require 'spec_helper' describe ActiveFedora::OmDatastream do subject { } it { should be_metadata } it "should include the Solrizer::XML::TerminologyBasedSolrizer for .to_solr support" do expect(ActiveFedora::OmDatastream.included_modules).to include(OM::XML::TerminologyBasedSolrizer) end describe '#new' do it 'should load xml from blob if provided' do test_ds1 = test_ds1.content="" expect(test_ds1.ng_xml.to_xml).to be_equivalent_to("\n\n \n\n") end it "should initialize from #xml_template if no xml is provided" do expect(ActiveFedora::OmDatastream).to receive(:xml_template).and_return("") n = expect(n.ng_xml).to be_equivalent_to("") end end describe "#prefix" do subject { } it "should reflect the dsid" do expect(subject.send(:prefix, 'descMetadata')).to eq "desc_metadata__" end end describe '#xml_template' do subject { ActiveFedora::OmDatastream.xml_template.to_xml } it "should return an empty xml document" do expect(subject).to be_equivalent_to("\n\n") end end describe "to_solr" do describe "with a dsid" do subject { } it { should be_empty } end describe "when prefix is set" do before do class MyDatastream < ActiveFedora::OmDatastream set_terminology do |t| t.root(:path=>"mods") t.title(:index_as=>[:stored_searchable]) end def prefix(_) "foo__" end end subject.title = 'Science' end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :MyDatastream) end subject { } it "should use the prefix" do expect(subject.to_solr).to have_key('foo__title_tesim') end it "should not prefix fields that aren't defined by this datastream" do expect(subject.to_solr('id' => 'test:123')).to have_key('id') end end end describe ".update_indexed_attributes" do before(:each) do @mods_ds = @mods_ds.content=fixture(File.join("mods_articles","mods_article1.xml")).read end it "should apply submitted hash to corresponding datastream field values" do result = @mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes( {[{":person"=>"0"}, "role"]=>{"0"=>"role1", "1"=>"role2", "2"=>"role3"} }) expect(result).to eq("person_0_role"=>["role1", "role2", "role3"]) expect(@mods_ds.property_values('//oxns:name[@type="personal"][1]/oxns:role')).to eq ["role1","role2","role3"] end it "should support single-value arguments (as opposed to a hash of values with array indexes as keys)" do # In other words, { "fubar"=>"dork" } should have the same effect as { "fubar"=>{"0"=>"dork"} } result = @mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes( { [{":person"=>"0"}, "role"]=>"the role" } ) expect(result).to eq("person_0_role"=>["the role"]) expect(@mods_ds.term_values('//oxns:name[@type="personal"][1]/oxns:role').first).to eq "the role" end it "should do nothing if field key is a string (must be an array or symbol). Will not accept xpath queries!" do xml_before = @mods_ds.to_xml expect(ActiveFedora::Base.logger).to receive(:warn).with "WARNING: Hydra::ModsArticleDatastream ignoring {\"fubar\" => \"the role\"} because \"fubar\" is a String (only valid OM Term Pointers will be used). Make sure your html has the correct field_selector tags in it." expect(@mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes( { "fubar"=>"the role" } )).to eq({}) expect(@mods_ds.to_xml).to eq xml_before end it "should do nothing if there is no accessor corresponding to the given field key" do xml_before = @mods_ds.to_xml expect(@mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes( { [{"fubar"=>"0"}]=>"the role" } )).to eq({}) expect(@mods_ds.to_xml).to eq xml_before end ### Examples copied over form metadata_datastream_spec it "should work for text fields" do att= {[{"person"=>"0"},"description"]=>{"-1"=>"mork", "1"=>"york"}} result = @mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes(att) expect(result).to eq("person_0_description"=>["mork","york"]) expect(@mods_ds.get_values([{:person=>0},:description])).to eq ['mork', 'york'] att= {[{"person"=>"0"},"description"]=>{"-1"=>"dork"}} result2 = @mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes(att) expect(result2).to eq("person_0_description"=>["dork"]) expect(@mods_ds.get_values([{:person=>0},:description])).to eq ['dork'] end it "should allow deleting of values and should delete values so that to_xml does not return emtpy nodes" do att= {[{"person"=>"0"},"description"]=>{"0"=>"york", "1"=>"mangle","2"=>"mork"}} @mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes(att) expect(@mods_ds.get_values([{"person"=>"0"},"description"])).to eq ['york', 'mangle', 'mork'] @mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes({[{"person"=>"0"},{"description" => '1'} ]=> nil}) expect(@mods_ds.get_values([{"person"=>"0"},"description"])).to eq ['york', 'mork'] @mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes({[{"person"=>"0"},{"description" => '0'}]=>:delete}) expect(@mods_ds.get_values([{"person"=>"0"},"description"])).to eq ['mork'] end it "should set changed to true" do expect(@mods_ds.get_values([{:title_info=>0},:main_title])).to eq ["ARTICLE TITLE", "TITLE OF HOST JOURNAL"] @mods_ds.update_indexed_attributes [{"title_info"=>"0"},"main_title"]=>{"-1"=>"mork"} expect(@mods_ds).to be_changed end end describe ".get_values" do before(:each) do @mods_ds = @mods_ds.content=fixture(File.join("mods_articles","mods_article1.xml")).read end it "should call lookup with field_name and return the text values from each resulting node" do expect(@mods_ds).to receive(:term_values).with("--my xpath--").and_return(["value1", "value2"]) expect(@mods_ds.get_values("--my xpath--")).to eq ["value1", "value2"] end it "should assume that field_names that are strings are xpath queries" do expect(ActiveFedora::OmDatastream).to receive(:accessor_xpath).never expect(@mods_ds).to receive(:term_values).with("--my xpath--").and_return(["abstract1", "abstract2"]) expect(@mods_ds.get_values("--my xpath--")).to eq ["abstract1", "abstract2"] end end describe '.save' do let(:base_path) { '/foo' } let(:ldp_source) {, nil, nil, base_path) } let(:conn_stubs) do stubs = do |stub| { [200, {'Last-Modified' => 'Tue, 22 Jul 2014 02:23:32 GMT' }] } end end let(:mock_conn) do test = do |builder| builder.adapter :test, conn_stubs do |stub| end end end let :mock_client do mock_conn end before do allow(subject).to receive(:ldp_source).and_return(ldp_source) end it "should persist the product of .to_xml in fedora" do subject.serialize! expect(subject.mime_type).to eq 'text/xml' end end describe 'setting content' do subject { } before { subject.content = "" } it "should update the content" do expect(subject.content).to eq "\n" end it "should mark the object as changed" do expect(subject).to be_changed end it "update ngxml and mark the xml as loaded" do expect(subject.ng_xml.to_xml).to match // expect(subject.xml_loaded).to be true end end describe 'ng_xml=' do let(:sample_raw_xml) { "" } subject { } it "should parse raw xml for you" do subject.ng_xml = sample_raw_xml expect(subject.ng_xml).to be_kind_of Nokogiri::XML::Document expect(subject.ng_xml.to_xml).to be_equivalent_to(sample_raw_xml) end it "Should always set a document when an Element is passed" do subject.ng_xml = Nokogiri::XML(sample_raw_xml).xpath('//xmlelement').first expect(subject.ng_xml).to be_kind_of Nokogiri::XML::Document expect(subject.ng_xml.to_xml).to be_equivalent_to("") end it "should mark the datastream as changed" do expect { subject.ng_xml = sample_raw_xml }.to change { subject.changed? }.from(false).to(true) end end describe '.to_xml' do let(:doc) { Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse("") } it "should ng_xml.to_xml" do allow(subject).to receive(:ng_xml).and_return(doc) expect(subject.to_xml).to eq "\n" end it 'should accept an optional Nokogiri::XML Document as an argument and insert its fields into that (mocked test)' do expect(doc.root).to receive(:add_child)#.with(test_ds.ng_xml.root) subject.to_xml(doc) end context "with some existing content" do before do subject.content="" end it 'should accept an optional Nokogiri::XML Document as an argument and insert its fields into that (functional test)' do expected_result = "" doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse("") result = subject.to_xml(doc) expect(doc).to be_equivalent_to expected_result expect(result).to be_equivalent_to expected_result end it 'should add to root of Nokogiri::XML::Documents, but add directly to the elements if a Nokogiri::XML::Node is passed in' do doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse("") el ="test_element", expect(subject.to_xml(doc)).to be_equivalent_to "" expect(subject.to_xml(el)).to be_equivalent_to "" end end end describe '.has_solr_name?' do let(:name0_role0) { ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name("desc_metadata__name_0_role_0_roleTerm", type: :string) } let(:name1_role1) { ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name("desc_metadata__name_1_role_1_roleTerm", type: :string) } let(:solr_doc) do {"id"=>"mods_article1", ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name("desc_metadata__name_role_roleTerm", type: :string) =>["creator","submitter","teacher"], ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name("desc_metadata__name_0_role", type: :string)=>"\r\ncreator\r\nsubmitter\r\n", ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name("desc_metadata__name_1_role", type: :string)=>"\r\n teacher \r\n", name0_role0 =>"creator", ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name("desc_metadata__name_0_role_1_roleTerm", type: :string)=>"submitter", ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name("desc_metadata__name_1_role_0_roleTerm", type: :string)=>["teacher"]} end it "should return true if the given key exists in the solr document passed in" do expect(subject).to have_solr_name(name0_role0, solr_doc) expect(subject).to have_solr_name(name0_role0.to_sym, solr_doc) expect(subject).to_not have_solr_name(name1_role1, solr_doc) #if not doc passed in should be new empty solr doc and always return false expect(subject).to_not have_solr_name(name0_role0) end end describe '.is_hierarchical_term_pointer?' do it "should return true only if the pointer passed in is an array that contains a hash" do expect(subject.is_hierarchical_term_pointer?(*[:image,{:tag1=>1},:tag2])).to be true expect(subject.is_hierarchical_term_pointer?(*[:image,:tag1,{:tag2=>1}])).to be true expect(subject.is_hierarchical_term_pointer?(*[:image,:tag1,:tag2])).to be false expect(subject.is_hierarchical_term_pointer?(nil)).to be false end end describe '.update_values' do subject { } before { subject.content= fixture(File.join("mods_articles","mods_article1.xml")).read } it "should update a value internally call OM::XML::TermValueOperators::update_values if internal_solr_doc is not set" do expect(subject).to receive(:om_update_values) subject.update_values([{":person"=>"0"}, "role", "text"]=>{"0"=>"role1", "1"=>"role2", "2"=>"role3"}) end it "should set changed to true" do subject.update_values([{":person"=>"0"}, "role", "text"]=>{"0"=>"role1", "1"=>"role2", "2"=>"role3"}) expect(subject).to be_changed end end describe "an instance that exists in the datastore, but hasn't been loaded" do before do class MyObj < ActiveFedora::Base has_metadata 'descMetadata', type: Hydra::ModsArticleDatastream end @obj = @obj.descMetadata.title = 'Foobar' end after do @obj.destroy Object.send(:remove_const, :MyObj) end subject { @obj.reload.descMetadata } it "should not load the descMetadata datastream when calling content_changed?" do expect(@obj).to_not receive(:content) expect(subject).to_not be_content_changed end end end