# Pushbullet PushBullet's API enables developers to push to devices that have installed the PushBullet Android app. Authentication is provided by a user's API key, found in their Account Settings. By using an API key, users can allow third party software built on this API without needing to provide their Google account and password. ## Installation gem 'pushbullet' #### Setup Client copy following content and paste into config/initializers/pushbullet.rb PUSHBULLET_API_KEY = 'YOUR_PUSHBULLET_KEY_HERE' #### Usage client = Pushbullet::Client.new(PUSHBULLET_API_KEY) #### Push to own device You can send following list: - note - link - address - list - file ```ruby # get json about own device list client.devices client.push_note(DEVICE_ID, 'title', 'message') client.push_file(DEVICE_ID, 'File Name', 'path/to/file') ``` #### :secret: Push to Friend's device :secret: You can send following list: - note - link - address - list ```ruby # get json about friend list of Pushbullet client.contacts client.push_note_to('a@b.c', 'title', 'full message') ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( http://github.com/vajapravin/pushbullet/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-pushbullet`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-pushbullet`) 5. Create new Pull Request Don't hesitate to write problems [vajapravin23@gmail.com]