require_relative 'test_helper' class InventoryAdjustmentTest < Skr::TestCase def test_state_transitioning il = skr_sku_locs(:hatdefault) assert_equal 25, il.qty ia = InventoryAdjustment.create!({ reason: skr_ia_reasons(:free), location: skr_locations(:default), description: 'A testing adjustment' }) ia.lines.create!({ sku_loc: il, uom_code: 'BX', uom_size: 10, qty: 3 }) assert_equal 'pending', ia.state assert_equal 1, ia.lines.unapplied.size ia.mark_applied! assert_equal 'applied', ia.state assert ia.lines.first.is_applied?, "line wasn't applied when parent was" il.reload assert_equal 55, il.qty assert_empty ia.lines.unapplied end def test_apply_while_saving ia = InventoryAdjustment.create!({ "reason_id" => skr_ia_reasons(:free).id, "description"=>"A Groovy Adjustment", :state_event=>:mark_applied, "lines_attributes"=>[ { "qty"=>10, "cost"=>3, "cost_was_set"=>true, "uom_code"=>"EA", "uom_size"=>1, "sku_loc_id"=> skr_sku_locs(:hatdefault).id } ], "location_id"=>skr_sku_locs(:hatdefault) }) refute ia.new_record? assert_equal 'applied', ia.state end def test_gl_postings ia ={ reason: skr_ia_reasons(:free), "description"=>"This is going to cost us", state_event: :mark_applied, location: Location.default }) assert_equal 25, skr_sku_locs( :hatdefault ).qty [ :hatdefault, :stringdefault ].each do | sl |{ sku_loc: skr_sku_locs( sl ), qty: 2, uom_code: 'CS', uom_size: 5, }) end assert_difference ->{ GlTransaction.count }, 1 do assert_difference ->{ GlPosting.count }, 2 do # would be 4, except it should compact assert_saves ia assert_equal 'applied', ia.state end end assert_equal 35, skr_sku_locs( :hatdefault ).qty assert_equal 43, skr_sku_locs( :stringdefault ).qty assert_equal '2.12', skr_sku_locs( :stringdefault ).mac.to_s assert ia.gl_transaction, "Missing GL Transaction?" # credits inventory assert_equal '27.6', ia.gl_transaction.credits.first.amount.to_s assert_equal '110001', ia.gl_transaction.credits.first.account_number # debits marketing (free reason code) assert_equal '-27.6', ia.gl_transaction.debits.first.amount.to_s assert_equal '610001', ia.gl_transaction.debits.first.account_number end end