--- title: Webgen::Tag::TikZ used_options: - tag.tikz.path - tag.tikz.libraries - tag.tikz.opts - tag.tikz.resolution - tag.tikz.transparent - tag.tikz.img_attr --- ## Description This tag provides support for automatically generating graphics with the fantastic PGF/TikZ library for LaTeX. You will need to have a current LaTeX distribution with the PGF/TikZ library installed and ImageMagick for this to work. You will also need Ghostscript if you want support for transparent PNG images. More exactly, you will need to have the programs `pdflatex` (usually included in the LaTeX distribution - for generating a PDF from the LaTeX document that describes the PGF/TikZ graphic), `pdfcrop` (usually included in the LaTeX distribution - to crop the generated PDF and throw away useless borders), `convert` (provided by ImageMagick - to convert the generated PDF document to an image file format and to optionally resize them) and `gs` (provided by the Ghostscript package - to generate transparent PNG images). When using this tag, you need to set at least the default mandatory parameter `tag.tikz.path`. This path specifies the source path that should be used for generating the image and should not exist. The output path is dervied from this path the usual way. The extension used for this parameter specifies the final image format that is used (a good choice is PNG). All other parameters are optional. The commands for creating the PGF/TikZ picture are specified in the body of the tag. Have a look at some of the examples below to set the power of PGF/TikZ. If you want to generate transparent images, you will need to set `tag.tikz.transparent` to `true` and specify a `tag.tikz.path` with a `.png` extension. ## Examples These examples are taken (sometimes a little bit altered) from the great PGF Manual included in the PGF/TikZ distribution.
Usage | Output |
\{tikz:: house.png} \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt] (0,0) -- (0,2) -- (1,3.25) -- (2,2) -- (2,0) -- (0,2) -- (2,2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0); {tikz} |
{tikz:: house.png} \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt] (0,0) -- (0,2) -- (1,3.25) -- (2,2) -- (2,0) -- (0,2) -- (2,2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0); {tikz} |
\{tikz:: {path: chain.png, libraries: [arrows,automata,shadows,positioning], opts: "->,>=stealth,shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=2.8cm,on grid,semithick, every state/.style={fill=red,draw=none,circular drop shadow,text=white}", resolution: 300 72}} \node[initial,state] (A) {$q_a$}; \node[state] (B) [above right=of A] {$q_b$}; \node[state] (D) [below right=of A] {$q_d$}; \node[state] (C) [below right=of B] {$q_c$}; \node[state] (E) [below=of D] {$q_e$}; \path (A) edge node {0,1,L} (B) edge node {1,1,R} (C) (B) edge [loop above] node {1,1,L} (B) edge node {0,1,L} (C) (C) edge node {0,1,L} (D) edge [bend left] node {1,0,R} (E) (D) edge [loop below] node {1,1,R} (D) edge node {0,1,R} (A) (E) edge [bend left] node {1,0,R} (A); {tikz} |
{tikz:: {path: chain.png, libraries: [arrows,automata,shadows,positioning], opts: "->,>=stealth,shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=2.8cm,on grid,semithick, every state/.style={fill=red,draw=none,circular drop shadow,text=white}", resolution: 300 72}} \node[initial,state] (A) {$q_a$}; \node[state] (B) [above right=of A] {$q_b$}; \node[state] (D) [below right=of A] {$q_d$}; \node[state] (C) [below right=of B] {$q_c$}; \node[state] (E) [below=of D] {$q_e$}; \path (A) edge node {0,1,L} (B) edge node {1,1,R} (C) (B) edge [loop above] node {1,1,L} (B) edge node {0,1,L} (C) (C) edge node {0,1,L} (D) edge [bend left] node {1,0,R} (E) (D) edge [loop below] node {1,1,R} (D) edge node {0,1,R} (A) (E) edge [bend left] node {1,0,R} (A); {tikz} |
Not transparent and standard res
\{tikz:: {path: mindmap.png, libraries: [mindmap]}} \path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white] node[concept] {Computer Science} [clockwise from=0] child[concept color=red] { node[concept] {technical} } child[concept color=orange] { node[concept] {theoretical} }; {tikz} |
{tikz:: {path: mindmap.png, libraries: [mindmap]}} \path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white] node[concept] {Computer Science} [clockwise from=0] child[concept color=red] { node[concept] {technical} } child[concept color=orange] { node[concept] {theoretical} }; {tikz} |
Transparent and high res
\{tikz:: {path: mindmap-low.png, libraries: [mindmap], img_attr: {style: 'background:transparent'}, transparent: true, resolution: 300 72}} \path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white] node[concept] {Computer Science} [clockwise from=0] child[concept color=red] { node[concept] {technical} } child[concept color=orange] { node[concept] {theoretical} }; {tikz} |
{tikz:: {path: mindmap-high.png, libraries: [mindmap], img_attr: {style: 'background:transparent'}, transparent: true, resolution: 300 72}} \path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white] node[concept] {Computer Science} [clockwise from=0] child[concept color=red] { node[concept] {technical} } child[concept color=orange] { node[concept] {theoretical} }; {tikz} |