# Lino Command line execution utilities. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'lino' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install lino ## Usage Lino allows commands to be built and executed: ```ruby require 'lino' command_line = Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('ruby') .with_flag('-v') .with_option('-e', 'puts "Hello"') .build puts command_line.to_s # => ruby -v -e puts "Hello" command_line.execute # ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26 revision 54768) [x86_64-darwin15] # Hello ``` ### `Lino::CommandLineBuilder` The `CommandLineBuilder` allows a number of different styles of commands to be built. #### Flags Flags can be added with `#with_flag`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('ls') .with_flag('-l') .with_flag('-a') .build .to_s # => ls -l -a ``` or `#with_flags`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('ls') .with_flags(%w[-l -a]) .build .to_s # => ls -l -a ``` #### Options Options with values can be added with `#with_option`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gpg') .with_option('--recipient', 'tobyclemson@gmail.com') .with_option('--sign', './doc.txt') .build .to_s # => gpg --recipient tobyclemson@gmail.com --sign ./doc.txt ``` or `#with_options`, either as a hash: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gpg') .with_options({ '--recipient' => 'tobyclemson@gmail.com', '--sign' => './doc.txt' }) .build .to_s # => gpg --recipient tobyclemson@gmail.com --sign ./doc.txt ``` or as an array: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gpg') .with_options( [ { option: '--recipient', value: 'tobyclemson@gmail.com' }, { option: '--sign', value: './doc.txt' } ] ) .build .to_s # => gpg --recipient tobyclemson@gmail.com --sign ./doc.txt ``` Some commands allow options to be repeated: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('example.sh') .with_repeated_option('--opt', ['file1.txt', nil, '', 'file2.txt']) .build .to_s # => example.sh --opt file1.txt --opt file2.txt ``` > Note: `lino` ignores `nil` or empty option values in the resulting command > line. #### Arguments Arguments can be added using `#with_argument`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('diff') .with_argument('./file1.txt') .with_argument('./file2.txt') .build .to_s # => diff ./file1.txt ./file2.txt ``` or `#with_arguments`, as an array: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('diff') .with_arguments(['./file1.txt', nil, '', './file2.txt']) .build .to_s # => diff ./file1.txt ./file2.txt ``` > Note: `lino` ignores `nil` or empty argument values in the resulting command > line. #### Option Separators By default, `lino` separates option values from the option by a space. This can be overridden globally using `#with_option_separator`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('java') .with_option_separator(':') .with_option('-splash', './images/splash.jpg') .with_argument('./application.jar') .build .to_s # => java -splash:./images/splash.jpg ./application.jar ``` The option separator can be overridden on an option by option basis: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('java') .with_option('-splash', './images/splash.jpg', separator: ':') .with_argument('./application.jar') .build .to_s # => java -splash:./images/splash.jpg ./application.jar ``` > Note: `#with_options` supports separator overriding when the options are > passed as an array of hashes and a `separator` key is included in the > hash. > Note: `#with_repeated_option` also supports the `separator` named parameter. > Note: option specific separators take precedence over the global option > separator #### Option Quoting By default, `lino` does not quote option values. This can be overridden globally using `#with_option_quoting`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gpg') .with_option_quoting('"') .with_option('--sign', 'some file.txt') .build .to_s # => gpg --sign "some file.txt" ``` The option quoting can be overridden on an option by option basis: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('java') .with_option('-splash', './images/splash.jpg', quoting: '"') .with_argument('./application.jar') .build .to_s # => java -splash "./images/splash.jpg" ./application.jar ``` > Note: `#with_options` supports quoting overriding when the options are > passed as an array of hashes and a `quoting` key is included in the > hash. > Note: `#with_repeated_option` also supports the `quoting` named parameter. > Note: option specific quoting take precedence over the global option > quoting #### Subcommands Subcommands can be added using `#with_subcommand`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('git') .with_flag('--no-pager') .with_subcommand('log') .build .to_s # => git --no-pager log ``` Multi-level subcommands can be added using multiple `#with_subcommand` invocations: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gcloud') .with_subcommand('sql') .with_subcommand('instances') .with_subcommand('set-root-password') .with_subcommand('some-database') .build .to_s # => gcloud sql instances set-root-password some-database ``` or using `#with_subcommands`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gcloud') .with_subcommands( %w[sql instances set-root-password some-database] ) .build .to_s # => gcloud sql instances set-root-password some-database ``` Subcommands also support options via `#with_flag`, `#with_flags`, `#with_option`, `#with_options` and `#with_repeated_option` just like commands, via a block, for example: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('git') .with_flag('--no-pager') .with_subcommand('log') do |sub| sub.with_option('--since', '2016-01-01') end .build .to_s # => git --no-pager log --since 2016-01-01 ``` > Note: `#with_subcommands` also supports a block, which applies in the context > of the last subcommand in the passed array. #### Environment Variables Command lines can be prefixed with environment variables using `#with_environment_variable`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('node') .with_environment_variable('PORT', '3030') .with_environment_variable('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug') .with_argument('./server.js') .build .to_s # => PORT=3030 LOG_LEVEL=debug node ./server.js ``` or `#with_environment_variables`, either as a hash: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('node') .with_environment_variables({ 'PORT' => '3030', 'LOG_LEVEL' => 'debug' }) .build .to_s # => PORT=3030 LOG_LEVEL=debug node ./server.js ``` or as an array: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('node') .with_environment_variables( [ { name: 'PORT', value: '3030' }, { name: 'LOG_LEVEL', value: 'debug' } ] ) .build .to_s # => PORT=3030 LOG_LEVEL=debug node ./server.js ``` #### Option Placement By default, `lino` places top-level options after the command, before all subcommands and arguments. This is equivalent to calling `#with_options_after_command`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gcloud') .with_options_after_command .with_option('--password', 'super-secure') .with_subcommands(%w[sql instances set-root-password]) .build .to_s # => gcloud --password super-secure sql instances set-root-password ``` Alternatively, top-level options can be placed after all subcommands using `#with_options_after_subcommands`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gcloud') .with_options_after_subcommands .with_option('--password', 'super-secure') .with_subcommands(%w[sql instances set-root-password]) .build .to_s # => gcloud sql instances set-root-password --password super-secure ``` or, after all arguments, using `#with_options_after_arguments`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('ls') .with_options_after_arguments .with_flag('-l') .with_argument('/some/directory') .build .to_s # => ls /some/directory -l ``` The option placement can be overridden on an option by option basis: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gcloud') .with_options_after_subcommands .with_option('--log-level', 'debug', placement: :after_command) .with_option('--password', 'super-secure') .with_subcommands(%w[sql instances set-root-password]) .build .to_s # => gcloud --log-level debug sql instances set-root-password \ # --password super-secure ``` The `:placement` keyword argument accepts placement values of `:after_command`, `:after_subcommands` and `:after_arguments`. > Note: `#with_options` supports placement overriding when the options are > passed as an array of hashes and a `placement` key is included in the > hash. > Note: `#with_repeated_option` also supports the `placement` named parameter. > Note: option specific placement take precedence over the global option > placement #### Appliables Command and subcommand builders both support passing 'appliables' that are applied to the builder allowing an operation to be encapsulated in an object. Given an appliable type: ```ruby class AppliableOption def initialize(option, value) @option = option @value = value end def apply(builder) builder.with_option(@option, @value) end end ``` an instance of the appliable can be applied using `#with_appliable`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gpg') .with_appliable(AppliableOption.new('--recipient', 'tobyclemson@gmail.com')) .with_flag('--sign') .with_argument('/some/file.txt') .build .to_s # => gpg --recipient tobyclemson@gmail.com --sign /some/file.txt ``` or multiple with `#with_appliables`: ```ruby Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('gpg') .with_appliables([ AppliableOption.new('--recipient', 'user@example.com'), AppliableOption.new('--output', '/signed.txt') ]) .with_flag('--sign') .with_argument('/file.txt') .build .to_s # => gpg --recipient user@example.com --output /signed.txt --sign /file.txt ``` > Note: an 'appliable' is any object that has an `#apply` method. > Note: `lino` ignores `nil` or empty appliables in the resulting command line. ### `Lino::CommandLine` A `CommandLine` can be executed using the `#execute` method: ```ruby command_line = Lino::CommandLineBuilder.for_command('ls') .with_flag('-l') .with_flag('-a') .with_argument('/') .build command_line.execute # => ``` By default, the standard input stream is empty and the process writes to the standard output and error streams. To populate standard input: ```ruby command_line.execute(stdin: 'something to be passed to standard input') ``` The `stdin` option supports any object that responds to `each`, `read` or `to_s`. To provide custom streams for standard output or standard error: ```ruby require 'stringio' stdout = StringIO.new stderr = StringIO.new command_line.execute(stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr) puts "[output: #{stdout.string}, error: #{stderr.string}]" ``` The `stdout` and `stderr` options support any object that responds to `<<`. ## Development To install dependencies and run the build, run the pre-commit build: ```shell script ./go ``` This runs all unit tests and other checks including coverage and code linting / formatting. To run only the unit tests, including coverage: ```shell script ./go test:unit ``` To attempt to fix any code linting / formatting issues: ```shell script ./go library:fix ``` To check for code linting / formatting issues without fixing: ```shell script ./go library:check ``` You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/infrablocks/lino. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).