# coding: utf-8 module PlaymoHelper attr_accessor :page_title def flash_messages return unless flash.any? items = [] flash.each do |name, msg| msg << content_tag(:a, raw('×'), :href => "#") items << content_tag(:li, raw(msg), :id => "flash-#{name}") end content_tag :div, :id => 'flash-messages' do content_tag :ul, raw(items.join) end end def utc_date(date) raw %Q() end def private_area(can_manage, container = :div, &block) return unless can_manage content_for :sidebar do content = with_output_buffer(&block) content_tag(container, content, :class => 'private-area') end nil end def para(text) raw text.to_s.gsub! /([^\r\n]+)/, "


" end def short(text, length = 100) text = text.gsub /[\r\n]+/, '' strip_tags(truncate(text, :length => length)) end # Set page title. Use this method in your views def title(page_title) @page_title = page_title end # This prints page title. Call this helper # inside title tag of your layout def page_title(default_title = '') @page_title || default_title end # Print heading (h1 by default) and set page title # at the same time. Use this method in your views def heading_with_title(heading, tag=:h1) title(heading) heading(heading, tag) end def heading(heading, tag=:h1) tag = :h1 if tag.nil? content_tag(tag, heading) end def scoped_link_to(*args, &block) if block_given? options = args.first || {} html_options = args.second || {} else name = args[0] options = args[1] || {} html_options = args[2] || {} end url_string = url_for(options) if m = request.path.match(/^#{url_string}/) html_options[:class] = "#{html_options[:class]} current" end if block_given? link_to(capture(&block), options, html_options) else link_to(name, options, html_options, &block) end end def page_id name = 'page-' + request.path_parameters[:controller] + '-' + request.path_parameters[:action] name.gsub!(/[_\/]+/, '-') name end def link_to_website(url, html_options = {}) return nil if url.blank? url = "http://#{url}" unless url =~ /^(ht|f)tps?:\/\//i html_options[:href] = url content_tag(:a, url, html_options) end # Create a named haml tag to wrap IE conditional around a block # http://paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither def ie_tag(name=:body, attrs={}, &block) attrs.symbolize_keys! result = "\n".html_safe result += "\n".html_safe result += "\n".html_safe result += "\n".html_safe result += "".html_safe result += content_tag name, attrs do "\n".html_safe + with_output_buffer(&block) end result end def ie_html(attrs={}, &block) ie_tag(:html, attrs, &block) end def ie_body(attrs={}, &block) ie_tag(:body, attrs, &block) end def google_account_id ENV['GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_ID'] || google_config(:google_account_id) end def google_api_key ENV['GOOGLE_API_KEY'] || google_config(:google_api_key) end private def add_class(name, attrs) classes = attrs[:class] || '' classes.strip! classes = ' ' + classes if !classes.blank? classes = name + classes attrs.merge(:class => classes) end def google_config(key) configs = YAML.load_file(File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'google.yml'))[Rails.env.to_sym] rescue {} configs[key] end end