a>) { use Instruction::*; if let Some(m) = instr.memarg_mut() { self.expand(&mut m.memory); } match instr { Call(i) | ReturnCall(i) | RefFunc(i) => self.expand(&mut i.0), CallIndirect(i) | ReturnCallIndirect(i) => { self.expand(&mut i.table); self.expand_type_use(&mut i.ty); } TableInit(i) => self.expand(&mut i.table), MemoryInit(i) => self.expand(&mut i.mem), TableCopy(i) => { self.expand(&mut i.src); self.expand(&mut i.dst); } MemoryCopy(i) => { self.expand(&mut i.src); self.expand(&mut i.dst); } GlobalSet(g) | GlobalGet(g) => self.expand(&mut g.0), TableGet(t) | TableSet(t) | TableFill(t) | TableSize(t) | TableGrow(t) => { self.expand(&mut t.dst) } MemorySize(m) | MemoryGrow(m) | MemoryFill(m) => self.expand(&mut m.mem), Let(t) => self.expand_type_use(&mut t.block.ty), Block(bt) | If(bt) | Loop(bt) | Try(bt) => self.expand_type_use(&mut bt.ty), _ => {} } } fn expand(&mut self, item: &mut ItemRef<'a, T>) where T: Into + Copy, { match item { ItemRef::Outer { kind, module, idx } => { let key = (*module, *idx, (*kind).into()); let idx = match self.parents.entry(key) { Entry::Occupied(e) => *e.get(), Entry::Vacant(v) => { let span = idx.span(); let id = gensym::gen(span); self.to_prepend.push(ModuleField::Alias(Alias { span, id: Some(id), name: None, source: AliasSource::Outer { module: *module, index: *idx, }, kind: (*kind).into(), })); *v.insert(Index::Id(id)) } }; *item = ItemRef::Item { kind: *kind, idx, exports: Vec::new(), }; } ItemRef::Item { kind, idx, exports } => { let mut cur = *idx; let len = exports.len(); for (i, export) in exports.drain(..).enumerate() { let kind = if i < len - 1 { ExportKind::Instance } else { (*kind).into() }; let key = (cur, export, kind); cur = match self.instances.entry(key) { Entry::Occupied(e) => *e.get(), Entry::Vacant(v) => { let span = idx.span(); let id = gensym::gen(span); self.to_prepend.push(ModuleField::Alias(Alias { span, id: Some(id), name: None, kind, source: AliasSource::InstanceExport { instance: ItemRef::Item { kind: kw::instance(span), idx: cur, exports: Vec::new(), }, export, }, })); *v.insert(Index::Id(id)) } }; } *idx = cur; } } } }