%body != render :haml, :'index/_css_and_js', :layout => false .container != render :haml, :'index/_dashboard_navbar', :layout => false, locals: {tag_toggle: nil, base_url: base_url} %div.mt-4 .row .col .row.my-0 .col.my-0{ style: "text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 70%"} Consumer .row.my-0 .col.my-0 %h2.page-header{ style: "margin-top: 0" } = consumer_name .col .row .col.my-0{ style: "text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 70%"} Provider .row.my-0 .col.my-0 %h2.page-header{ style: "margin-top: 0" } = provider_name - unless errors.blank? - errors.each do | error | %div.alert.alert-danger = error - if consumer && provider %form %div.mt-4.mb-2 %label.mr-2 View pacts by: %div.form-check.form-check-inline %input.form-check-input{ type: "radio", name: "view", id: "by_branch", value: "branch", checked: view == "branch" } %label.form-check-label{ for:"by_branch"} branches %div.form-check.form-check-inline %input.form-check-input{ type: "radio", name: "view", id: "by_tag", value: "tag", checked: view == "tag"} %label.form-check-label{ for:"by_tag"} tags %div.form-check.form-check-inline %input.form-check-input{ type: "radio", name: "view", id: "by_environment", value: "environment", checked: view == "environment"} %label.form-check-label{ for:"by_environment"} environments %div.form-check.form-check-inline %input.form-check-input{ type: "radio", name: "view", id: "by_all", value: "all", checked: view == "all"} %label.form-check-label{ for:"by_all"} no filter %input{ type: "hidden", name: "page", value: page_number } %input{ type: "hidden", name: "pageSize", value: page_size } %table.table.table-bordered.table-striped{ id: 'relationships' } %thead %tr %th.consumer-version-number Consumer
Version %span.sort-icon.relationships-sort %th.provider-version-number Provider
Version %span.sort-icon.relationships-sort %th.pact{ style: 'width: 40px' } %th Published %span.sort-icon.relationships-sort %th Webhook
status %th Last
verified %span.sort-icon.relationships-sort %th %tbody - index_items.each do | index_item | %tr{'data-pact-versions-url': index_item.pact_versions_url, 'data-consumer-name': index_item.consumer_name, 'data-provider-name': index_item.provider_name, 'data-integration-url': index_item.integration_url, 'data-pact-tags': index_item.pact_tags, 'data-pact-branches': index_item.pact_branches, 'data-view': view } %td.consumer-version-number{"data-text": index_item.consumer_version_order} %div.clippable{"data-clippable": index_item.consumer_version_number} = index_item.display_consumer_version_number - if index_item.display_consumer_version_number %button.clippy.invisible{ title: "Copy to clipboard" } %span.copy-icon - if view == "branch" || view == "all" - index_item.consumer_version_branches.each do | branch_name | %div{"class": "tag badge badge-dark"} = "branch: " + branch_name - if view == "tag" || view == "all" - index_item.consumer_version_latest_tag_names.each do | tag_name | .tag.badge.badge-primary = "tag: " + tag_name - if view == "environment" || view == "all" - index_item.consumer_version_environment_names.each do | environment_name | .tag.badge.badge-success = "env: " + environment_name - if view == "all" && index_item.display_latest_label? && index_item.latest? .tag.badge.bg-light latest %td.provider-version-number %div.clippable{"data-clippable": index_item.provider_version_number} = index_item.display_provider_version_number - if index_item.display_provider_version_number %button.clippy.invisible{ title: "Copy to clipboard" } %span.copy-icon - if view == "branch" || view == "all" - index_item.provider_version_branches.each do | branch_name | %div{"class": "tag badge badge-dark"} = "branch: " + branch_name - if view == "tag" || view == "all" - index_item.provider_version_latest_tag_names.each do | tag_name | .tag.badge.badge-primary = "tag: " + tag_name - if view == "environment" || view == "all" - index_item.provider_version_environment_names.each do | environment_name | .tag.badge.badge-success = "env: " + environment_name %td.pact %span.pact %a{ href: index_item.pact_url, title: "View pact" } %span.pact-matrix %a{ href: index_item.pact_matrix_url, title: "View pact matrix" } %td{"data-text": index_item.publication_date_of_latest_pact_order} = index_item.publication_date_of_latest_pact.gsub("about ", "") %td{ class: "table-#{index_item.webhook_status}" } - if index_item.show_webhook_status? %a{ href: index_item.webhook_url } = index_item.webhook_label %td{ class: "table-#{index_item.pseudo_branch_verification_status}", title: index_item.verification_tooltip, "data-toggle": "tooltip", "data-placement": "left" } %div = index_item.last_verified_date.gsub("about ", "") - if index_item.warning? %span.warning-icon{ 'aria-hidden': true } - if index_item.failed_and_pact_pending? %div (pact pending) %td - if index_item.show_menu? %span.integration-settings.kebab-horizontal{ 'aria-hidden': true } %div.pagination.text-center - pagination_locals = { page_number: page_number, page_size: page_size, pagination_record_count: pagination_record_count, current_page_size: current_page_size } != render :haml, :'index/_pagination', :layout => false, locals: pagination_locals :javascript $(function(){ $("#relationships").tablesorter(); }); $(document).ready(function(){ initializeClipper(".clippable"); $("span.pact a").load("#{base_url}/images/doc-text.svg"); $("span.pact-matrix a").load("#{base_url}/images/doc-matrix.svg"); $('td[data-toggle="tooltip"]').each(function(index, td){ //appended tooltip div screws up table if it's appended after a //td, so need to append it to a div $(td).tooltip({container: $(td).first()}); }); }); $(".reset-search").on("click", function() { const url = new URL(window.location) url.searchParams.delete('search') window.location = url.toString(); }) $(".submit-search").on("click", function() { search = $("#search").val(); const url = new URL(window.location) url.searchParams.set('search', search) window.location = url.toString(); }) $(".search").keypress(function(event) { const enterKeyCode = 13; const key = event.which; if (key === enterKeyCode) { event.preventDefault(); search = $("#search").val(); const url = new URL(window.location) url.searchParams.set('search', search) window.location = url.toString(); } }) $("[name*='view']").change(function(event){ $("[name='page']").attr('disabled','disabled'); $(this.form).submit() })