{ "netlify_build_hook": { "full_properties": { "branch": { "description": "branch to be built when the hook is triggered", "required": true }, "site_id": { "description": "Your netlify site's unique id", "required": true }, "title": { "description": "name of the webhook - this is purely for organization and", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/netlify/r/netlify_build_hook.html", "properties": [ "site_id", "branch", "title" ] }, "netlify_deploy_key": { "full_properties": { "public_key": { "description": "Public Key", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/netlify/r/netlify_deploy_key.html", "properties": [ "public_key" ] }, "netlify_hook": { "full_properties": { "data": { "description": "object/hash of data to be sent along with the webhook. this varies depending on the type", "required": true }, "event": { "description": "- when to send the data, for example on deploy create, succeed, fail, etc", "required": true }, "site_id": { "description": "- id of the site on netlify", "required": true }, "type": { "description": "- type of outgoing webhook, for example slack, email, github commit status, etc", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/netlify/r/netlify_hook.html", "properties": [ "site_id", "type", "event", "data" ] }, "netlify_site": { "full_properties": { "custom_domain": { "description": "- a custom domain name, must be configured using a cname in accordance with netlify's docs", "required": false }, "deploy_url": { "description": "(Optional)", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "- name of your site on netlify", "required": true }, "repo": { "description": "See Repository", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/netlify/r/netlify_site.html", "properties": [ "name", "repo", "custom_domain", "deploy_url" ] } }