# coding: utf-8 require "forwardable" class HighLine class Question # It provides all answer conversion flow. class AnswerConverter extend Forwardable def_delegators :@question, :answer, :answer=, :directory, :answer_type, :choices_complete # It should be initialized with a Question object. # The class will get the answer from {Question#answer} # and then convert it to the proper {Question#answer_type}. # It is mainly used by {Question#convert} # # @param question [Question] def initialize(question) @question = question end # Based on the given Question object's settings, # it makes the conversion and returns the answer. # @return [Object] the converted answer. def convert self.answer = convert_by_answer_type if answer_type answer end # @return [HighLine::String] answer converted to a HighLine::String def to_string HighLine::String(answer) end # That's a weird name for a method! # But it's working ;-) define_method "to_highline::string" do HighLine::String(answer) end # @return [Integer] answer converted to an Integer def to_integer Kernel.send(:Integer, answer) end # @return [Float] answer converted to a Float def to_float Kernel.send(:Float, answer) end # @return [Symbol] answer converted to an Symbol def to_symbol answer.to_sym end # @return [Regexp] answer converted to a Regexp def to_regexp Regexp.new(answer) end # @return [File] answer converted to a File def to_file self.answer = choices_complete(answer) File.open(File.join(directory.to_s, answer.last)) end # @return [Pathname] answer converted to an Pathname def to_pathname self.answer = choices_complete(answer) Pathname.new(File.join(directory.to_s, answer.last)) end # @return [Array] answer converted to an Array def to_array self.answer = choices_complete(answer) answer.last end # @return [Proc] answer converted to an Proc def to_proc answer_type.call(answer) end private def convert_by_answer_type if answer_type.respond_to? :parse answer_type.parse(answer) elsif answer_type.is_a? Class send("to_#{answer_type.name.downcase}") else send("to_#{answer_type.class.name.downcase}") end end end end end