# encoding: utf-8 module WebTranslateIt class CommandLine require 'fileutils' require 'set' attr_accessor :configuration, :global_options, :command_options, :parameters def initialize(command, command_options, global_options, parameters, project_path) self.command_options = command_options self.parameters = parameters unless command == 'init' case command when 'pull' message = "Pulling files" when 'push' message = "Pushing files" when 'add' message = "Creating master files" when 'rm' message = "Deleting files" when 'addlocale' message = "Adding locale" when 'rmlocale' message = "Deleting locale" else message = "Gathering information" end throb { print " #{message}"; self.configuration = WebTranslateIt::Configuration.new(project_path, configuration_file_path); print " #{message} on #{self.configuration.project_name}"; } end success = self.send(command) exit 1 if !success end def pull complete_success = true STDOUT.sync = true `#{configuration.before_pull}` if configuration.before_pull # Selecting files to pull files = [] fetch_locales_to_pull.each do |locale| if parameters.any? files = configuration.files.find_all{ |file| parameters.include?(file.file_path) }.sort{ |a,b| a.file_path <=> b.file_path } else files |= configuration.files.find_all{ |file| file.locale == locale }.sort{ |a,b| a.file_path <=> b.file_path } end end if files.size == 0 puts "No files to pull." else # Now actually pulling files time = Time.now threads = [] n_threads = (files.size.to_f/3).ceil >= 10 ? 10 : (files.size.to_f/3).ceil ArrayUtil.chunk(files, n_threads).each do |file_array| unless file_array.empty? threads << Thread.new(file_array) do |file_array| WebTranslateIt::Connection.new(configuration.api_key) do |http| file_array.each do |file| success = file.fetch(http, command_options.force) complete_success = false if !success end end end end end threads.each { |thread| thread.join } time = Time.now - time puts "Pulled #{files.size} files at #{(files.size/time).round} files/sec, using #{n_threads} threads." `#{configuration.after_pull}` if configuration.after_pull complete_success end end def push complete_success = true STDOUT.sync = true `#{configuration.before_push}` if configuration.before_push WebTranslateIt::Connection.new(configuration.api_key) do |http| fetch_locales_to_push(configuration).each do |locale| if parameters.any? files = configuration.files.find_all{ |file| parameters.include?(file.file_path) }.sort{|a,b| a.file_path <=> b.file_path} else files = configuration.files.find_all{ |file| file.locale == locale }.sort{|a,b| a.file_path <=> b.file_path} end if files.size == 0 puts "No files to push." else files.each do |file| success = file.upload(http, command_options[:merge], command_options.ignore_missing, command_options.label, command_options.low_priority, command_options[:minor], command_options.force) complete_success = false if !success end end end end `#{configuration.after_push}` if configuration.after_push complete_success end def add complete_success = true STDOUT.sync = true if parameters == [] puts StringUtil.failure("Error: You must provide the path to the master file to add.") puts "Usage: wti add path/to/master_file_1 path/to/master_file_2 ..." exit end WebTranslateIt::Connection.new(configuration.api_key) do |http| added = configuration.files.find_all{ |file| file.locale == configuration.source_locale}.collect {|file| File.expand_path(file.file_path) }.to_set to_add = parameters.reject{ |param| added.include?(File.expand_path(param))} if to_add.any? to_add.each do |param| file = TranslationFile.new(nil, param, nil, configuration.api_key) success = file.create(http, command_options.low_priority) complete_success = false if !success end else puts "No new master file to add." end end complete_success end def rm complete_success = true STDOUT.sync = true if parameters == [] puts StringUtil.failure("Error: You must provide the path to the master file to remove.") puts "Usage: wti path/to/rm master_file_1 path/to/master_file_2 ..." exit end WebTranslateIt::Connection.new(configuration.api_key) do |http| parameters.each do |param| if Util.ask_yes_no("Are you sure you want to delete the master file #{param}?\nThis will also delete its target files and translations.", false) configuration.files.find_all{ |file| file.file_path == param }.each do |master_file| master_file.delete(http) # delete files success = File.delete(master_file.file_path) if File.exists?(master_file.file_path) complete_success = false if !success configuration.files.find_all{ |file| file.master_id == master_file.id }.each do |target_file| success = File.delete(target_file.file_path) if File.exists?(target_file.file_path) complete_success = false if !success end end end end end puts StringUtil.success("Master file deleted.") complete_success end def addlocale STDOUT.sync = true if parameters == [] puts StringUtil.failure("Locale code missing.") puts "Usage: wti addlocale fr es ..." exit 1 end parameters.each do |param| print StringUtil.success("Adding locale #{param.upcase}... ") WebTranslateIt::Connection.new(configuration.api_key) do puts WebTranslateIt::Project.create_locale(param) end puts "Done." end end def rmlocale STDOUT.sync = true if parameters == [] puts StringUtil.failure("Error: You must provide the locale code to remove.") puts "Usage: wti rmlocale fr es ..." exit 1 end parameters.each do |param| if Util.ask_yes_no("Are you certain you want to delete the locale #{param.upcase}?\nThis will also delete its files and translations.", false) print StringUtil.success("Deleting locale #{param.upcase}... ") WebTranslateIt::Connection.new(configuration.api_key) do |http| puts WebTranslateIt::Project.delete_locale(param) end puts "Done." end end end def init puts "# Initializing project" if parameters.any? api_key = parameters[0] path = '.wti' else api_key = Util.ask(" Project API Key:") path = Util.ask(" Path to configuration file:", '.wti') end FileUtils.mkpath(path.split('/')[0..path.split('/').size-2].join('/')) unless path.split('/').size == 1 project = YAML.load WebTranslateIt::Project.fetch_info(api_key) project_info = project['project'] if File.exists?(path) && !File.writable?(path) puts StringUtil.failure("Error: `#{path}` file is not writable.") exit 1 end File.open(path, 'w'){ |file| file << generate_configuration(api_key, project_info) } puts "" puts " The project #{project_info['name']} was successfully initialized." puts "" if project_info["source_locale"]["code"].nil? || project_info["target_locales"].size <= 1 || project_info["project_files"].none? puts "" puts " There are a few more things to set up:" puts "" end if project_info["source_locale"]["code"].nil? puts " *) You don't have a source locale setup." puts " Add the source locale with: `wti addlocale <locale_code>`" puts "" end if project_info["target_locales"].size <= 1 puts " *) You don't have a target locale setup." puts " Add the first target locale with: `wti addlocale <locale_code>`" puts "" end if project_info["project_files"].none? puts " *) You don't have linguistic files setup." puts " Add a master file with: `wti add <path/to/file.xml>`" puts "" end puts "You can now use `wti` to push and pull your language files." puts "Check `wti --help` for help." return true end def match configuration.files.find_all{ |mf| mf.locale == configuration.source_locale }.each do |master_file| if !File.exists?(master_file.file_path) puts StringUtil.failure(master_file.file_path) + " (#{master_file.locale})" else puts StringUtil.important(master_file.file_path) + " (#{master_file.locale})" end configuration.files.find_all{ |f| f.master_id == master_file.id }.each do |file| if !File.exists?(file.file_path) puts StringUtil.failure("- #{file.file_path}") + " (#{file.locale})" else puts "- #{file.file_path}" + " (#{file.locale})" end end end return true end def status stats = YAML.load(Project.fetch_stats(configuration.api_key)) stale = false completely_translated = true completely_proofread = true stats.each do |locale, values| percent_translated = Util.calculate_percentage(values['count_strings_to_proofread'].to_i + values['count_strings_done'].to_i + values['count_strings_to_verify'].to_i, values['count_strings'].to_i) percent_completed = Util.calculate_percentage(values['count_strings_done'].to_i, values['count_strings'].to_i) completely_translated = false if percent_translated != 100 completely_proofread = false if percent_completed != 100 puts "#{locale}: #{percent_translated}% translated, #{percent_completed}% completed." end exit 100 if !completely_translated exit 101 if !completely_proofread return true end def fetch_locales_to_pull if command_options.locale command_options.locale.split.each do |locale| puts "Locale #{locale} doesn't exist -- `wti addlocale #{locale}` to add it." unless configuration.target_locales.include?(locale) end locales = command_options.locale.split else if configuration.needed_locales.any? locales = configuration.needed_locales else locales = configuration.target_locales if configuration.ignore_locales.any? configuration.ignore_locales.each{ |locale_to_delete| locales.delete(locale_to_delete) } end end end locales.push(configuration.source_locale) if command_options.all return locales.uniq end def fetch_locales_to_push(configuration) if command_options.locale command_options.locale.split.each do |locale| puts "Locale #{locale} doesn't exist -- `wti addlocale #{locale}` to add it." unless configuration.target_locales.include?(locale) end locales = command_options.locale.split else locales = [configuration.source_locale] end if command_options.all puts "`wti push --all` was deprecated in wti 2.3. Use `wti push --target` instead." return [] elsif command_options.target locales = configuration.target_locales.reject{ |locale| locale == configuration.source_locale } end return locales.uniq end def configuration_file_path if self.command_options.config return self.command_options.config else if File.exists?('config/translation.yml') puts "Warning: `config/translation.yml` is deprecated in favour of a `.wti` file." if Util.ask_yes_no("Would you like to migrate your configuration now?", true) require 'fileutils' if FileUtils.mv('config/translation.yml', '.wti') return '.wti' else puts "Couldn’t move `config/translation.yml`." return false end else return 'config/translation.yml' end else return '.wti' end end end def generate_configuration(api_key, project_info) file = <<-FILE api_key: #{api_key} # Optional: locales not to sync with WebTranslateIt. # Takes a string, a symbol, or an array of string or symbol. # More information here: https://github.com/AtelierConvivialite/webtranslateit/wiki # ignore_locales: '#{project_info["source_locale"]["code"]}' # Or if you prefer a list of locales to sync with WebTranslateIt: # needed_locales: #{project_info["target_locales"].map {|locale| locale["code"]}.to_s} # Optional # before_pull: "echo 'some unix command'" # Command executed before pulling files # after_pull: "touch tmp/restart.txt" # Command executed after pulling files # # before_push: "echo 'some unix command'" # Command executed before pushing files # after_push: "touch tmp/restart.txt" # Command executed after pushing files FILE return file end def throb throb = %w(⠋ ⠙ ⠹ ⠸ ⠼ ⠴ ⠦ ⠧ ⠇ ⠏) throb.reverse! if rand > 0.5 i = rand throb.length thread = Thread.new do dot = lambda do print "\r#{throb[i]}\e[?25l" i = (i + 1) % throb.length sleep 0.1 and dot.call end dot.call end yield ensure if thread thread.kill puts "\r\e[0G#\e[?25h" end end end end