require 'spec_helper' describe CurationConcerns::FileSetsController do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:parent) { create(:generic_work, edit_users: [user.user_key], visibility: Hydra::AccessControls::AccessRight::VISIBILITY_TEXT_VALUE_PUBLIC) } let(:file_set) do create(:file_set, user: user).tap do |file_set| parent.members << file_set end end let(:file) { fixture_file_upload('/world.png', 'image/png') } let(:empty_file) { fixture_file_upload('/empty_file.txt', 'text/plain') } before { sign_in user } context "JSON" do let(:resource) { file_set } let(:resource_request) { get :show, id: resource, format: :json } subject { response } describe "unauthorized" do before do sign_out user resource_request end it { respond_unauthorized } end describe "forbidden" do before do sign_in create(:user) resource_request end it { respond_forbidden } end describe 'not found' do before { get :show, id: "non-existent-pid", format: :json } it { respond_not_found(description: 'Object non-existent-pid not found in solr') } end describe 'created' do it "returns 201, renders jq_upload json template and sets location header" do expect(controller.send(:actor)).to receive(:create_metadata).with(nil, parent, hash_including(:files, title: ['a title'])) expect(controller.send(:actor)).to receive(:create_content).with(file).and_return(true) allow_any_instance_of(FileSet).to receive(:persisted?).and_return(true) allow_any_instance_of(FileSet).to receive(:to_param).and_return('999') post :create, file_set: { title: ['a title'], files: [file] }, parent_id:, format: :json expect(assigns[:file_set]).to be_instance_of ::FileSet # this object is used by the jbuilder template expect(controller).to render_template('curation_concerns/file_sets/jq_upload') expect(response.status).to eq 201 created_resource = controller.curation_concern expect(response.location).to eq main_app.curation_concerns_file_set_path(created_resource) end end describe 'failed create: no file' do before { post :create, file_set: { title: ["foo"] }, parent_id:, format: :json } it { respond_bad_request(message: 'Error! No file to save') } end describe 'failed create: bad file' do before { post :create, file_set: { files: ['not a file'] }, parent_id:, format: :json } it { respond_bad_request(message: 'Error! No file for upload', description: 'unknown file') } end describe 'failed create: empty file' do before { post :create, file_set: { files: [empty_file] }, parent_id:, format: :json } it { respond_unprocessable_entity(errors: { files: "#{empty_file.original_filename} has no content! (Zero length file)" }, description: I18n.t('curation_concerns.api.unprocessable_entity.empty_file')) } end describe 'failed create: solr error' do before do allow(controller).to receive(:process_file).and_raise(, response)) post :create, file_set: { files: [file] }, parent_id:, format: :json end it { respond_internal_error(message: 'Error occurred while creating generic file.') } end describe 'found' do before { resource_request } it "returns json of the work" do expect(assigns[:file_set]).to be_instance_of ::FileSet # this object is used by the jbuilder template expect(controller).to render_template('curation_concerns/file_sets/show') expect(response.code).to eq "200" end end describe 'updated' do before { put :update, id: resource, file_set: { title: ['updated title'] }, format: :json } it "returns json of updated work and sets location header" do expect(assigns[:file_set]).to be_instance_of ::FileSet # this object is used by the jbuilder template expect(controller).to render_template('curation_concerns/file_sets/show') expect(response.status).to eq 200 created_resource = assigns[:file_set] expect(response.location).to eq main_app.curation_concerns_file_set_path(created_resource) end end describe 'failed update' do before { expect(controller).to receive(:update_metadata) do controller.curation_concern.errors.add(:some_field, "This is not valid. Fix it.") false end post :update, id: resource, file_set: { title: nil, depositor: nil }, format: :json } it "returns 422 and the errors" do expect(response).to respond_unprocessable_entity(errors: { "some_field": ["This is not valid. Fix it."] }) end end end end