//= require timelineJS/timeline /* CREATE StoryJS Embed ================================================== */ function createStoryJS(c, src) { /* VARS ================================================== */ var storyjs_embedjs, t, te, x, isCDN = false, storyjs_e_config = { debug: false, type: 'timeline', id: 'storyjs', embed_id: 'timeline-embed', embed: true, width: '100%', height: '100%', source: 'https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Agl_Dv6iEbDadFYzRjJPUGktY0NkWXFUWkVIZDNGRHc&output=html', api_keys: { google: "", flickr: "", twitter: "" }, gmap_key: "" }; /* Build Timeline ================================================== */ function createEmbedDiv() { var embed_classname = "storyjs-embed"; t = document.createElement('div'); if (storyjs_e_config.embed_id != "") { te = document.getElementById(storyjs_e_config.embed_id); } else { te = document.getElementById("timeline-embed"); } te.appendChild(t); t.setAttribute("id", storyjs_e_config.id); if (storyjs_e_config.width.toString().match("%") ) { te.style.width = storyjs_e_config.width.split("%")[0] + "%"; } else { storyjs_e_config.width = storyjs_e_config.width - 2; te.style.width = (storyjs_e_config.width) + 'px'; } if (storyjs_e_config.height.toString().match("%")) { te.style.height = storyjs_e_config.height; embed_classname += " full-embed"; te.style.height = storyjs_e_config.height.split("%")[0] + "%"; } else if (storyjs_e_config.width.toString().match("%")) { embed_classname += " full-embed"; storyjs_e_config.height = storyjs_e_config.height - 16; te.style.height = (storyjs_e_config.height) + 'px'; } else { embed_classname += " sized-embed"; storyjs_e_config.height = storyjs_e_config.height - 16; te.style.height = (storyjs_e_config.height) + 'px'; } te.setAttribute("class", embed_classname); te.setAttribute("className", embed_classname); t.style.position = 'relative'; } function buildEmbed() { VMM.debug = storyjs_e_config.debug; storyjs_embedjs = new VMM.Timeline(storyjs_e_config.id); storyjs_embedjs.init(storyjs_e_config); if (isCDN) { VMM.bindEvent(global, onHeadline, "HEADLINE"); } } /* BUILD CONFIG ================================================== */ if (typeof c == 'object') { for (x in c) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, x)) { storyjs_e_config[x] = c[x]; } } } if (typeof src != 'undefined') { storyjs_e_config.source = src; } /* CDN VERSION? ================================================== */ if (typeof url_config == 'object') { isCDN = true; /* IS THE SOURCE GOOGLE SPREADSHEET WITH JUST THE KEY? ================================================== */ if (storyjs_e_config.source.match("docs.google.com") || storyjs_e_config.source.match("json") || storyjs_e_config.source.match("storify") ) { } else { storyjs_e_config.source = "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=" + storyjs_e_config.source + "&output=html"; } } createEmbedDiv(); buildEmbed(); }