require 'spec_helper' require 'json' require 'rack' describe Honeybadger::Notice do def configure do |config| config.api_key = 'abc123def456' end end def build_notice(args = {}) configuration = args.delete(:configuration) || configure end def stub_request(attrs = {}) double('request', { :parameters => { 'one' => 'two' }, :protocol => 'http', :host => '', :request_uri => '/some/uri', :session => { :to_hash => { 'a' => 'b' } }, :env => { 'three' => 'four' } }.update(attrs)) end context '#deliver' do context 'sender is configured' do it "delivers to sender" do sender = stub_sender! notice = build_notice notice.stub(:to_json => { :foo => 'bar' }) sender.should_receive(:send_to_honeybadger).with(notice) notice.deliver end end context 'sender is not configured' do it "returns false" do notice = build_notice Honeybadger.sender = nil expect(notice.deliver).to be_false end end end it "generates json from as_json template" do notice = build_notice hash = {'foo' => 'bar'} notice.should_receive(:as_json).once.and_return(hash) json = notice.to_json payload = nil expect { payload = JSON.parse(json) }.not_to raise_error expect(payload).to eq hash end it "accepts a project root" do project_root = '/path/to/project' notice = build_notice(:project_root => project_root) expect(notice.project_root).to eq project_root end it "accepts a component" do expect(build_notice(:component => 'users_controller').controller).to eq 'users_controller' end it "aliases the component as controller" do expect(build_notice(:controller => 'users_controller').component).to eq 'users_controller' expect(build_notice(:controller => 'users_controller').controller).to eq 'users_controller' end it "accepts a action" do expect(build_notice(:action => 'index').action).to eq 'index' end it "accepts source excerpt radius" do expect(build_notice(:source_extract_radius => 3).source_extract_radius).to eq 3 end it "accepts a url" do url = '' notice = build_notice(:url => url) expect(notice.url).to eq url end it "sets the host name" do notice = build_notice expect(notice.hostname).to eq hostname end it "overrides the host name" do notice = build_notice({ :hostname => 'asdf' }) expect(notice.hostname).to eq 'asdf' end context "custom fingerprint" do it "includes nil fingerprint when no fingerprint is specified" do notice = build_notice expect(notice.fingerprint).to be_nil end it "accepts fingerprint as string" do notice = build_notice({ :fingerprint => 'foo' }) expect(notice.fingerprint).to eq '0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33' end it "accepts fingerprint responding to #call" do notice = build_notice({ :fingerprint => double(:call => 'foo') }) expect(notice.fingerprint).to eq '0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33' end it "accepts fingerprint using #to_s" do notice = build_notice({ :fingerprint => double(:to_s => 'foo') }) expect(notice.fingerprint).to eq '0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33' end end context "with a backtrace" do before(:each) do @source = <<-RUBY $:<<'lib' require 'honeybadger' begin raise StandardError rescue => e puts e).backtrace.to_json end RUBY @backtrace_array = ["my/file/backtrace:3", "test/honeybadger/rack_test.rb:2:in `build_exception'", "test/honeybadger/rack_test.rb:52:in `test_delivers_exception_from_rack'", "foo/bar/baz.rb:28:in `run'"] @exception = build_exception @exception.set_backtrace(@backtrace_array) end it "passes its backtrace filters for parsing" do Honeybadger::Backtrace.should_receive(:parse).with(@backtrace_array, {:filters => 'foo'}).and_return(double(:lines => [])){:exception => @exception, :backtrace_filters => 'foo'}) end it "passes its backtrace line filters for parsing" do @backtrace_array.each do |line| Honeybadger::Backtrace::Line.should_receive(:parse).with(line, {:filters => 'foo'}) end{:exception => @exception, :backtrace_filters => 'foo'}) end it "accepts a backtrace from an exception or hash" do backtrace = Honeybadger::Backtrace.parse(@backtrace_array) notice_from_exception = build_notice(:exception => @exception) expect(notice_from_exception.backtrace).to eq backtrace # backtrace was not correctly set from an exception notice_from_hash = build_notice(:backtrace => @backtrace_array) expect(notice_from_hash.backtrace).to eq backtrace # backtrace was not correctly set from a hash end context "without application trace" do before(:each) do Honeybadger.configuration.project_root = '/foo/bar' @string_io = File.stub(:exists?).with('my/file/backtrace').and_return true File.stub(:open).with('my/file/backtrace').and_yield @string_io end it "includes source extract from backtrace" do backtrace = Honeybadger::Backtrace.parse(@backtrace_array) notice_from_exception = build_notice(:exception => @exception) @string_io.rewind expect(notice_from_exception.source_extract).not_to be_empty # Expected backtrace source extract to be found expect(notice_from_exception.source_extract).to eq backtrace.lines.first.source end end context 'with an application trace' do before(:each) do Honeybadger.configuration.project_root = 'test/honeybadger/' @string_io = File.stub(:exists?).with('test/honeybadger/rack_test.rb').and_return true File.stub(:open).with('test/honeybadger/rack_test.rb').and_yield @string_io end it "includes source extract from first line of application trace" do backtrace = Honeybadger::Backtrace.parse(@backtrace_array) notice_from_exception = build_notice(:exception => @exception) @string_io.rewind expect(notice_from_exception.source_extract).not_to be_empty # Expected backtrace source extract to be found expect(notice_from_exception.source_extract).to eq backtrace.lines[1].source end end end it "Uses source extract from view when reporting an ActionView::Template::Error" do # TODO: I would like to stub out a real ActionView::Template::Error, but we're # currently locked at actionpack 2.3.8. Perhaps if one day we upgrade... source = <<-ERB 1: <%= %> 2: 3: 4:
ERB exception = build_exception exception.stub(:source_extract).and_return(source) notice ={:exception => exception}) expect(notice.source_extract).to eq({ '1' => ' <%= %>', '2' => '
', '3' => '', '4' => '
'}) end it "sets the error class from an exception or hash" do assert_accepts_exception_attribute :error_class do |exception| end end it "sets the error message from an exception or hash" do assert_accepts_exception_attribute :error_message do |exception| "#{}: #{exception.message}" end end it "accepts parameters from a request or hash" do parameters = { 'one' => 'two' } notice_from_hash = build_notice(:parameters => parameters) expect(notice_from_hash.parameters).to eq parameters end it "accepts session data from a session[:data] hash" do data = { 'one' => 'two' } notice = build_notice(:session => { :data => data }) expect(notice.session_data).to eq data end it "accepts session data from a session_data hash" do data = { 'one' => 'two' } notice = build_notice(:session_data => data) expect(notice.session_data).to eq data end it "accepts an environment name" do expect(build_notice(:environment_name => 'development').environment_name).to eq 'development' end it "accepts CGI data from a hash" do data = { 'string' => 'value' } notice = build_notice(:cgi_data => data) expect(notice.cgi_data).to eq data end it "accepts notifier information" do params = { :notifier_name => 'a name for a notifier', :notifier_version => '1.0.5', :notifier_url => '' } notice = build_notice(params) expect(notice.notifier_name).to eq params[:notifier_name] expect(notice.notifier_version).to eq params[:notifier_version] expect(notice.notifier_url).to eq params[:notifier_url] end it "sets sensible defaults without an exception" do backtrace = Honeybadger::Backtrace.parse(build_backtrace_array) notice = build_notice(:backtrace => build_backtrace_array) expect(notice.error_message).to eq 'Notification' assert_array_starts_with backtrace.lines, notice.backtrace.lines expect(notice.parameters).to be_empty expect(notice.session_data).to be_empty end it "uses the caller as the backtrace for an exception without a backtrace" do filters = backtrace = Honeybadger::Backtrace.parse(caller, :filters => filters) notice = build_notice(:exception =>'error'), :backtrace => nil) assert_array_starts_with backtrace.lines, notice.backtrace.lines end it "converts unserializable objects to strings" do assert_serializes_hash(:parameters) assert_serializes_hash(:cgi_data) assert_serializes_hash(:session_data) end it "filters parameters" do assert_filters_hash(:parameters) end it "filters cgi data" do assert_filters_hash(:cgi_data) end it "filters session" do assert_filters_hash(:session_data) end it "removes rack.request.form_vars" do original = { "rack.request.form_vars" => "story%5Btitle%5D=The+TODO+label", "abc" => "123" } notice = build_notice(:cgi_data => original) expect(notice.cgi_data).to eq({"abc" => "123"}) end it "does not send empty request data" do notice = build_notice notice.url.should be_nil notice.controller.should be_nil notice.action.should be_nil json = notice.to_json payload = JSON.parse(json) payload['request']['url'].should be_nil payload['request']['component'].should be_nil payload['request']['action'].should be_nil payload['request']['user'].should be_nil end %w(url controller action).each do |var| it "sends a request if #{var} is present" do notice = build_notice(var.to_sym => 'value') json = notice.to_json payload = JSON.parse(json) payload['request'].should_not be_nil end end %w(parameters cgi_data session_data context).each do |var| it "sends a request if #{var} is present" do notice = build_notice(var.to_sym => { 'key' => 'value' }) json = notice.to_json payload = JSON.parse(json) payload['request'].should_not be_nil end end it "does not ignore an exception not matching ignore filters" do notice = build_notice(:error_class => 'ArgumentError', :ignore => ['Argument'], :ignore_by_filters => [lambda { |n| false }]) expect(notice.ignore?).to be_false end it "ignores an exception with a matching error class" do notice = build_notice(:error_class => 'ArgumentError', :ignore => [ArgumentError]) expect(notice.ignore?).to be_true end it "ignores an exception with an equal error class name" do notice = build_notice(:error_class => 'ArgumentError', :ignore => ['ArgumentError']) expect(notice.ignore?).to be_true # Expected ArgumentError to ignore ArgumentError end it "ignores an exception matching error class name" do notice = build_notice(:error_class => 'ArgumentError', :ignore => [/Error$/]) expect(notice.ignore?).to be_true # Expected /Error$/ to ignore ArgumentError end it "ignores an exception that inherits from ignored error class" do class ::FooError < ArgumentError ; end notice = build_notice(:exception =>'Oh noes!'), :ignore => [ArgumentError]) expect(notice.ignore?).to be_true # Expected ArgumentError to ignore FooError end it "ignores an exception with a matching filter" do filter = lambda {|notice| notice.error_class == 'ArgumentError' } notice = build_notice(:error_class => 'ArgumentError', :ignore_by_filters => [filter]) expect(notice.ignore?).to be_true end it "does not raise without an ignore list" do notice = build_notice(:ignore => nil, :ignore_by_filters => nil) expect { notice.ignore? }.not_to raise_error end ignored_error_classes = %w( ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound AbstractController::ActionNotFound ActionController::RoutingError ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken CGI::Session::CookieStore::TamperedWithCookie ActionController::UnknownAction ) ignored_error_classes.each do |ignored_error_class| it "ignores #{ignored_error_class} error by default" do notice = build_notice(:error_class => ignored_error_class) expect(notice.ignore?).to be_true end end it "acts like a hash" do notice = build_notice(:error_message => 'some message') expect(notice[:error_message]).to eq notice.error_message end it "returns params on notice[:request][:params]" do params = { 'one' => 'two' } notice = build_notice(:parameters => params) expect(notice[:request][:params]).to eq params end it "returns context on notice[:request][:context]" do context = { 'one' => 'two' } notice = build_notice(:context => context) expect(notice[:request][:context]).to eq context end it "merges context from args with context from Honeybadger#context" do Honeybadger.context({ 'one' => 'two', 'foo' => 'bar' }) notice = build_notice(:context => { 'three' => 'four', 'foo' => 'baz' }) expect(notice[:request][:context]).to eq({ 'one' => 'two', 'three' => 'four', 'foo' => 'baz' }) end it "returns nil context when context is not set" do notice = build_notice notice[:request][:context].should be_nil end it "ensures #to_hash is called on objects that support it" do expect { build_notice(:session => { :object => double(:to_hash => {}) }) }.not_to raise_error end it "ensures #to_ary is called on objects that support it" do expect { build_notice(:session => { :object => double(:to_ary => {}) }) }.not_to raise_error end it "extracts data from a rack environment hash" do url = "" parameters = { 'var' => 'value', 'var2' => 'value2' } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(url) notice = build_notice(:rack_env => env) expect(notice.url).to eq url expect(notice.parameters).to eq parameters expect(notice.cgi_data['REQUEST_METHOD']).to eq 'GET' end it "extracts data from a rack environment hash with action_dispatch info" do params = { 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'index', 'id' => '7' } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for('/', { 'action_dispatch.request.parameters' => params }) notice = build_notice(:rack_env => env) expect(notice.parameters).to eq params expect(notice.component).to eq params['controller'] expect(notice.action).to eq params['action'] end it "extracts session data from a rack environment" do session_data = { 'something' => 'some value' } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for('/', 'rack.session' => session_data) notice = build_notice(:rack_env => env) expect(notice.session_data).to eq session_data end it "prefers passed session data to rack session data" do session_data = { 'something' => 'some value' } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for('/') notice = build_notice(:rack_env => env, :session_data => session_data) expect(notice.session_data).to eq session_data end unless <'1.2') it "fails gracefully when Rack params cannot be parsed" do rack_env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for('', :method => 'POST', :input => 'foo=bar&bar=baz%') notice = => rack_env) expect(notice.params.size).to eq 1 expect(notice.params[:error]).to match(/Failed to call params on Rack::Request/) end end it "does not send session data when send_request_session is false" do notice = build_notice(:send_request_session => false, :session_data => { :foo => :bar }) notice.session_data.should be_nil end it "does not allow infinite recursion" do hash = {:a => :a} hash[:hash] = hash notice = => hash) expect(notice.parameters[:hash]).to eq "[possible infinite recursion halted]" end it "trims error message to 1k" do message = 'asdfghjkl'*200 e = notice = => e) message.bytesize.should > 1024 expect(notice.error_message.bytesize).to eq 1024 end it "prefers notice args to exception attributes" do e ='Not very helpful') notice = => e, :error_class => 'MyClass', :error_message => 'Something very specific went wrong.') expect(notice.error_class).to eq 'MyClass' expect(notice.error_message).to eq 'Something very specific went wrong.' end def assert_accepts_exception_attribute(attribute, args = {}, &block) exception = build_exception block ||= lambda { exception.send(attribute) } value = notice_from_exception = build_notice(args.merge(:exception => exception)) expect(notice_from_exception.send(attribute)).to eq value notice_from_hash = build_notice(args.merge(attribute => value)) expect(notice_from_hash.send(attribute)).to eq value end def assert_serializes_hash(attribute) [, { puts "boo!" },].each do |object| hash = { :strange_object => object, :sub_hash => { :sub_object => object }, :array => [object] } notice = build_notice(attribute => hash) hash = notice.send(attribute) expect(object.to_s).to eq hash[:strange_object] # objects should be serialized expect(hash[:sub_hash]).to be_a Hash # subhashes should be kept expect(object.to_s).to eq hash[:sub_hash][:sub_object] # subhash members should be serialized expect(hash[:array]).to be_a Array # arrays should be kept expect(object.to_s).to eq hash[:array].first # array members should be serialized end end def assert_filters_hash(attribute) filters = ["abc", :def] original = { 'abc' => "123", 'def' => "456", 'ghi' => "789", 'nested' => { 'abc' => '100' }, 'something_with_abc' => 'match the entire string'} filtered = { 'abc' => "[FILTERED]", 'def' => "[FILTERED]", 'something_with_abc' => "match the entire string", 'ghi' => "789", 'nested' => { 'abc' => '[FILTERED]' } } notice = build_notice(:params_filters => filters, attribute => original) expect(notice.send(attribute)).to eq filtered end def build_backtrace_array ["app/models/user.rb:13:in `magic'", "app/controllers/users_controller.rb:8:in `index'"] end def hostname `hostname`.chomp end end