// ========================================================================== // Greenhouse.DropDown // ========================================================================== /*globals Greenhouse*/ sc_require('core'); /** This mixin allows a toggling view to show/hide a drop-down when the view is toggled. The user should set the 'dropDown' property to a SC.PickerPane or descendant class. When the view is toggled on, an instance of the dropDown will be created and shown. NOTE: This mixin must be used in conjunction with the SCUI.SimpleButton mixin or on a SC.ButtonView or descendant. It needs the target and action properties to work. @author Jonathan Lewis @author Brandon Blatnick This Mixin comes from SCUI: http://github.com/etgryphon/sproutcore-ui and is avaliable under the MIT license */ Greenhouse.DropDown = { isShowingDropDown: NO, /** @private Reference to the drop down instance that gets created in init(). */ _dropDownPane: null, dropDown: SC.MenuPane.design({ /* an example menu */ layout: { width: 100, height: 0 }, contentView: SC.View.design({}), items: ["_item".loc('1'), "_item".loc('2')] // Changed to an array for Localization purposes. }), dropDownType: SC.PICKER_MENU, initMixin: function() { // Try to create a new menu instance var dropDown = this.get('dropDown'); if (dropDown && SC.typeOf(dropDown) === SC.T_CLASS) { this._dropDownPane = dropDown.create(); if (this._dropDownPane) { this.bind('isShowingDropDown', '._dropDownPane.isPaneAttached'); } } // TODO: [BB] Check for existence of target and action if (this.target !== undefined && this.action !== undefined) { this.set('target', this); this.set('action', 'toggle'); } }, /** Hides the attached drop down if present. This is called automatically when the button gets toggled off. */ hideDropDown: function() { if (this._dropDownPane && SC.typeOf(this._dropDownPane.remove) === SC.T_FUNCTION) { this._dropDownPane.remove(); this.set('isShowingDropDown', NO); } }, /** Shows the menu. This is called automatically when the button is toggled on. */ showDropDown: function() { // If a menu already exists, get rid of it this.hideDropDown(); // Now show the menu if (this._dropDownPane && SC.typeOf(this._dropDownPane.popup) === SC.T_FUNCTION) { var dropDownType = this.get('dropDownType'); this._dropDownPane.popup(this, dropDownType); // show the drop down this.set('isShowingDropDown', YES); } }, /** Toggles the menu on/off accordingly */ toggle: function() { if (this.get('isShowingDropDown')){ this.hideDropDown(); } else { this.showDropDown(); } } };