require_relative 'helper/podfile_options' require_relative 'helper/names' # NOTE: # This file will only be loaded on normal pod install step # so there's no need to check is_prebuild_stage # Provide a special "download" process for prebuilded pods. # # As the frameworks is already exsited in local folder. We # just create a symlink to the original target folder. # module Pod class Installer class PodSourceInstaller def install_for_prebuild!(standard_sanbox) check_sandbox = Jxedt::Sandbox.from_sandbox(standard_sanbox) target_names = check_sandbox.existed_target_names( def walk(path, &action) return unless path.exist? path.children.each do |child| result =, &action) if walk(child, &action) if result end end end def make_link(source, target) source = target = target.parent.mkpath unless target.parent.exist? relative_source = source.relative_path_from(target.parent) FileUtils.ln_sf(relative_source, target) end def mirror_with_symlink(source, basefolder, target_folder) relative_path = source.relative_path_from(basefolder) match_configuration = Jxedt.config.support_configurations.join('|') if relative_path.to_s =~ /^(#{match_configuration})\/.*/ new_relative_path = relative_path.to_s.gsub!(/^(#{match_configuration})/) { |match| "#{Jxedt.config.xcconfig_configuration_alias}-#{match}" } target ="#{target_folder}/#{new_relative_path}") make_link(source, target) else target ="#{target_folder}/#{relative_path}") make_link(source, target) end end target_names.each do |name| # symbol link copy all substructure real_file_folder = check_sandbox.framework_folder_path_for_target_name(name) # If have only one platform, just place int the root folder of this pod. # If have multiple paths, we use a sperated folder to store different # platform frameworks. e.g. AFNetworking/AFNetworking-iOS/AFNetworking.framework target_folder = standard_sanbox.pod_dir( + "_Prebuild" target_folder.rmtree if target_folder.exist? target_folder.mkpath walk(real_file_folder) do |child| source = child # only make symlink to file and `.framework` folder if and [".framework", ".xcframework", ".bundle", ".dSYM"].include? child.extname mirror_with_symlink(source, real_file_folder, target_folder) next false # return false means don't go deeper elsif child.file? mirror_with_symlink(source, real_file_folder, target_folder) if child.extname != '.checksum' next true else next true end end end # of for each end # of method end end end # Let cocoapods use the prebuild framework files in install process. # # the code only effect the second pod install process. # module Pod class Installer # Modify specification to use only the prebuild framework after analyzing old_method2 = instance_method(:resolve_dependencies) define_method(:resolve_dependencies) do # call original old_method2.bind(self).() # ... # ... # ... # after finishing the very complex orginal function # check the pods # Although we have did it in prebuild stage, it's not sufficient. # Same pod may appear in another target in form of source code. # Prebuild.check_one_pod_should_have_only_one_target(self.prebuild_pod_targets) # self.validate_every_pod_only_have_one_form # prepare cache = [] def add_vendered_framework(spec, platform, added_framework_file_path) if spec.attributes_hash[platform] == nil spec.attributes_hash[platform] = {} end vendored_frameworks = spec.attributes_hash[platform]["vendored_frameworks"] || [] vendored_frameworks = [vendored_frameworks] if vendored_frameworks.kind_of?(String) vendored_frameworks += [added_framework_file_path] unless added_framework_file_path.nil? spec.attributes_hash[platform]["vendored_frameworks"] = vendored_frameworks end def empty_source_files(spec) spec.attributes_hash["source_files"] = [] spec.attributes_hash["public_header_files"] = [] spec.attributes_hash["private_header_files"] = [] ["ios", "watchos", "tvos", "osx"].each do |plat| if spec.attributes_hash[plat] != nil spec.attributes_hash[plat]["source_files"] = [] spec.attributes_hash[plat]["public_header_files"] = [] spec.attributes_hash[plat]["private_header_files"] = [] end end end check_sandbox = Jxedt::Sandbox.from_sandbox(self.sandbox) specs = self.analysis_result.specifications prebuilt_specs = ( do |spec| # rmtree target_prebuild_files = self.sandbox.pod_dir( + "_Prebuild" target_prebuild_files.rmtree if target_prebuild_files.exist? # 切换到local pod时,清除一下pod所在目录下的_Prebuild文件夹 if self.sandbox.local?( source_target_prebuild_files = self.sandbox.sources_root + + "_Prebuild" source_target_prebuild_files.rmtree if source_target_prebuild_files.exist? end self.prebuild_pod_names.include? end) checked_specs = {} prebuilt_specs.each do |spec| checked_specs[] = [] if checked_specs[].nil? checked_specs[] << spec # Clean the source files # we just add the prebuilt framework to specific platform and set no source files # for all platform, so it doesn't support the sence that 'a pod perbuild for one # platform and not for another platform.' empty_source_files(spec) # to remove the resurce bundle target. # When specify the "resource_bundles" in podspec, xcode will generate a bundle # target after pod install. But the bundle have already built when the prebuit # phase and saved in the framework folder. We will treat it as a normal resource # file. # if spec.attributes_hash["resource_bundles"] # bundle_names = spec.attributes_hash["resource_bundles"].keys spec.attributes_hash["resource_bundles"] = nil spec.attributes_hash["resources"] ||= [] resources = spec.attributes_hash["resources"] || [] resources = [resources] if resources.kind_of?(String) spec.attributes_hash["resources"] = resources # spec.attributes_hash["resources"] +={|n| n+".bundle"} prebuild_bundles = check_sandbox.prebuild_bundles( { |bundle_path| "_Prebuild/" + bundle_path } prebuild_bundles = [] if checked_specs[].size > 1 # spec.root.name相同的只添加一次bundle文件 spec.attributes_hash["resources"] += prebuild_bundles end # Use the prebuild framworks as vendered frameworks # get_corresponding_targets targets = Pod.fast_get_targets_for_pod_name(, self.pod_targets, cache) targets.each do |target| # the framework_file_path rule is decided when `install_for_prebuild`, # as to compitable with older version and be less wordy. check_sandbox.prebuild_vendored_frameworks( do |frame_file_path| framework_file_path = "_Prebuild/" + frame_file_path framework_file_path = nil if checked_specs[].size > 1 # spec.root.name相同的只添加一次framework文件 add_vendered_framework(spec,, framework_file_path) end # clear resource when target is a dynamic framework spec.attributes_hash["resources"] = [] if target.build_as_dynamic_framework? end # to avoid the warning of missing license spec.attributes_hash["license"] = {} # keep all file in pods spec.attributes_hash["preserve_paths"] = "**/*" end end # Override the download step to skip download and prepare file in target folder old_method = instance_method(:install_source_of_pod) define_method(:install_source_of_pod) do |pod_name| # copy from original pod_installer = create_pod_installer(pod_name) # \copy from original # copy from original pod_installer.install! # \copy from original if self.prebuild_pod_names.include? pod_name pod_installer.install_for_prebuild!(self.sandbox) end # copy from original @installed_specs.concat(pod_installer.specs_by_platform.values.flatten.uniq) # \copy from original end alias_method :old_create_pod_installer, :create_pod_installer def create_pod_installer(pod_name) pod_installer = old_create_pod_installer(pod_name) pods_to_install = sandbox_state.added | sandbox_state.changed unless pods_to_install.include?(pod_name) pod_installer.install_for_prebuild!(self.sandbox) if self.prebuild_pod_names.include? pod_name end pod_installer end end end # A fix in embeded frameworks script. # # The framework file in pod target folder is a symblink. The EmbedFrameworksScript use `readlink` # to read the read path. As the symlink is a relative symlink, readlink cannot handle it well. So # we override the `readlink` to a fixed version. # module Pod module Generator class EmbedFrameworksScript old_method = instance_method(:script) define_method(:script) do script = old_method.bind(self).() patch = <<-SH.strip_heredoc #!/bin/sh # ---- this is added by cocoapods-binary --- # Readlink cannot handle relative symlink well, so we override it to a new one # If the path isn't an absolute path, we add a realtive prefix. old_read_link=`which readlink` readlink () { path=`$old_read_link "$1"`; if [ $(echo "$path" | cut -c 1-1) = '/' ]; then echo $path; else echo "`dirname $1`/$path"; fi } # --- SH # patch the rsync for copy dSYM symlink script = script.gsub "rsync --delete", "rsync --copy-links --delete" patch + script end end end end module Pod module Generator class CopyXCFrameworksScript alias_method :old_install_xcframework_args, :install_xcframework_args def install_xcframework_args(xcframework, slices) args = old_install_xcframework_args(xcframework, slices) xcconfig_configuration_alias = Jxedt.config.xcconfig_configuration_alias match_configuration = Jxedt.config.support_configurations.join('|') args.gsub!(/#{xcconfig_configuration_alias}-(#{match_configuration})/, "#{xcconfig_configuration_alias}-${CONFIGURATION}") args end end end end module Pod module Generator class CopyResourcesScript alias_method :old_script, :script def script script = old_script xcconfig_configuration_alias = Jxedt.config.xcconfig_configuration_alias match_configuration = Jxedt.config.support_configurations.join('|') script.gsub!(/#{xcconfig_configuration_alias}-(#{match_configuration})/, "#{xcconfig_configuration_alias}-${CONFIGURATION}") script end end end end