module Vis module Utilities def self.included(klass) klass.extend Vis::Utilities::Native end module Native def native_methods_with_options(js_names) js_names.each do |js_name| native_method_with_options(js_name) end end def native_method_with_options(js_name) define_method(js_name.underscore) do |options|, options_to_native(options)) end end end def hash_array_to_native(array) end def native_to_hash_array(array) { |i| `Opal.Hash.$new(i)` } end def lower_camelize(snake_cased_word) words = snake_cased_word.split('_') result = [words.first] result.concat(words[1..-1].map {|word| word[0].upcase + word[1..-1] }).join('') end def lower_camelize_hash(hash) camel_options = {} hash.each do |key, value| value = lower_camelize_hash(value) if `Opal.is_a(value, Opal.Hash)` camel_options[lower_camelize(key)] = value end camel_options end def options_to_native(options) return unless options _rubyfy_configure_options(options) if options.has_key?(:configure) _rubyfy_edges_options(options) if options.has_key?(:edges) _rubyfy_manipulation_options(options) if options.has_key?(:manipulation) _rubyfy_nodes_options(options) if options.has_key?(:nodes) if options.has_key?(:join_condition) block = options[:join_condition] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:join_condition] = %x{ function(node_options, child_options) { if (child_options !== undefined && child_options !== null) { return #{`Opal.Hash.$new(node_options)`, `Opal.Hash.$new(child_options)`)}; } else { return #{`Opal.Hash.$new(node_options)`)}; } } } end end if options.has_key?(:process_properties) block = options[:process_properties] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:process_properties] = %x{ function(item) { var res = #{`Opal.Hash.$new(item)`)}; return res.$to_n(); } } end end if options.has_key?(:filter) block = options[:filter] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:filter] = %x{ function(item) { return #{`Opal.Hash.$new(item)`)}; } } end end lower_camelize_hash(options).to_n end def _rubyfy_configure_options(options) if options[:configure].has_key?(:filter) block = options[:configure][:filter] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:configure][:filter] = %x{ function(option, path) { return #{`Opal.Hash.$new(options)`, `path`)}; } } end end end def _rubyfy_edges_options(options) if options[:edges].has_key?(:chosen) chosen = options[:edges][:chosen] [:edge, :label].each do |key| if chosen.has_key?(key) block = chosen[key] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:edges][:chosen][key] = %x{ function(values, id, selected, hovering) { return #{`Opal.Hash.$new(values)`, `id`, `selected`, `hovering`)}; } } end end end end [:hover_width, :selection_width].each do |key| if options[:edges].has_key?(key) block = options[:edges][key] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:edgea][key] = %x{ function(width) { return #{`width`)}; } } end end end if options[:edges].has_key?(:scaling) if options[:edges][:scaling].has_key?(:custom_scaling_function) block = options[:edges][:scaling][:custom_scaling_function] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:edgea][:scaling][:custom_scaling_function] = %x{ function(min, max, total, value) { return #{`min`, `max`, `total`, `value`)}; } } end end end end def _rubyfy_manipulation_options(options) [:add_edge, :add_node, :edit_edge, :edit_node].each do |key| if options[:manipulation].has_key?(key) block = options[:manipulation][key] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:manipulation][key] = %x{ function(nodeData, callback) { var wrapped_callback = #{ proc { |new_node_data| `callback(new_node_data.$to_n())` }} return block.$call(Opal.Hash.$new(nodeData), wrapped_callback); } } end end end # for delete the order of args for the callback is not clear [:delete_edge, :delete_node].each do |key| if options[:manipulation].has_key?(key) block = options[:manipulation][key] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:manipulation][key] = %x{ function(nodeData, callback) { var wrapped_callback = #{ proc { |new_node_data| `callback(new_node_data.$to_n())` }} return block.$call(Opal.Hash.$new(nodeData), wrapped_callback); } } end end end end def _rubyfy_nodes_options(options) if options[:nodes].has_key?(:chosen) chosen = options[:nodes][:chosen] [:node, :label].each do |key| if chosen.has_key?(key) block = chosen[key] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:nodes][:chosen][key] = %x{ function(values, id, selected, hovering) { return #{`Opal.Hash.$new(values)`, `id`, `selected`, `hovering`)}; } } end end end end if options[:nodes].has_key?(:scaling) if options[:nodes][:scaling].has_key?(:custom_scaling_function) block = options[:nodes][:scaling][:custom_scaling_function] if `typeof block === "function"` options[:nodes][:scaling][:custom_scaling_function] = %x{ function(min, max, total, value) { return #{`min`, `max`, `total`, `value`)}; } } end end end end end end