describe HybridPlatformsConductor::TestsRunner do context 'when checking connection node tests execution' do # Prepare the test platform with test plugins # # Parameters:: # * Proc: Code called with the platform setup def with_test_platform_for_node_connection_tests with_test_platforms( { 'platform1' => { nodes: { 'node11' => {}, 'node12' => {} } }, 'platform2' => { nodes: { 'node21' => {}, 'node22' => {} }, platform_type: :test_2 } } ) do register_test_plugins( test_tests_runner, node_ssh_test: HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh, node_ssh_test_2: HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh ) yield end end # Expect a given set of actions to execute test commands on a given set of nodes # # Parameters:: # * *actions* (Object): Actions # * *node_suffixes* (Array): The node suffixes # * *fails_on* (Array): The node suffixes on which we expect to fail [default: []] # Result:: # * Hash: Expected result of those expected actions def expect_actions_to_test_nodes(actions, node_suffixes, fails_on: []) expect(actions.size).to eq node_suffixes.size node_suffixes.each do |node_suffix| node = "node#{node_suffix}" expect(actions.key?(node)).to eq true expect(actions[node].size).to eq 1 expect(actions[node][:remote_bash]).to eq [ 'echo \'===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework =====\'', '>&2 echo \'===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework =====\'', "test_node#{node_suffix}.sh", 'echo "$?"' ] end do |node_suffix| [ "node#{node_suffix}", [ 0, <<~EO_STDOUT, ===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework ===== stdout#{node_suffix} #{fails_on.include?(node_suffix) ? 1 : 0} EO_STDOUT <<~EO_STDERR ===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework ===== stderr#{node_suffix} EO_STDERR ] ] end.to_h end it 'executes SSH node tests once per node with the correct command' do with_test_platform_for_node_connection_tests do expect_actions_executor_runs([proc { |actions| expect_actions_to_test_nodes(actions, %w[11 12 21 22]) }]) test_tests_runner.tests = [:node_ssh_test] ssh_executions = [] HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh.node_tests = { node_ssh_test: { 'node11' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node11', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node12' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node12', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node21' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node21', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node22' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node22', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } } } } expect(test_tests_runner.run_tests([{ all: true }])).to eq 0 expect(ssh_executions.sort).to eq [ ['node11', ['stdout11'], ['stderr11'], 0], ['node12', ['stdout12'], ['stderr12'], 0], ['node21', ['stdout21'], ['stderr21'], 0], ['node22', ['stdout22'], ['stderr22'], 0] ].sort end end it 'executes SSH node tests only on specified nodes' do with_test_platform_for_node_connection_tests do expect_actions_executor_runs([proc { |actions| expect_actions_to_test_nodes(actions, %w[12 22]) }]) test_tests_runner.tests = [:node_ssh_test] ssh_executions = [] HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh.node_tests = { node_ssh_test: { 'node12' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node12', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node22' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node22', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } } } } expect(test_tests_runner.run_tests(%w[node12 node22])).to eq 0 expect(ssh_executions.sort).to eq [ ['node12', ['stdout12'], ['stderr12'], 0], ['node22', ['stdout22'], ['stderr22'], 0] ].sort end end it 'does not execute anything when the tests report no command' do with_test_platform_for_node_connection_tests do test_tests_runner.tests = [:node_ssh_test] ssh_executions = [] HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh.node_tests = { node_ssh_test: { 'node12' => {}, 'node22' => {} } } expect(test_tests_runner.run_tests(%w[node12 node22])).to eq 0 expect(ssh_executions).to eq [] end end it 'executes several SSH node tests once per node with the correct command, grouping commands' do with_test_platform_for_node_connection_tests do expect_actions_executor_runs([proc do |actions| node_suffixes = %w[11 12 21 22] expect(actions.size).to eq node_suffixes.size node_suffixes.each do |node_suffix| node = "node#{node_suffix}" expect(actions.key?(node)).to eq true expect(actions[node].size).to eq 1 expect(actions[node][:remote_bash]).to eq [ 'echo \'===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework =====\'', '>&2 echo \'===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework =====\'', "test_node#{node_suffix}.sh", 'echo "$?"', 'echo \'===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework =====\'', '>&2 echo \'===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework =====\'', "test_2_node#{node_suffix}.sh", 'echo "$?"' ] end do |node_suffix| [ "node#{node_suffix}", [ 0, <<~EO_STDOUT, ===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework ===== stdout#{node_suffix} 0 ===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework ===== stdout#{node_suffix}_2 0 EO_STDOUT <<~EO_STDERR ===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework ===== stderr#{node_suffix} ===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework ===== stderr#{node_suffix}_2 EO_STDERR ] ] end.to_h end]) test_tests_runner.tests = %i[node_ssh_test node_ssh_test_2] ssh_executions = [] HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh.node_tests = { node_ssh_test: { 'node11' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node11', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node12' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node12', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node21' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node21', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node22' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node22', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } } }, node_ssh_test_2: { 'node11' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node11', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node12' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node12', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node21' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node21', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node22' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node22', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } } } } expect(test_tests_runner.run_tests([{ all: true }])).to eq 0 expect(ssh_executions.sort).to eq [ ['node11', ['stdout11'], ['stderr11'], 0], ['node12', ['stdout12'], ['stderr12'], 0], ['node21', ['stdout21'], ['stderr21'], 0], ['node22', ['stdout22'], ['stderr22'], 0], ['node11', ['stdout11_2'], ['stderr11_2'], 0], ['node12', ['stdout12_2'], ['stderr12_2'], 0], ['node21', ['stdout21_2'], ['stderr21_2'], 0], ['node22', ['stdout22_2'], ['stderr22_2'], 0] ].sort end end it 'fails an SSH node test when the SSH command returns non zero exit code' do with_test_platform_for_node_connection_tests do expect_actions_executor_runs([proc { |actions| expect_actions_to_test_nodes(actions, %w[11 12 21 22], fails_on: ['12']) }]) test_tests_runner.tests = [:node_ssh_test] ssh_executions = [] HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh.node_tests = { node_ssh_test: { 'node11' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node11', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node12' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node12', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node21' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node21', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node22' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node22', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } } } } expect(test_tests_runner.run_tests([{ all: true }])).to eq 1 expect(ssh_executions.sort).to eq [ ['node11', ['stdout11'], ['stderr11'], 0], ['node12', ['stdout12'], ['stderr12'], 1], ['node21', ['stdout21'], ['stderr21'], 0], ['node22', ['stdout22'], ['stderr22'], 0] ].sort end end it 'fails an SSH node test when the command test code raises an error' do with_test_platform_for_node_connection_tests do expect_actions_executor_runs([proc { |actions| expect_actions_to_test_nodes(actions, %w[11 12 21 22], fails_on: ['12']) }]) test_tests_runner.tests = [:node_ssh_test] ssh_executions = [] HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh.node_tests = { node_ssh_test: { 'node11' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node11', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node12' => { '' => proc { raise 'Failure on this node' } }, 'node21' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node21', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node22' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node22', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } } } } expect(test_tests_runner.run_tests([{ all: true }])).to eq 1 expect(ssh_executions.sort).to eq [ ['node11', ['stdout11'], ['stderr11'], 0], ['node21', ['stdout21'], ['stderr21'], 0], ['node22', ['stdout22'], ['stderr22'], 0] ].sort end end it 'executes SSH node tests only on valid nodes' do with_test_platform_for_node_connection_tests do HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh.only_on_nodes = %w[node12 node22] expect_actions_executor_runs([proc { |actions| expect_actions_to_test_nodes(actions, %w[12 22]) }]) test_tests_runner.tests = [:node_ssh_test] ssh_executions = [] HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh.node_tests = { node_ssh_test: { 'node12' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node12', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node22' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node22', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } } } } expect(test_tests_runner.run_tests([{ all: true }])).to eq 0 expect(ssh_executions.sort).to eq [ ['node12', ['stdout12'], ['stderr12'], 0], ['node22', ['stdout22'], ['stderr22'], 0] ].sort end end it 'executes SSH node tests in parallel' do with_test_platform_for_node_connection_tests do expect_actions_executor_runs([proc { |actions| expect_actions_to_test_nodes(actions, %w[11 12 21 22]) }]) test_tests_runner.tests = [:node_ssh_test] test_tests_runner.max_threads_connection_on_nodes = 43 ssh_executions = [] HybridPlatformsConductorTest::TestPlugins::NodeSsh.node_tests = { node_ssh_test: { 'node11' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node11', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node12' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node12', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node21' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node21', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } }, 'node22' => { '' => proc { |stdout, stderr, exit_code| ssh_executions << ['node22', stdout, stderr, exit_code] } } } } expect(test_tests_runner.run_tests([{ all: true }])).to eq 0 expect(test_tests_runner.max_threads_connection_on_nodes).to eq 43 expect(ssh_executions.sort).to eq [ ['node11', ['stdout11'], ['stderr11'], 0], ['node12', ['stdout12'], ['stderr12'], 0], ['node21', ['stdout21'], ['stderr21'], 0], ['node22', ['stdout22'], ['stderr22'], 0] ].sort end end end end