class Questionnaire < ApplicationRecord include ActiveModel::Dirty before_validation :consolidate_school_names after_create :queue_triggered_email_create after_update :queue_triggered_email_update after_save :update_school_questionnaire_count after_destroy :update_school_questionnaire_count validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name, :phone, :date_of_birth, :school_id, :experience, :shirt_size, :interest validates_presence_of :gender, :major, :level_of_study validates_presence_of :agreement_accepted, message: "Please read & accept" validates_presence_of :code_of_conduct_accepted, message: "Please read & accept" validates_presence_of :data_sharing_accepted, message: "Please read & accept" # if HackathonManager.field_enabled?(:why_attend) # validates_presence_of :why_attend # end has_attached_file :resume validates_attachment_content_type :resume, content_type: %w[application/pdf], message: "Invalid file type" validates_attachment_size :resume, in: 0..2.megabytes, message: "File size is too big" include DeletableAttachment validates :portfolio_url, url: { allow_blank: true } validates :vcs_url, url: { allow_blank: true } validates_format_of :vcs_url, with: %r{((\/\w+\/?)|(\/\w+\/?))}, allow_blank: true, message: "Must be a GitHub or BitBucket url" belongs_to :school strip_attributes POSSIBLE_EXPERIENCES = { "first" => "This is my 1st hackathon!", "experienced" => "My feet are wet. (1-5 hackathons)", "expert" => "I'm a veteran hacker. (6+ hackathons)" }.freeze POSSIBLE_INTERESTS = { "design" => "Design", "software" => "Software", "hardware" => "Hardware", "combination" => "Combination of everything!" }.freeze POSSIBLE_SHIRT_SIZES = [ "Women's - XS", "Women's - S", "Women's - M", "Women's - L", "Women's - XL", "Unisex - XS", "Unisex - S", "Unisex - M", "Unisex - L", "Unisex - XL" ].freeze POSSIBLE_ACC_STATUS = { "pending" => "Pending Review", "accepted" => "Accepted", "waitlist" => "Waitlisted", "denied" => "Denied", "late_waitlist" => "Waitlisted, Late", "rsvp_confirmed" => "RSVP Confirmed", "rsvp_denied" => "RSVP Denied" }.freeze # From My MLH's dropdown list. # Should *not* validate against this list in case My MLH changes their options, # as this would cause errors until a manual gem update POSSIBLE_GENDERS = [ "Female", "Male", "Non-Binary", "I prefer not to say", "Other" ].freeze # From My MLH's dropdown list. # Should *not* validate against this list in case My MLH changes their options, # as this would cause errors until a manual gem update POSSIBLE_LEVELS_OF_STUDY = [ "Elementary / Middle School / Primary School", "High School / Secondary School", "University (Undergraduate)", "University (Master's / Doctoral)", "Vocational / Code School", "Not Currently a Student", "Other" ].freeze validates_inclusion_of :experience, in: POSSIBLE_EXPERIENCES validates_inclusion_of :interest, in: POSSIBLE_INTERESTS # validates_inclusion_of :school_id, :in => validates_inclusion_of :shirt_size, in: POSSIBLE_SHIRT_SIZES validates_inclusion_of :acc_status, in: POSSIBLE_ACC_STATUS belongs_to :user def email end def portfolio_url=(value) value = "http://" + value if !value.blank? && !value.include?("http://") && !value.include?("https://") super value end def vcs_url=(value) value = "http://" + value if !value.blank? && !value.include?("http://") && !value.include?("https://") super value end def school School.find(school_id) if school_id end def school_name if school_id end def full_name "#{first_name} #{last_name}" end def full_location "#{}, #{school.state}" end def date_of_birth_formatted date_of_birth.strftime("%B %-d, %Y") end def acc_status_author return unless acc_status_author_id.present? User.find(acc_status_author_id) end def checked_in? checked_in_at.present? end def boarded_bus? boarded_bus_at.present? end def checked_in_by return unless checked_in_by_id.present? User.find(checked_in_by_id) end def fips_code Fips.where(city:, state: school.state).first end def age_at_time_of_event (Rails.configuration.hackathon['event_start_date'] - date_of_birth).to_i * end def minor? age_at_time_of_event < 18.years end def can_rsvp? ["accepted", "rsvp_confirmed", "rsvp_denied"].include? acc_status end def did_rsvp? ['rsvp_confirmed', 'rsvp_denied'].include? acc_status end def eligible_for_a_bus? school.present? && school.bus_list_id? end def bus_list return unless eligible_for_a_bus? school.bus_list end def message_events return [] unless ENV['SPARKPOST_API_KEY'] simple_spark = email) end def invite_to_slack SlackInviteWorker.perform_async(id) end def verbal_status if acc_status == "rsvp_denied" "Not Attending" elsif acc_status == "rsvp_confirmed" "Accepted & Attending" elsif acc_status == "accepted" "Accepted, Awaiting RSVP" elsif ["pending", "waitlist", "late_waitlist"].include? acc_status "Pending Review" elsif acc_status == "denied" "Denied" end end private def consolidate_school_names return if school.blank? duplicate = SchoolNameDuplicate.find_by(name: return if duplicate.blank? self.school_id = duplicate.school_id end def update_school_questionnaire_count if destroyed? School.decrement_counter(:questionnaire_count, school_id) elsif saved_change_to_school_id? old_school_id = saved_changes['school_id'].first School.decrement_counter(:questionnaire_count, old_school_id) if old_school_id.present? School.increment_counter(:questionnaire_count, school_id) end end def queue_triggered_email_update Message.queue_for_trigger("questionnaire.#{acc_status}", user_id) if saved_change_to_acc_status? end def queue_triggered_email_create Message.queue_for_trigger("questionnaire.#{acc_status}", user_id) end end