language: generic env: global: # full path to Saxon jar - SAXON_CP=/tmp/xspec/saxon/saxon9he.jar # Ant version used in oXygen - ANT_VERSION=1.9.8 # full path to XML Resolver jar - XML_RESOLVER_CP=/tmp/xspec/xml-resolver/xml-resolver.jar matrix: # latest Saxon 9.8 version - SAXON_VERSION=9.8.0-7 # latest Saxon 9.7 version - SAXON_VERSION=9.7.0-21 XMLCALABASH_VERSION=1.1.16-97 BASEX_VERSION=8.6.4 # Saxon version used in oXygen - SAXON_VERSION=9.7.0-19 before_install: - unset _JAVA_OPTIONS before_script: # install Saxon - curl -fsSL --create-dirs -o ${SAXON_CP}${SAXON_VERSION}/Saxon-HE-${SAXON_VERSION}.jar # install XML Calabash - if [ -z ${XMLCALABASH_VERSION} ]; then echo "XMLCalabash will not be installed as it uses a higher version of Saxon"; else curl -fsSL --create-dirs -o /tmp/xspec/xmlcalabash/${XMLCALABASH_VERSION}/xmlcalabash-${XMLCALABASH_VERSION}.zip; unzip /tmp/xspec/xmlcalabash/ -d /tmp/xspec/xmlcalabash; export XMLCALABASH_CP=/tmp/xspec/xmlcalabash/xmlcalabash-${XMLCALABASH_VERSION}/xmlcalabash-${XMLCALABASH_VERSION}.jar; fi # install BaseX - if [[ -z ${XMLCALABASH_VERSION} && -z ${BASEX_VERSION} ]]; then echo "BaseX will not be installed as it requires to run XMLCalabash with a higher version of Saxon"; else export BASEX_CP=/tmp/xspec/basex/basex.jar; curl -fsSL --create-dirs -o ${BASEX_CP}${BASEX_VERSION}/basex-${BASEX_VERSION}.jar; fi # install Ant - curl -fsSL --create-dirs -o /tmp/xspec/ant/ant.tar.gz${ANT_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz - tar xf /tmp/xspec/ant/ant.tar.gz -C /tmp/xspec/ant; - export PATH=/tmp/xspec/ant/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}/bin:{$PATH} # install XML Resolver - curl -fsSL --create-dirs -o ${XML_RESOLVER_CP} script: - ant -version - cd test - echo "execute bats unit tests" - bats --tap xspec.bats - echo "execute XSpec unit tests" - ./ - echo "execute XSpec end-to-end tests" - cd end-to-end - ./