# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi sorbet-typed # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please upstream any changes you make here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/edit/master/lib/httparty/all/httparty.rbi # # typed: false module HTTParty include(::HTTParty::ModuleInheritableAttributes) mixes_in_class_methods(::HTTParty::ClassMethods) class << self def copy(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def delete(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def get(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def head(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def included(base); end def move(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def normalize_base_uri(url); end def options(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def patch(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def post(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def put(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end end end class HTTParty::Basement include(::HTTParty) include(::HTTParty::ModuleInheritableAttributes) extend(::HTTParty::ClassMethods) extend(::HTTParty::ModuleInheritableAttributes::ClassMethods) class << self def default_cookies; end def default_cookies=(_arg0); end def default_options; end def default_options=(_arg0); end end end module HTTParty::ClassMethods def base_uri(uri = T.unsafe(nil)); end def basic_auth(u, p); end def ciphers(cipher_names); end def connection_adapter(custom_adapter = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def cookies(h = T.unsafe(nil)); end def copy(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def debug_output(stream = T.unsafe(nil)); end def default_options; end def default_params(h = T.unsafe(nil)); end def default_timeout(value); end def delete(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def digest_auth(u, p); end def disable_rails_query_string_format; end def follow_redirects(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end def format(f = T.unsafe(nil)); end def get(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def head(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def headers(h = T.unsafe(nil)); end def http_proxy(addr = T.unsafe(nil), port = T.unsafe(nil), user = T.unsafe(nil), pass = T.unsafe(nil)); end def lock(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def logger(logger, level = T.unsafe(nil), format = T.unsafe(nil)); end def maintain_method_across_redirects(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end def mkcol(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def move(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def no_follow(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end def open_timeout(value); end def options(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def parser(custom_parser = T.unsafe(nil)); end def patch(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def pem(pem_contents, password = T.unsafe(nil)); end def pkcs12(p12_contents, password); end def post(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def put(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def query_string_normalizer(normalizer); end def raise_on(codes = T.unsafe(nil)); end def read_timeout(value); end def resend_on_redirect(value = T.unsafe(nil)); end def ssl_ca_file(path); end def ssl_ca_path(path); end def ssl_version(version); end def unlock(path, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end def uri_adapter(uri_adapter); end def write_timeout(value); end private def ensure_method_maintained_across_redirects(options); end def perform_request(http_method, path, options, &block); end def process_cookies(options); end def validate_format; end def validate_timeout_argument(timeout_type, value); end end class HTTParty::ConnectionAdapter def initialize(uri, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def connection; end def options; end def uri; end private def add_max_retries?(max_retries); end def add_timeout?(timeout); end def attach_ssl_certificates(http, options); end def clean_host(host); end def from_ruby_version(ruby_version, option: T.unsafe(nil), warn: T.unsafe(nil)); end def ssl_implied?(uri); end def strip_ipv6_brackets(host); end def verify_ssl_certificate?; end class << self def call(uri, options); end def default_cert_store; end end end HTTParty::ConnectionAdapter::OPTION_DEFAULTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) HTTParty::ConnectionAdapter::StripIpv6BracketsRegex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp) class HTTParty::CookieHash < ::Hash K = type_member(fixed: T.untyped) V = type_member(fixed: T.untyped) Elem = type_member(fixed: T.untyped) def add_cookies(data); end def to_cookie_string; end end HTTParty::CookieHash::CLIENT_COOKIES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[T.untyped]) class HTTParty::DuplicateLocationHeader < ::HTTParty::ResponseError end class HTTParty::Error < ::StandardError end module HTTParty::HashConversions class << self def normalize_keys(key, value); end def normalize_param(key, value); end def to_params(hash); end end end class HTTParty::HeadersProcessor def initialize(headers, options); end def call; end def headers; end def options; end private def process_dynamic_headers; end end module HTTParty::Logger class << self def add_formatter(name, formatter); end def build(logger, level, formatter); end def formatters; end end end class HTTParty::Logger::ApacheFormatter def initialize(logger, level); end def format(request, response); end def level; end def level=(_arg0); end def logger; end def logger=(_arg0); end private def content_length; end def current_time; end def http_method; end def message; end def path; end def request; end def response; end end HTTParty::Logger::ApacheFormatter::TAG_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) class HTTParty::Logger::CurlFormatter def initialize(logger, level); end def format(request, response); end def level; end def level=(_arg0); end def logger; end def logger=(_arg0); end private def current_time; end def log(direction, line = T.unsafe(nil)); end def log_hash(hash); end def log_headers; end def log_query; end def log_request; end def log_response; end def log_response_headers; end def log_url; end def messages; end def messages=(_arg0); end def request; end def response; end end HTTParty::Logger::CurlFormatter::IN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) HTTParty::Logger::CurlFormatter::OUT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) HTTParty::Logger::CurlFormatter::TAG_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) class HTTParty::Logger::LogstashFormatter def initialize(logger, level); end def format(request, response); end def level; end def level=(_arg0); end def logger; end def logger=(_arg0); end private def content_length; end def current_time; end def http_method; end def logstash_message; end def message; end def path; end def request; end def response; end end HTTParty::Logger::LogstashFormatter::TAG_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) module HTTParty::ModuleInheritableAttributes mixes_in_class_methods(::HTTParty::ModuleInheritableAttributes::ClassMethods) class << self def hash_deep_dup(hash); end def included(base); end end end module HTTParty::ModuleInheritableAttributes::ClassMethods def inherited(subclass); end def mattr_inheritable(*args); end end class HTTParty::Parser def initialize(body, format); end def body; end def format; end def parse; end protected def csv; end def html; end def json; end def parse_supported_format; end def plain; end def supports_format?; end def xml; end class << self def call(body, format); end def format_from_mimetype(mimetype); end def formats; end def supported_formats; end def supports_format?(format); end end end HTTParty::Parser::SupportedFormats = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) HTTParty::Parser::UTF8_BOM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) class HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep < ::HTTParty::ResponseError end class HTTParty::Request def initialize(http_method, path, o = T.unsafe(nil)); end def base_uri; end def connection_adapter; end def format; end def handle_unauthorized(&block); end def http_method; end def http_method=(_arg0); end def last_response; end def last_response=(_arg0); end def last_uri; end def last_uri=(_arg0); end def options; end def options=(_arg0); end def parser; end def path; end def path=(uri); end def perform(&block); end def raw_body; end def redirect; end def redirect=(_arg0); end def request_uri(uri); end def uri; end private def assume_utf16_is_big_endian; end def capture_cookies(response); end def check_duplicate_location_header; end def credentials; end def digest_auth?; end def encode_text(text, content_type); end def format_from_mimetype(mimetype); end def handle_host_redirection; end def handle_response(body, &block); end def http; end def normalize_query(query); end def parse_response(body); end def password; end def post?; end def query_string(uri); end def query_string_normalizer; end def response_has_digest_auth_challenge?; end def response_redirects?; end def response_unauthorized?; end def send_authorization_header?; end def set_basic_auth_from_uri; end def setup_digest_auth; end def setup_raw_request; end def username; end def validate; end end class HTTParty::Request::Body def initialize(params, query_string_normalizer: T.unsafe(nil), force_multipart: T.unsafe(nil)); end def boundary; end def call; end def multipart?; end private def content_type(object); end def file?(object); end def file_name(object); end def force_multipart; end def generate_multipart; end def has_file?(value); end def normalize_query(query); end def params; end def query_string_normalizer; end end HTTParty::Request::JSON_API_QUERY_STRING_NORMALIZER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) class HTTParty::Request::MultipartBoundary class << self def generate; end end end HTTParty::Request::NON_RAILS_QUERY_STRING_NORMALIZER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc) HTTParty::Request::SupportedHTTPMethods = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[T.untyped]) HTTParty::Request::SupportedURISchemes = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Array[T.untyped]) class HTTParty::Response def initialize(request, response, parsed_block, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end def _dump(_level); end def accepted?; end def already_reported?; end def bad_gateway?; end def bad_request?; end def body; end def client_error?; end def code; end def conflict?; end def continue?; end def created?; end def display(port = T.unsafe(nil)); end def early_hints?; end def expectation_failed?; end def failed_dependency?; end def forbidden?; end def found?; end def gateway_time_out?; end def gateway_timeout?; end def gone?; end def headers; end def http_version; end def im_used?; end def information?; end def inspect; end def insufficient_storage?; end def internal_server_error?; end def length_required?; end def locked?; end def loop_detected?; end def method_not_allowed?; end def misdirected_request?; end def moved_permanently?; end def multi_status?; end def multiple_choice?; end def multiple_choices?; end def network_authentication_required?; end def nil?; end def no_content?; end def non_authoritative_information?; end def not_acceptable?; end def not_extended?; end def not_found?; end def not_implemented?; end def not_modified?; end def ok?; end def parsed_response; end def partial_content?; end def payload_too_large?; end def payment_required?; end def permanent_redirect?; end def precondition_failed?; end def precondition_required?; end def pretty_print(pp); end def processing?; end def proxy_authentication_required?; end def range_not_satisfiable?; end def redirection?; end def request; end def request_entity_too_large?; end def request_header_fields_too_large?; end def request_time_out?; end def request_timeout?; end def request_uri_too_long?; end def requested_range_not_satisfiable?; end def reset_content?; end def response; end def see_other?; end def server_error?; end def service_unavailable?; end def success?; end def switch_protocol?; end def tap; end def temporary_redirect?; end def to_s; end def too_many_requests?; end def unauthorized?; end def unavailable_for_legal_reasons?; end def unprocessable_entity?; end def unsupported_media_type?; end def upgrade_required?; end def uri_too_long?; end def use_proxy?; end def variant_also_negotiates?; end def version_not_supported?; end protected def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end def throw_exception; end private def respond_to_missing?(name, *args); end def warn_about_nil_deprecation; end class << self def _load(data); end def underscore(string); end end end HTTParty::Response::CODES_TO_OBJ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), T::Hash[T.untyped, T.untyped]) class HTTParty::Response::Headers < ::SimpleDelegator include(::Net::HTTPHeader) def initialize(header_values = T.unsafe(nil)); end def ==(other); end end class HTTParty::ResponseError < ::HTTParty::Error def initialize(response); end def response; end end class HTTParty::ResponseFragment < ::SimpleDelegator def initialize(fragment, http_response, connection); end def code; end def connection; end def http_response; end end class HTTParty::TextEncoder def initialize(text, assume_utf16_is_big_endian: T.unsafe(nil), content_type: T.unsafe(nil)); end def assume_utf16_is_big_endian; end def call; end def content_type; end def text; end private def can_encode?; end def charset; end def encode_utf_16; end def encode_with_ruby_encoding; end def encoded_text; end end class HTTParty::UnsupportedFormat < ::HTTParty::Error end class HTTParty::UnsupportedURIScheme < ::HTTParty::Error end module HTTParty::Utils class << self def stringify_keys(hash); end end end HTTParty::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String) module Net::HTTPHeader def digest_auth(username, password, response); end end class Net::HTTPHeader::DigestAuthenticator def initialize(username, password, method, path, response_header); end def authorization_header; end def cookie_header; end private def a1; end def a2; end def algorithm_present?; end def md5(str); end def opaque_present?; end def parse(response_header); end def parse_cookies(response_header); end def qop_present?; end def random; end def request_digest; end def use_md5_sess?; end end