require "i18n" module Groupdate class Magic attr_accessor :field, :options def initialize(field, options) @field = field @options = options unless time_zone raise "Unrecognized time zone" end if field == :week && !week_start raise "Unrecognized :week_start option" end end def group_by(enum, &_block) group = enum.group_by { |v| v = yield(v); v ? round_time(v) : nil } if options[:series] == false group else series(group, []) end end def relation(column, relation) if relation.default_timezone == :local raise "ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone must be :utc to use Groupdate" end time_zone = adapter_name = relation.connection.adapter_name query = case adapter_name when "MySQL", "Mysql2" case field when :day_of_week # Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, etc # use CONCAT for consistent return type (String) ["DAYOFWEEK(CONVERT_TZ(DATE_SUB(#{column}, INTERVAL #{day_start} HOUR), '+00:00', ?)) - 1", time_zone] when :hour_of_day ["(EXTRACT(HOUR from CONVERT_TZ(#{column}, '+00:00', ?)) + 24 - #{day_start}) % 24", time_zone] when :day_of_month ["DAYOFMONTH(CONVERT_TZ(DATE_SUB(#{column}, INTERVAL #{day_start} HOUR), '+00:00', ?))", time_zone] when :month_of_year ["MONTH(CONVERT_TZ(DATE_SUB(#{column}, INTERVAL #{day_start} HOUR), '+00:00', ?))", time_zone] when :week ["CONVERT_TZ(DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(DATE_SUB(#{column}, INTERVAL ((#{7 - week_start} + WEEKDAY(CONVERT_TZ(#{column}, '+00:00', ?) - INTERVAL #{day_start} HOUR)) % 7) DAY) - INTERVAL #{day_start} HOUR, '+00:00', ?), '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00') + INTERVAL #{day_start} HOUR, ?, '+00:00')", time_zone, time_zone, time_zone] else format = case field when :second "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S" when :minute "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00" when :hour "%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00" when :day "%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00" when :month "%Y-%m-01 00:00:00" else # year "%Y-01-01 00:00:00" end ["DATE_ADD(CONVERT_TZ(DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(DATE_SUB(#{column}, INTERVAL #{day_start} HOUR), '+00:00', ?), '#{format}'), ?, '+00:00'), INTERVAL #{day_start} HOUR)", time_zone, time_zone] end when "PostgreSQL", "PostGIS" case field when :day_of_week ["EXTRACT(DOW from #{column}::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE ? - INTERVAL '#{day_start} hour')::integer", time_zone] when :hour_of_day ["EXTRACT(HOUR from #{column}::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE ? - INTERVAL '#{day_start} hour')::integer", time_zone] when :day_of_month ["EXTRACT(DAY from #{column}::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE ? - INTERVAL '#{day_start} hour')::integer", time_zone] when :month_of_year ["EXTRACT(MONTH from #{column}::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE ? - INTERVAL '#{day_start} hour')::integer", time_zone] when :week # start on Sunday, not PostgreSQL default Monday ["(DATE_TRUNC('#{field}', (#{column}::timestamptz - INTERVAL '#{week_start} day' - INTERVAL '#{day_start}' hour) AT TIME ZONE ?) + INTERVAL '#{week_start} day' + INTERVAL '#{day_start}' hour) AT TIME ZONE ?", time_zone, time_zone] else ["(DATE_TRUNC('#{field}', (#{column}::timestamptz - INTERVAL '#{day_start} hour') AT TIME ZONE ?) + INTERVAL '#{day_start} hour') AT TIME ZONE ?", time_zone, time_zone] end else raise "Connection adapter not supported: #{adapter_name}" end group =, query), field, time_zone)) if options[:series] == false group else relation = if time_range.is_a?(Range) # doesn't matter whether we include the end of a ... range - it will be excluded later group.where("#{column} >= ? AND #{column} <= ?", time_range.first, time_range.last) else group.where("#{column} IS NOT NULL") end # TODO do not change object state @group_index = group.group_values.size - 1, relation) end end def perform(relation, method, *args, &block) # undo reverse since we do not want this to appear in the query reverse = relation.send(:reverse_order_value) if reverse relation = relation.except(:reverse_order) end order = relation.order_values.first if order.is_a?(String) parts = order.split(" ") reverse_order = (parts.size == 2 && (parts[0].to_sym == field || (activerecord42? && parts[0] == "#{relation.quoted_table_name}.#{relation.quoted_primary_key}")) && parts[1].to_s.downcase == "desc") if reverse_order reverse = !reverse relation = relation.reorder(relation.order_values[1..-1]) end end multiple_groups = relation.group_values.size > 1 cast_method = case field when :day_of_week, :hour_of_day, :day_of_month, :month_of_year lambda { |k| k.to_i } else utc = ActiveSupport::TimeZone["UTC"] lambda { |k| (k.is_a?(String) ? utc.parse(k) : k.to_time).in_time_zone(time_zone) } end count = begin Hash[relation.send(method, *args, &block).map { |k, v| [multiple_groups ? k[0...@group_index] + [[@group_index])] + k[(@group_index + 1)..-1] :, v] }] rescue NoMethodError raise "Be sure to install time zone support -" end series(count, 0, multiple_groups, reverse) end protected def time_zone @time_zone ||= begin time_zone = options[:time_zone] || Groupdate.time_zone || || "Etc/UTC" time_zone.is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeZone) ? time_zone : ActiveSupport::TimeZone[time_zone] end end def week_start @week_start ||= [:mon, :tue, :wed, :thu, :fri, :sat, :sun].index((options[:week_start] || options[:start] || Groupdate.week_start).to_sym) end def day_start @day_start ||= (options[:day_start] || Groupdate.day_start).to_i end def time_range @time_range ||= begin time_range = options[:range] if !time_range && options[:last] step = 1.send(field) if 1.respond_to?(field) if step now = now -= step if options[:current] == false time_range = round_time(now - (options[:last].to_i - 1).send(field)) end end time_range end end def series(count, default_value, multiple_groups = false, reverse = false) reverse = !reverse if options[:reverse] series = case field when :day_of_week 0..6 when :hour_of_day 0..23 when :day_of_month 1..31 when :month_of_year 1..12 else time_range = self.time_range time_range = if time_range.is_a?(Range) time_range else # use first and last values sorted_keys = if multiple_groups { |k| k[@group_index] }.sort else count.keys.sort end sorted_keys.first..sorted_keys.last end if time_range.first series = [round_time(time_range.first)] step = 1.send(field) while (next_step = round_time(series.last + step)) && time_range.cover?(next_step) series << next_step end series else [] end end series = if multiple_groups keys = { |k| k[0...@group_index] + k[(@group_index + 1)..-1] }.uniq series = series.reverse if reverse keys.flat_map do |k| { |s| k[0...@group_index] + [s] + k[@group_index..-1] } end else series end # reversed above if multiple groups if !multiple_groups && reverse series = series.to_a.reverse end locale = options[:locale] || I18n.locale key_format = if options[:format] if options[:format].respond_to?(:call) options[:format] else sunday = time_zone.parse("2014-03-02 00:00:00") lambda do |key| case field when :hour_of_day key = sunday + key.hours + day_start.hours when :day_of_week key = sunday + key.days when :day_of_month key =, 1, key).to_time when :month_of_year key =, key, 1).to_time end I18n.localize(key, format: options[:format].to_s, locale: locale) end end else lambda { |k| k } end value = 0 Hash[ do |k| value = count[k] || (@options[:carry_forward] && value) || default_value [multiple_groups ? k[0...@group_index] + [[@group_index])] + k[(@group_index + 1)..-1] :, value] end] end def round_time(time) time = time.to_time.in_time_zone(time_zone) - day_start.hours time = case field when :second time.change(:usec => 0) when :minute time.change(:sec => 0) when :hour time.change(:min => 0) when :day time.beginning_of_day when :week # same logic as MySQL group weekday = (time.wday - 1) % 7 (time - ((7 - week_start + weekday) % 7).days).midnight when :month time.beginning_of_month when :year time.beginning_of_year when :hour_of_day time.hour when :day_of_week (7 - week_start + ((time.wday - 1) % 7) % 7) when :day_of_month when :month_of_year time.month else raise "Invalid field" end time.is_a?(Time) ? time + day_start.hours : time end def activerecord42? ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING.starts_with?("4.2.") end end end