# Add support for "itemscope" html attributes #module GreenMonkeyActionViewExt #end # For rails < 5 module ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper # Rails by default does not behave with itemscope as boolean attribute # and renders it as itemscope="true" # this changes make it render as itemscope="itemscope" unless BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.include?("itemscope") BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.merge(['itemscope', :itemscope]) end if private_instance_methods.include?(:tag_options) private # this hack replaces itemscope="itemscope" => itemscope # to make it follow standarts (http://www.w3.org/TR/microdata/#typed-items) alias_method :tag_options_before_green_monkey, :tag_options def tag_options(options, escape = true) str = tag_options_before_green_monkey(options, escape) if options['itemscope'] || options[:itemscope] str = (str + '').sub(/itemscope=('|")itemscope('|")/, 'itemscope').html_safe end str end end end # For rails 5+ if defined?(ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::TagBuilder) class ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::TagBuilder # this hack replaces itemscope="itemscope" => itemscope # to make it follow standarts (http://www.w3.org/TR/microdata/#typed-items) alias_method :tag_options_before_green_monkey, :tag_options def tag_options(options, escape = true) str = tag_options_before_green_monkey(options, escape) if options['itemscope'] || options[:itemscope] str = (str + '').sub(/itemscope=('|")itemscope('|")/, 'itemscope').html_safe end str end end end