module Jets::Cfn::Resource::S3 class JetsBucket < Bucket def initialize @bucket_logical_id = "S3Bucket" @props = props end def props props = { PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: { BlockPublicAcls: false # BlockPublicPolicy: false, # IgnorePublicAcls: false, # RestrictPublicBuckets: false }, OwnershipControls: { Rules: [{ObjectOwnership: "ObjectWriter"}] }, BucketEncryption: { ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: [ ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: { SSEAlgorithm: "AES256" } ] } } # CorsConfiguration to allow assets to serve from the bucket props[:CorsConfiguration] = Jets.bootstrap.config.s3_bucket.cors_configuration props end class << self include Jets::AwsServices # Usage: # @@name = nil def name return @@name if @@name return "fake-bucket" if ENV["JETS_NO_INTERNET"] || ENV["JETS_TEMPLATES"] resp = nil begin resp = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: Jets::Names.parent_stack_name) rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError => e if e.message.include?("does not exist") return "no-bucket-yet" # for jets build without s3 bucket yet else raise end end output = resp.stacks[0].outputs.find { |o| o.output_key == "S3Bucket" } # The output can be nil if the stack failed and is in rollback state @@name = output.output_value if output # cache only once found end end end end