require 'syncano/model/scope_builder' require 'syncano/model/associations' require 'syncano/model/callbacks' module Syncano # Scope for modules and classes integrating ActiveRecord functionality module Model # Class for integrating ActiveRecord functionality class Base include ActiveAttr::Model include ActiveAttr::Dirty include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection include Syncano::Model::Associations include Syncano::Model::Callbacks attribute :id, type: Integer attribute :created_at, type: DateTime attribute :updated_at, type: DateTime # Constructor for model # @param [Hash] params def initialize(params = {}) if params.is_a?(Syncano::Resources::Object) self.syncano_object = params self.attributes = syncano_object_merged_attributes mark_as_saved! else self.syncano_object = self.attributes = params end end # Gets collection with all objects # @return [Array] def self.all scope_builder.all end # Returns first object or collection of first x objects # @param [Integer] amount # @return [Object, Array] def self.first(amount = nil) scope_builder.first(amount) end # Returns last object or collection of last x objects # @param [Integer] amount # @return [Object, Array] def self.last(amount = nil) scope_builder.last(amount) end # Returns scope builder with condition passed as arguments # @param [String] condition # @param [Array] params # @return [Syncano::ActiveRecord::ScopeBuilder] def self.where(condition, *params) scope_builder.where(condition, *params) end # Returns scope builder with order passed as first argument # @param [String] order # @return [Syncano::ActiveRecord::ScopeBuilder] def self.order(order) scope_builder.order(order) end # Returns one object found by id # @param [Integer] id # @return [Object] def self.find(id) scope_builder.find(id) end def reload! syncano_object.reload! self.attributes = syncano_object_merged_attributes mark_as_saved! self end # Creates new object with specified attributes # @param [Hash] attributes # @return [Object] def self.create(attributes) new_object = new_object end # Saves object in Syncano # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def save if valid? was_persisted = persisted? process_callbacks(:before_save) process_callbacks(was_persisted ? :before_update : :before_create) syncano_object.custom_attributes = attributes_to_sync self.attributes = syncano_object_merged_attributes mark_as_saved! process_callbacks(was_persisted ? :after_update : :after_create) process_callbacks(:after_save) end saved? end def self.syncano_class syncano_class end # Updates object with specified attributes # @param [Hash] attributes # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def update_attributes(attributes) self.attributes = attributes end # Returns scope builder with limit parameter set to parameter # @param [Integer] amount # @return [Syncano::ActiveRecord::ScopeBuilder] def self.limit(amount) scope_builder.limit(amount) end # Returns hash with scopes # @return [HashWithIndifferentAccess] def self.scopes self._scopes ||= end # Overwritten equality operator # @param [Object] object # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def ==(object) self.class == object.class && id == end # Performs validations # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def valid? process_callbacks(:before_validation) process_callbacks(:after_validation) if result = super result end # Deletes object from Syncano # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def destroy process_callbacks(:before_destroy) syncano_object.destroy process_callbacks(:after_destroy) if syncano_object.destroyed? end def destroyed? syncano_object.destroyed? end # Checks if object has not been saved in Syncano yet # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def new_record? !persisted? end # Checks if object has been already saved in Syncano # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] def persisted? !syncano_object.new_record? end def saved? !new_record? && !changed? end private class_attribute :syncano_class, :_scopes attr_accessor :syncano_object def mark_as_saved! raise('primary key is blank')) if new_record? @previously_changed = changes @changed_attributes.clear self end # Setter for scopes attribute def self.scopes=(hash) self._scopes = hash end # Returns scope builder for current model # @return [Syncano::ActiveRecord::ScopeBuilder] def self.scope_builder end # Defines model scope # @param [Symbol] name # @param [Proc] procedure def self.scope(name, procedure) scopes[name] = procedure end # Overwritten method_missing for handling calling defined scopes # @param [String] name # @param [Array] args def self.method_missing(name, *args) if scopes[name].nil? super else scope_builder.send(name.to_sym, *args) end end # Returns scope builder for specified class # @return [Syncano::ActiveRecord::ScopeBuilder] def scope_builder(object_class) end def attributes_to_sync attributes_names = self.class.attributes_to_sync{ |name, value| attributes_names.include?(name.to_sym) } end def self.attributes_to_sync syncano_class.schema.collect{ |attribute| attribute[:name].to_sym } end def syncano_object_merged_attributes syncano_object.attributes.except(:custom_attributes).merge(syncano_object.custom_attributes) end def self.inherited(child_class) # Load schema and generate attributes child_class_name = syncano_class = MODEL_SCHEMA.find{ |syncano_class| == child_class_name } syncano_class.schema.each do |attribute_schema| attribute attribute_schema['name'], type: String end child_class.syncano_class = syncano_class super end end end end