=begin ActiveSalesforce Copyright 2006 Doug Chasman Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =end require 'rubygems' #require_gem 'activesalesforce', '>= 0.4.3' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/activesalesforce' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/recorded_test_case' require 'pp' class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base end class Department < ActiveRecord::Base end class Address < ActiveRecord::Base end module Asf module UnitTests class BasicTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include RecordedTestCase attr_reader :contact def initialize(test_method_name) super(test_method_name) #force_recording :test_master_detail end def setup puts "\nStarting test '#{self.class.name.gsub('::', '')}.#{method_name}'" super @contact = Contact.new reset_header_options contact.first_name = 'DutchTestFirstName' contact.last_name = 'DutchTestLastName' contact.home_phone = '555-555-1212' contact.save contact.reload end def teardown reset_header_options contact.destroy if contact super end def reset_header_options binding = Contact.connection.binding binding.assignment_rule_id = nil binding.use_default_rule = false binding.update_mru = false end def test_create_a_contact contact.id end def test_count_contacts assert Contact.count > 0 end def test_save_a_contact contact.id end def test_find_a_contact c = Contact.find(contact.id) assert_equal contact.id, c.id end def test_find_a_contact_by_id c = Contact.find_by_id(contact.id) assert_equal contact.id, c.id end def test_find_a_contact_by_first_name c = Contact.find_by_first_name('DutchTestFirstName') assert_equal contact.id, c.id end def test_read_all_content_columns Contact.content_columns.each { |column| contact.send(column.name) } end def test_get_created_by_from_contact user = contact.created_by assert_equal contact.created_by_id, user.id end def test_use_update_mru Contact.connection.binding.update_mru = true contact.save end def test_use_default_rule Contact.connection.binding.use_default_rule = true contact.save end def test_assignment_rule_id Contact.connection.binding.assignment_rule_id = "1234567890" contact.save end def test_add_notes_to_contact n1 = Note.new(:title => "My Title", :body => "My Body") n2 = Note.new(:title => "My Title 2", :body => "My Body 2") contact.notes << n1 contact.notes << n2 n1.save n2.save end def test_master_detail department = Department.new(:department_description__c => 'DutchTestDepartment description') department.save department.reload job = Job.new(:name => "DutchJob") department.jobs__c << job department.destroy end def test_batch_insert c1 = Contact.new(:first_name => 'FN1', :last_name => 'LN1') c2 = Contact.new(:first_name => 'FN2', :last_name => 'LN2') c3 = Contact.new(:first_name => 'FN3', :last_name => 'LN3') Contact.transaction(c1, c2) do c1.save c2.save end c3.save c1.first_name << '_2' c2.first_name << '_2' c3.first_name << '_2' Contact.transaction(c1, c2) do c1.save c2.save end Contact.transaction(c1, c2) do c3.save c3.destroy c2.destroy c1.destroy end end def test_find_addresses adresses = Address.find(:all) end end end end