<%= image_tag finish.attachments.first.file.thumb.url if finish.attachments.any? %> |
<%= link_to finish.name, [@organization, @project, finish] %>
(<%= finish.comments_count %> comments)
<%= finish.model %> |
$<%= finish.price %> x <%= finish.quantity %> |
<% if finish.selected? %>
By <%= finish.selected_by.name %> on <%= l finish.selected_at %>
<% if project_admin_access? %>
<%#= link_to fa_icon("ban", text: "Deselect", class: "fa-fw"), [:deselect, @organization, @project, finish], method: :patch, remote: true, class: "tiny button radius",
data: { confirm: "Are you sure? This will clear the current selection." } %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% if project_member_access? %>
<%#= link_to fa_icon("check", text: "Select", class: "fa-fw"), [:select, @organization, @project, finish], method: :patch, remote: true, class: "tiny button radius",
data: { confirm: "Are you sure? You will have to contact the managing organzation to undo this selection." } %>
<% else %>
Not Selected
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%#= link_to fa_icon("list", text: "Details", class: "fa-fw"), [@organization, @project, finish], class: "tiny button radius" %>
<% if project_admin_access? %>
<%#= link_to fa_icon("pencil", text: "Edit", class: "fa-fw"), [:edit, @organization, @project, finish], class: "tiny button radius" %>
<%#= link_to fa_icon("trash-o", text: "Delete", class: "fa-fw"), [@organization, @project, finish],
method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }, class: "tiny button radius" %>
<% end %>
<% end -%>