# frozen_string_literal: true module RelatonCen # Scrapper. module Scrapper COMMITTEES = { "TC 459" => "ECISS - European Committee for Iron and Steel Standardization", }.freeze class << self # Parse page. # @param hit [RelatonCen::Hit] # @return [RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem] def parse_page(hit) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength doc = hit.hit_collection.agent.get hit.hit[:url] BibliographicItem.new( fetched: Date.today.to_s, type: "standard", docid: fetch_docid(hit.hit[:code]), language: ["en"], script: ["Latn"], title: fetch_titles(doc), doctype: "international-standard", docstatus: fetch_status(doc), ics: fetch_ics(doc), date: fetch_dates(doc), # contributor: fetch_contributors(doc), editorialgroup: fetch_editorialgroup(doc), structuredidentifier: fetch_structuredid(hit.hit), abstract: fetch_abstract(doc), copyright: fetch_copyright(doc), link: fetch_link(doc.uri.to_s), relation: fetch_relations(doc), place: ["London"], ) end private # @param doc [Mechanize::Page] # @return [Array] def fetch_ics(doc) doc.xpath("//tr[th[.='ICS']]/td/text()").filter_map do |ics| ics_code = ics.text.match(/[^\s]+/).to_s.gsub("\u00A0", "") next if ics_code.empty? RelatonIsoBib::Ics.new ics_code end end # Fetch abstracts. # @param doc [Mechanize::Page] # @return [Array] def fetch_abstract(doc) content = doc.at("//tr[th[.='Abstract/Scope']]/td") [{ content: content.text, language: "en", script: "Latn" }] end # Fetch docid. # @param ref [String] # @return [Array] def fetch_docid(ref) [RelatonBib::DocumentIdentifier.new(type: "CEN", id: ref, primary: true)] end # Fetch status. # @param doc [Mechanize::Page] # @return [RelatonBib::DocumentStatus, NilClass] def fetch_status(doc) s = doc.at("//tr[th[.='Status']]/td") return unless s RelatonBib::DocumentStatus.new(stage: s.text.strip) end # Fetch workgroup. # @param doc [Mechanize::Page] # @return [RelatonIsoBib::EditorialGroup] def fetch_editorialgroup(doc) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize code = doc.at("//tr/td/h1/text()").text title = doc.at("//tr/td[3]/h1").text %r{/(?\w+)(?:\s(?[^/]+))?$} =~ code tc = [] COMMITTEES.each do |k, v| next unless code.include? k t, n = k.split tc << RelatonBib::WorkGroup.new(name: v, type: t, number: n) end sc = [] if tc.any? sc << RelatonBib::WorkGroup.new(name: title, type: type, number: num) else tc << RelatonBib::WorkGroup.new(name: title, type: type, number: num) end RelatonIsoBib::EditorialGroup.new(technical_committee: tc, subcommittee: sc) end # @param hit [RelatonCen::Hit] # @return [RelatonIsoBib::StructuredIdentifier] def fetch_structuredid(hit) %r{(?\d+)(?:-(?\d+))?(?:-(?\d+))?} =~ hit[:code] RelatonIsoBib::StructuredIdentifier.new( project_number: pnum, part: part, subpart: subpart, type: "CEN", ) end # Fetch relations. # @param doc [Mechanize::Page] # @return [Array] def fetch_relations(doc) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize doc.xpath( "//div[@id='DASHBOARD_LISTRELATIONS']/table/tr[th[.!='Sales Points']]", ).each_with_object([]) do |rt, a| t = rt.at("th").text type = case t when "Supersedes" then "obsoletes" when /Normative reference/ then "cites" else t.downcase end rt.xpath("td/a").each do |r| fref = RelatonBib::FormattedRef.new(content: r.text, language: "en", script: "Latn") link = fetch_link HitCollection::DOMAIN + r[:href] bibitem = RelatonBib::BibliographicItem.new( formattedref: fref, type: "standard", link: link, ) a << { type: type, bibitem: bibitem } end end end # Fetch titles. # @param doc [Mechanize::Page] # @return [RelatonBib::TypedTitleStringCollection] def fetch_titles(doc) te = doc.at("//tr[th[.='Title']]/td").text.strip RelatonBib::TypedTitleString.from_string te, "en", "Latn" end # Fetch dates # @param hit [Mechanize::Page] # @return [Array] def fetch_dates(doc) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/MethodLength doc.xpath("//div[@id='DASHBOARD_LISTIMPLEMENTATIONDATES']/table/tr") .each_with_object([]) do |d, a| on = d.at("td").text next if on.empty? t = d.at("th").text type = case t when /DOR/ then "adapted" when /DAV/ then "issued" when /DOA/ then "announced" when /DOP/ then "published" when /DOW/ then "obsoleted" else t.downcase end a << { type: type, on: on } end end # Fetch contributors # @param doc [Mechanize::Page] # @return [Array] # def fetch_contributors(doc) # contrib = { role: [type: "publisher"] } # contrib[:entity] = owner_entity doc # [contrib] # end # Fetch links. # @param url [String] # @return [Array] def fetch_link(url) [{ type: "src", content: url }] end # Fetch copyright. # @param doc [Mechanize::Page] # @return [Array] def fetch_copyright(doc) date = doc.at("//tr[th[.='date of Availability (DAV)']]/td").text owner = owner_entity from = date.match(/^\d{4}/).to_s [{ owner: [owner], from: from }] end # @return [Hash] def owner_entity { abbreviation: "CEN", name: "European Committee for Standardization", url: "https://cen.eu", } end end end end