module ICU class UCharPointer < FFI::MemoryPointer UCHAR_TYPE = :uint16 # not sure how platform-dependent this is.. TYPE_SIZE = FFI.type_size(UCHAR_TYPE) def self.from_string(str, capacity = nil) str = str.encode("UTF-8") if str.respond_to? :encode chars = str.unpack("U*") if capacity if capacity < chars.size raise ArgumentError, "capacity is too small for string of #{chars.size} UChars" end ptr = new capacity else ptr = new chars.size end ptr.write_array_of_uint16 chars ptr end def initialize(size) super UCHAR_TYPE, size end def resized_to(new_size) raise "new_size must be larger than current size" if new_size < size resized = new_size resized.put_bytes(0, get_bytes(0, size)) resized end def string(length = nil) length ||= size / TYPE_SIZE wstring = read_array_of_uint16(length) wstring.pack("U*") end def length_in_uchars size / type_size end end # UCharPointer end # ICU