QuickNote README ================ QuickNote is a stripped down Notepad clone written in Delphi. It is an example GUI executable with source code for the Win32-autogui gem. It is not fit for any other purpose. Modifications to the load paths for use in a real world project ---------------------------------------------------------------- **NOTE:** _see examples/skeleton for a ready-to-go template._ spec/spec_helper.rb # use development version of win32/autogui # remove these lines in production code $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../../../lib', __FILE__) unless $LOAD_PATH.include? File.expand_path('../../../../lib', __FILE__) lib/quicknote.rb # use the development version of win32-autogui # Production code should simply require 'win32/autogui' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../lib/win32/autogui') Copyright --------- Copyright (c) 2010 GearheadForHire, LLC. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.