## HEAD - will become v1.0.0 **INCLUDES NON-BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE CHANGES** * Fixed issues related to infinate job retries and v1.20.0 of resque. * Minimum gem dependency versions changed: resque >= 1.10.0, resque-scheduler >= 1.9.9 * Feature: Setting `@retry_job_delegate` allows you to seperate the orignal job from a the retry job. (@tanob/@jniesen) * Web interface will work without needing to `require` your job code. (n.b. less details avaialble via web). * IMPORTANT: `#identifier` method has been namedspaced to `#retry_identifier`. * Bugfix: `Remove` button on retry web interface was not working. ## 0.2.2 (2011-12-08) * Feature: Ability to set `retry_delay` per exception type. (Dave Benvenuti) ## 0.2.1 (2011-11-23) * Bugfix: Fixed error when we tried to parse a number/string as JSON on the reque-retry web interface. ## 0.2.0 (2011-11-22) **INCLUDES NON-BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE CHANGES** * IMPORTANT: `retry_limit` behaviour has changed. (Nicolas Fouché) PREVIOUSLY: 0 == infinite retries. NOW: -1 == infinite retries; 0 == means never retry. * Bugfix: `#redis_retry_key` incorrectly built key when custom identifier was used. (Bogdan Gusiev) * Feature: Ability to sleep worker after re-queuing a job, may be used to bias against the same worker from picking up the job again. (Michael Keirnan) * Feature: Ability to remove retry jobs using resque-web. (Thiago Morello) * Added example demo application. * Added Bundler `Gemfile`. ## 0.1.0 (2010-08-29) * Feature: Multiple failure backend with retry suppression. * Feature: resque-web tab showing retry information. * Improved README documentation, added a 'Quick Start' section. ## 0.0.6 (2010-07-12) * Feature: Added support for custom retry criteria check callbacks. ## 0.0.5 (2010-06-27) * Handle our own dependancies. ## 0.0.4 (2010-06-16) * Relax gemspec dependancies. ## 0.0.3 (2010-06-02) * Bugfix: Make sure that `redis_retry_key` has no whitespace. ## 0.0.2 (2010-05-06) * Bugfix: Were calling non-existent method to delete redis key. * Delay no-longer falls back to `sleep`. resque-scheduler is a required dependancy. * Redis key doesn't include ending colon `:` if no args were passed to the job. ## 0.0.1 (2010-04-27) * First release.