shoe(1) -- generate a RubyGems project
`shoe` [-`adehtv`] [_path_]
The `shoe` command generates a new RubyGems project. Big deal, right? As
compared with other tools, `shoe` gently guides you toward hygenic packaging
standards and provides you with a sweet library of on-demand `rake(1)` tasks
built around your (authoritative) gemspec.
`shoe`'s default mode of operation is to generate a basic library, its
`Rakefile`, and some `Test::Unit` tests in the current directory. (You may pass
a different _path_ on the command line, if you like.)
To generate additional files, use the following options:
* `-a`, `--[no-]application`:
Generate a command-line application. Create a simple executable script in
the `bin` directory and an `Application` class that uses `optparse`.
* `-d`, `--[no-]data`:
Generate a data directory. Create a `data` directory (perfect for HTML
templates and other static assets) and a `datadir` method in your top-level
module to access it.
* `-e`, `--[no-]extension`:
Generate a C extension. Create an `ext` directory with an `extconf.rb` and
a bare-bones `extension.c` defining a module named `Extension`.
* `-t`, `--[no-]test-unit`:
Generate Test::Unit tests. Create a `test` directory with a `helper.rb`
and a single passing test.
`shoe` also responds to the following standard options:
* `-h`, `--help`:
Print a help message and exit.
* `-v`, `--version`[=all]:
Print `shoe`'s version number and exit. If `=all` is given, also print
version numbers of `shoe`'s dependencies. (This is standard `optparse` behavior
that deserves more attention!)
Matthew Todd, <@matthewtodd> on GitHub and Twitter. Do drop me a line if you
use `shoe` -- I'd love to hear from you!