require_relative './ast' module Dentaku class Parser AST_OPERATIONS = { add: AST::Addition, subtract: AST::Subtraction, multiply: AST::Multiplication, divide: AST::Division, pow: AST::Exponentiation, negate: AST::Negation, mod: AST::Modulo, bitor: AST::BitwiseOr, bitand: AST::BitwiseAnd, lt: AST::LessThan, gt: AST::GreaterThan, le: AST::LessThanOrEqual, ge: AST::GreaterThanOrEqual, ne: AST::NotEqual, eq: AST::Equal, and: AST::And, or: AST::Or, }.freeze attr_reader :input, :output, :operations, :arities, :case_sensitive def initialize(tokens, options = {}) @input = tokens.dup @output = [] @operations = options.fetch(:operations, []) @arities = options.fetch(:arities, []) @function_registry = options.fetch(:function_registry, nil) @case_sensitive = options.fetch(:case_sensitive, false) end def consume(count = 2) operator = operations.pop operator.peek(output) args_size = operator.arity || count min_size = operator.arity || operator.min_param_count || count max_size = operator.arity || operator.max_param_count || count if output.length < min_size fail! :too_few_operands, operator: operator, expect: min_size, actual: output.length end if output.length > max_size && operations.empty? fail! :too_many_operands, operator: operator, expect: max_size, actual: output.length end fail! :invalid_statement if output.size < args_size args = { output.pop }.reverse output.push*args) rescue ::ArgumentError => e raise Dentaku::ArgumentError, e.message rescue NodeError => e fail! :node_invalid, operator: operator, child: e.child, expect: e.expect, actual: e.actual end def parse return if input.empty? while token = input.shift case token.category when :datetime output.push when :numeric output.push when :logical output.push when :string output.push when :identifier output.push, case_sensitive: case_sensitive) when :operator, :comparator, :combinator op_class = operation(token) if op_class.right_associative? while operations.last && operations.last < AST::Operation && op_class.precedence < operations.last.precedence consume end operations.push op_class else while operations.last && operations.last < AST::Operation && op_class.precedence <= operations.last.precedence consume end operations.push op_class end when :null output.push when :function func = function(token) if func.nil? fail! :undefined_function, function_name: token.value end arities.push 0 operations.push func when :case case_index = operations.index { |o| o == AST::Case } || -1 token_index = case_index + 1 case token.value when :open # special handling for case nesting: strip out inner case # statements and parse their AST segments recursively if operations.include?(AST::Case) open_cases = 0 case_end_index = nil input.each_with_index do |input_token, index| if input_token.category == :case if input_token.value == :open open_cases += 1 end if input_token.value == :close if open_cases > 0 open_cases -= 1 else case_end_index = index break end end end end inner_case_inputs = input.slice!(0..case_end_index) subparser = inner_case_inputs, operations: [AST::Case], arities: [0], function_registry: @function_registry ) subparser.parse output.concat(subparser.output) else operations.push AST::Case arities.push(0) end when :close if operations[token_index] == AST::CaseThen while operations.last != AST::Case consume end operations.push(AST::CaseConditional) consume(2) arities[-1] += 1 elsif operations[token_index] == AST::CaseElse while operations.last != AST::Case consume end arities[-1] += 1 end unless operations.count >= 1 && operations.last == AST::Case fail! :unprocessed_token, token_name: token.value end consume(arities.pop.succ) when :when if operations[token_index] == AST::CaseThen while ![AST::CaseWhen, AST::Case].include?(operations.last) consume end operations.push(AST::CaseConditional) consume(2) arities[-1] += 1 elsif operations.last == AST::Case operations.push(AST::CaseSwitchVariable) consume end operations.push(AST::CaseWhen) when :then if operations[token_index] == AST::CaseWhen while ![AST::CaseThen, AST::Case].include?(operations.last) consume end end operations.push(AST::CaseThen) when :else if operations[token_index] == AST::CaseThen while operations.last != AST::Case consume end operations.push(AST::CaseConditional) consume(2) arities[-1] += 1 end operations.push(AST::CaseElse) else fail! :unknown_case_token, token_name: token.value end when :access case token.value when :lbracket operations.push AST::Access when :rbracket while operations.any? && operations.last != AST::Access consume end unless operations.last == AST::Access fail! :unbalanced_bracket, token: token end consume end when :array case token.value when :array_start operations.push AST::Array arities.push 0 when :array_end while operations.any? && operations.last != AST::Array consume end unless operations.last == AST::Array fail! :unbalanced_bracket, token: token end consume(arities.pop.succ) end when :grouping case token.value when :open if input.first && input.first.value == :close input.shift arities.pop consume(0) else operations.push AST::Grouping end when :close while operations.any? && operations.last != AST::Grouping consume end lparen = operations.pop unless lparen == AST::Grouping fail! :unbalanced_parenthesis, token end if operations.last && operations.last < AST::Function consume(arities.pop.succ) end when :comma fail! :invalid_statement if arities.empty? arities[-1] += 1 while operations.any? && operations.last != AST::Grouping && operations.last != AST::Array consume end else fail! :unknown_grouping_token, token_name: token.value end else fail! :not_implemented_token_category, token_category: token.category end end while operations.any? consume end unless output.count == 1 fail! :invalid_statement end output.first end def operation(token) AST_OPERATIONS.fetch(token.value) end def function(token) function_registry.get(token.value) end def function_registry @function_registry ||= end private def fail!(reason, **meta) message = case reason when :node_invalid "#{meta.fetch(:operator)} requires #{meta.fetch(:expect).join(', ')} operands, but got #{meta.fetch(:actual)}" when :too_few_operands "#{meta.fetch(:operator)} has too few operands" when :too_many_operands "#{meta.fetch(:operator)} has too many operands" when :undefined_function "Undefined function #{meta.fetch(:function_name)}" when :unprocessed_token "Unprocessed token #{meta.fetch(:token_name)}" when :unknown_case_token "Unknown case token #{meta.fetch(:token_name)}" when :unbalanced_bracket "Unbalanced bracket" when :unbalanced_parenthesis "Unbalanced parenthesis" when :unknown_grouping_token "Unknown grouping token #{meta.fetch(:token_name)}" when :not_implemented_token_category "Not implemented for tokens of category #{meta.fetch(:token_category)}" when :invalid_statement "Invalid statement" else raise ::ArgumentError, "Unhandled #{reason}" end raise ParseError.for(reason, **meta), message end end end