{ "id": "UdUkXt_mqZBObPeS", "type": "product", "href": "doc-url", "tags": [ "Macaron" ], "first_publication_date": "2016-10-19T02:58:01+0000", "last_publication_date": "2016-10-19T03:01:51+0000", "slugs": [ "vanilla-macaron", "%E5%8D%97%E5%A4%A7%E6%B2%A2" ], "lang": "en-us", "alternate_languages": [ { "id": "WL6VySoAACwA_H9r", "type": "product", "lang": "es-es" }, { "id": "WL2IziIAACIAem32", "type": "product", "lang": "fr-fr" } ], "data": { "product": { "name": { "type": "StructuredText", "value": [ { "type": "heading1", "text": "Vanilla Macaron", "spans": [] } ] }, "short_lede": { "type": "StructuredText", "value": [ { "type": "heading2", "text": "Crispiness and softness, rolled into one", "spans": [] } ] }, "description": { "type": "StructuredText", "value": [ { "type": "paragraph", "text": "Experience the ultimate vanilla experience. Our vanilla Macarons are made with our very own (in-house) pure extract of Madagascar vanilla, and subtly dusted with our own vanilla sugar (which we make from real vanilla beans).", "spans": [ { "start": 103, "end": 137, "type": "strong" }, { "start": 162, "end": 183, "type": "strong" } ] } ] }, "location" : { "type": "GeoPoint", "value": { "latitude": 48.877108, "longitude": -2.3338790 } }, "image": { "type": "Image", "value": { "main": { "url": "https://wroomio.s3.amazonaws.com/micro/0417110ebf2dc34a3e8b7b28ee4e06ac82473b70.png", "alt" : "Alternative text to image", "copyright" : "CC-BY", "dimensions": { "width": 500, "height": 500 } }, "views": { "icon": { "url": "https://wroomio.s3.amazonaws.com/micro/babdc3421037f9af77720d8f5dcf1b84c912c6ba.png", "alt" : "Alternative text to view", "copyright" : "CC-BY", "dimensions": { "width": 250, "height": 250 } } } } }, "allergens": { "type": "Text", "value": "Contains almonds, eggs, milk" }, "price": { "type": "Number", "value": 3.55 }, "flavour": [ { "type": "Select", "value": "Vanilla" } ], "color": { "type": "Color", "value": "#ffeacd" }, "related": [ { "type": "Link.document", "value": { "document": { "id": "UdUjvt_mqVNObPeO", "type": "product", "tags": [ "Macaron" ], "slug": "dark-chocolate-macaron" }, "isBroken": false } }, { "type": "Link.document", "value": { "document": { "id": "UdUjsN_mqT1ObPeM", "type": "product", "tags": [ "Macaron" ], "slug": "salted-caramel-macaron" }, "isBroken": false } } ], "testimonial_author": [ { "type": "StructuredText", "value": [ { "type": "heading3", "text": "Chef Guillaume Bort", "spans": [] } ] } ], "testimonial_quote": [ { "type": "StructuredText", "value": [ { "type": "paragraph", "text": "The taste of pure vanilla is very hard to tame, and therefore, most cooks resort to substitutes. It takes a high-skill chef to know how to get the best of tastes, and Les Bonnes Choses's vanilla macaron does just that. The result is more than a success, it simply is a gastronomic piece of art.", "spans": [ { "start": 97, "end": 167, "type": "strong" }, { "start": 167, "end": 184, "type": "strong" }, { "start": 167, "end": 184, "type": "em" }, { "start": 184, "end": 217, "type": "strong" } ] } ] } ], "some_timestamp" : { "type" : "Timestamp", "value" : "2014-06-18T15:30:00+0000" }, "linked_images": { "type": "StructuredText", "value": [ { "spans": [], "text": "Here is some introductory text.", "type": "paragraph" }, { "spans": [], "text": "The following image is linked.", "type": "paragraph" }, { "alt": "", "copyright": "", "dimensions": { "height": 129, "width": 260 }, "linkTo": { "type": "Link.web", "value": { "url": "http://google.com/" } }, "type": "image", "url": "http://fpoimg.com/129x260" }, { "spans": [ { "end": 20, "start": 0, "type": "strong" } ], "text": "More important stuff", "type": "paragraph" }, { "spans": [], "text": "One more image, this one is not linked:", "type": "paragraph" }, { "alt": "", "copyright": "", "dimensions": { "height": 199, "width": 300 }, "type": "image", "url": "http://fpoimg.com/199x300" } ] } } } }