# Wazuh Ruby Client

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A Ruby client for the wazuh APIs.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'wazuh-ruby-client'

## Usage

Wazuh.configure do |config|
  config.endpoint = "https://wazuh.local:55000"
  config.basic_user = "foo"
  config.basic_password = "bar"
  config.verify_ssl = false

client = Wazuh::Client.new
# => {"error"=>0, "data"=>{"items"=>[{"os"=>{"arch"=>"x86_64", "codename"=>"Xenial Xerus", "major"=>"16", "minor"=>"04", "name"=>"Ubuntu", "platform"=>"ubuntu", "uname"=>"Linux |wazuh-manager-master-0 |4.14.138+ |#1 SMP Tue Sep 3 02:58:08 PDT 2019 |x86_64", "version"=>"16.04.6 LTS"}, "status"=>"Active", "name"=>"wazuh-manager-master-0", "registerIP"=>"", "manager"=>"wazuh-manager-master-0", "dateAdd"=>"2020-01-07 16:13:05", "ip"=>"", "node_name"=>"wazuh-manager-master", "version"=>"Wazuh v3.11.1", "lastKeepAlive"=>"9999-12-31 23:59:59", "id"=>"000"}], "totalItems"=>1}}

### Authorization

Set `basic_user` and `basic_password` for basic authentication.  
If you using self-signed certificate, `verify_ssl` must be set to `false` .

Wazuh.configure do |config|
  config.endpoint = "https://wazuh.local:55000"
  config.basic_user = "foo"
  config.basic_password = "bar"
  config.verify_ssl = false

If you are using client certificate authentication, set `client_key` and `client_cert` .

require 'openssl'

Wazuh.configure do |config|
  config.endpoint = "https://wazuh.local:55000"
  config.client_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read("./wazuh.key"))
  config.client_cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read("./wazuh.crt"))

### Global Settings

The following global settings are supported via `Wazuh.configure` .

| setting | description |
| user_agent | User-Agent |
| client_cert | Client certificate (if use Client Certificate Authentication) |
| client_key | Client Key (if use Client Certificate Authentication) |
| basic_user | Basic Authentication user name |
| basic_password | Basic Authentication password |
| verify_ssl | Skip the SSL/TLS verify |
| logger | loggeer object |
| endpoint | Wazuh API endpoint URL |

### Agents

Get all agents list.

> client.all_agents
=> [
          :codename=>"Xenial Xerus",
          :uname=>"Linux |wazuh-manager |4.15.0-60-generic |#67-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 22 16:55:30 UTC 2019 |x86_64",
          :version=>"16.04.6 LTS"
        :version=>"Wazuh v3.11.0",
        :dateAdd=>"2020-01-27 17:02:18",
        :lastKeepAlive=>"9999-12-31 23:59:59",

> agents.first.os.name
=> "Ubuntu"

> agents.first.id
=> "000"

filter by options. (see https://mrtc0.github.io/wazuh-ruby-client/Wazuh/Api/Endpoints/Agents.html#all_agents-instance_method )

# Filter by status is active
> client.all_agents({ status: 'active' })
# Filter by agent os.name is ubuntu
> client.all_agents({ 'os.name' => 'ubuntu' })

### Syscollector

List agent's packages.

> client.packages('000').map { |package| package.name }
=> ["python-apt-common",

List agents' processes.

> client.packages('000').map { |package| package.name }
=> ["entrypoint.sh",

### Other

wazuh-ruby-client is support to all Wazuh API.  

- [x] Active Response
- [x] Agents
- [x] Cache
- [x] Ciscat
- [x] Cluster
- [x] Decoders
- [x] Experimental
- [x] Lists
- [x] Manager
- [x] Rootcheck
- [x] Rules
- [x] Security Configuration Assessment
- [x] Summary
- [x] Syscheck
- [x] Syscollector

Refer to the document of wazuh-ruby-client and Wazuh API Reference for the list of all available methods.

- https://mrtc0.github.io/wazuh-ruby-client/Wazuh/Api/Endpoints.html
- https://documentation.wazuh.com/3.10/user-manual/api/reference.html

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client.

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2015-2019, [Kohei Morita](https://blog.ssrf.in)

This project is licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/mrtc0/wazuh-ruby-client/blob/master/LICENSE) .