Installation Instructions 1) Install railroad-0.5.0 gem: sudo gem install railroad 2) Replace the railroad gem directory with this get repository: # clone the repository cd path/for/repository git clone git:// # replace the railroad system gem cd path/to/system/gems sudo mv railroad-0.5.0 railroad-0.5.0.orig sudo ln -s /path/for/repository/railroad railroad-0.5.0 That should do it. Notes 1) Tested on Merb 1.0.4 and DataMapper 0.9.7. 2) Only generation for Models and Controllers is supported. The AASM is a rails plugin so did not support AASM graphs. There is a similar plugin for datamapper (dm-is-state_machine) if anyone wants to tackle it. 3) One caveat, RailRoad needs to be installed as a system gem, not installed into your application. If you really must have railroad installed as an application gem, then you will need to move: from your_app/gems/gems/railroad-x.x.x/lib/railroad/merb_framework.rb: require 'merb-core' Merb.start_environment(:testing => true, :adapter => 'runner', :environment => ENV['MERB_ENV'] || 'test') to your_app/bin/railroad after the require statements and before the gem directory stuff. 4) Example merb rake task: your_app/lib/tasks/doc.rake: namespace :diagram do desc 'generate model diagrams' task :models do sh "railroad -i -l -a -m -M | neato -Tsvg | sed 's/font-size:14.00/font-size:11.00/g' > doc/models.svg" end desc 'generate controller diagrams' task :controllers do sh "railroad -i -l -C | neato -Tsvg | sed 's/font-size:14.00/font-size:11.00/g' > doc/controllers.svg" end end desc 'generate model and controller diagrams' task :diagrams => %w(diagram:models diagram:controllers) 5) The merb environment detection assumes that your application has a merb sub-directory (your_app/merb/). The current version of merb-gen does create this sub-directory but older projects may need to: cd your_app touch merb