# frozen_string_literal: true require 'stringio' class ViteRuby::CLI::Install < Dry::CLI::Command desc 'Performs the initial configuration setup to get started with Vite Ruby.' def call(**) $stdout.sync = true say 'Creating binstub' ViteRuby.commands.install_binstubs say 'Creating configuration files' create_configuration_files say 'Installing sample files' install_sample_files say 'Installing js dependencies' install_js_dependencies say 'Adding files to .gitignore' install_gitignore say "\nVite ⚡️ Ruby successfully installed! 🎉" end protected # Internal: The JS packages that should be added to the app. def js_dependencies [ "vite@#{ ViteRuby::DEFAULT_VITE_VERSION }", "vite-plugin-ruby@#{ ViteRuby::DEFAULT_PLUGIN_VERSION }", ] end # Internal: Setup for a plain Rack application. def setup_app_files copy_template 'config/vite.json', to: config.config_path if (rackup_file = root.join('config.ru')).exist? inject_line_after_last rackup_file, 'require', 'use(ViteRuby::DevServerProxy, ssl_verify_none: true) if ViteRuby.run_proxy?' end end # Internal: Create a sample JS file and attempt to inject it in an HTML template. def install_sample_files copy_template 'entrypoints/application.js', to: config.resolved_entrypoints_dir.join('application.js') end private extend Forwardable def_delegators 'ViteRuby', :config %i[append cp inject_line_after inject_line_after_last inject_line_before replace_first_line write].each do |util| define_method(util) { |*args| ViteRuby::CLI::FileUtils.send(util, *args) rescue nil } end TEMPLATES_PATH = Pathname.new(File.expand_path('../../../templates', __dir__)) def copy_template(path, to:) cp TEMPLATES_PATH.join(path), to end # Internal: Creates the Vite and vite-plugin-ruby configuration files. def create_configuration_files copy_template 'config/vite.config.ts', to: root.join('vite.config.ts') append root.join('Procfile.dev'), 'vite: bin/vite dev' setup_app_files ViteRuby.reload_with(config_path: config.config_path) end # Internal: Installs vite and vite-plugin-ruby at the project level. def install_js_dependencies package_json = root.join('package.json') write(package_json, '{}') unless package_json.exist? deps = js_dependencies.join(' ') run_with_capture("#{ npm_install } -D #{ deps }", stdin_data: "\n") end # Internal: Adds compilation output dirs to git ignore. def install_gitignore return unless (gitignore_file = root.join('.gitignore')).exist? append(gitignore_file, <<~GITIGNORE) # Vite Ruby /public/vite /public/vite-dev /public/vite-test node_modules # Vite uses dotenv and suggests to ignore local-only env files. See # https://vitejs.dev/guide/env-and-mode.html#env-files *.local GITIGNORE end # Internal: The root path for the Ruby application. def root @root ||= silent_warnings { config.root } end def say(*args) $stdout.puts(*args) end def run_with_capture(*args, **options) Dir.chdir(root) do _, stderr, status = ViteRuby::IO.capture(*args, **options) say(stderr) unless status.success? || stderr.to_s.empty? end end # Internal: Support all popular package managers. def npm_install return 'yarn add' if root.join('yarn.lock').exist? return 'pnpm install' if root.join('pnpm-lock.yaml').exist? 'npm install' end # Internal: Avoid printing warning about missing vite.json, we will create one. def silent_warnings old_stderr = $stderr $stderr = StringIO.new yield ensure $stderr = old_stderr end end # NOTE: This allows framework-specific variants to extend the installation. ViteRuby.framework_libraries.each do |_framework, library| require "#{ library.name.tr('-', '/') }/installation" end