/* * memslap * * (c) Copyright 2009, Schooner Information Technology, Inc. * All rights reserved. * http://www.schoonerinfotech.com/ * * Use and distribution licensed under the BSD license. See * the COPYING file for full text. * * Authors: * Brian Aker * Mingqiang Zhuang * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # else # include # endif #endif #include "ms_sigsegv.h" #include "ms_setting.h" #include "ms_thread.h" #define PROGRAM_NAME "memslap" #define PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION \ "Generates workload against memcached servers." #ifdef __sun /* For some odd reason the option struct on solaris defines the argument * as char* and not const char* */ #define OPTIONSTRING char* #else #define OPTIONSTRING const char* #endif /* options */ static struct option long_options[]= { { (OPTIONSTRING)"servers", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SERVERS }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"threads", required_argument, NULL, OPT_THREAD_NUMBER }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"concurrency", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CONCURRENCY }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"conn_sock", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SOCK_PER_CONN }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"execute_number", required_argument, NULL, OPT_EXECUTE_NUMBER }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"time", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TIME }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"cfg_cmd", required_argument, NULL, OPT_CONFIG_CMD }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"win_size", required_argument, NULL, OPT_WINDOW_SIZE }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"fixed_size", required_argument, NULL, OPT_FIXED_LTH }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"verify", required_argument, NULL, OPT_VERIFY }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"division", required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETS_DIVISION }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"stat_freq", required_argument, NULL, OPT_STAT_FREQ }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"exp_verify", required_argument, NULL, OPT_EXPIRE }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"overwrite", required_argument, NULL, OPT_OVERWRITE }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"reconnect", no_argument, NULL, OPT_RECONNECT }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"udp", no_argument, NULL, OPT_UDP }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"facebook", no_argument, NULL, OPT_FACEBOOK_TEST }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"binary", no_argument, NULL, OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"tps", required_argument, NULL, OPT_TPS }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"rep_write", required_argument, NULL, OPT_REP_WRITE_SRV }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"verbose", no_argument, NULL, OPT_VERBOSE }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"help", no_argument, NULL, OPT_HELP }, { (OPTIONSTRING)"version", no_argument, NULL, OPT_VERSION }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; /* Prototypes */ static void ms_sync_lock_init(void); static void ms_sync_lock_destroy(void); static void ms_global_struct_init(void); static void ms_global_struct_destroy(void); static void ms_version_command(const char *command_name); static const char *ms_lookup_help(ms_options_t option); static int64_t ms_parse_time(void); static int64_t ms_parse_size(void); static void ms_options_parse(int argc, char *argv[]); static int ms_check_para(void); static void ms_statistic_init(void); static void ms_stats_init(void); static void ms_print_statistics(int in_time); static void ms_print_memslap_stats(struct timeval *start_time, struct timeval *end_time); static void ms_monitor_slap_mode(void); void ms_help_command(const char *command_name, const char *description); /* initialize the global locks */ static void ms_sync_lock_init() { ms_global.init_lock.count= 0; pthread_mutex_init(&ms_global.init_lock.lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ms_global.init_lock.cond, NULL); ms_global.warmup_lock.count = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&ms_global.warmup_lock.lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ms_global.warmup_lock.cond, NULL); ms_global.run_lock.count= 0; pthread_mutex_init(&ms_global.run_lock.lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ms_global.run_lock.cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&ms_global.quit_mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&ms_global.seq_mutex, NULL); } /* ms_sync_lock_init */ /* destroy the global locks */ static void ms_sync_lock_destroy() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&ms_global.init_lock.lock); pthread_cond_destroy(&ms_global.init_lock.cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ms_global.warmup_lock.lock); pthread_cond_destroy(&ms_global.warmup_lock.cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ms_global.run_lock.lock); pthread_cond_destroy(&ms_global.run_lock.cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ms_global.quit_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&ms_global.seq_mutex); if (ms_setting.stat_freq > 0) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&ms_statistic.stat_mutex); } } /* ms_sync_lock_destroy */ /* initialize the global structure */ static void ms_global_struct_init() { ms_sync_lock_init(); ms_global.finish_warmup= false; ms_global.time_out= false; } /* destroy the global structure */ static void ms_global_struct_destroy() { ms_sync_lock_destroy(); } /** * output the version information * * @param command_name, the string of this process */ static void ms_version_command(const char *command_name) { printf("%s v%u.%u\n", command_name, 1U, 0U); exit(0); } /** * get the description of the option * * @param option, option of command line * * @return char*, description of the command option */ static const char *ms_lookup_help(ms_options_t option) { switch (option) { case OPT_SERVERS: return "List one or more servers to connect. Servers count must be less than\n" " threads count. e.g.: --servers=localhost:1234,localhost:11211"; case OPT_VERSION: return "Display the version of the application and then exit."; case OPT_HELP: return "Display this message and then exit."; case OPT_EXECUTE_NUMBER: return "Number of operations(get and set) to execute for the\n" " given test. Default 1000000."; case OPT_THREAD_NUMBER: return "Number of threads to startup, better equal to CPU numbers. Default 8."; case OPT_CONCURRENCY: return "Number of concurrency to simulate with load. Default 128."; case OPT_FIXED_LTH: return "Fixed length of value."; case OPT_VERIFY: return "The proportion of date verification, e.g.: --verify=0.01"; case OPT_GETS_DIVISION: return "Number of keys to multi-get once. Default 1, means single get."; case OPT_TIME: return "How long the test to run, suffix: s-seconds, m-minutes, h-hours,\n" " d-days e.g.: --time=2h."; case OPT_CONFIG_CMD: return "Load the configure file to get command,key and value distribution list."; case OPT_WINDOW_SIZE: return "Task window size of each concurrency, suffix: K, M e.g.: --win_size=10k.\n" " Default 10k."; case OPT_UDP: return "UDP support, default memslap uses TCP, TCP port and UDP port of\n" " server must be same."; case OPT_EXPIRE: return "The proportion of objects with expire time, e.g.: --exp_verify=0.01.\n" " Default no object with expire time"; case OPT_OVERWRITE: return "The proportion of objects need overwrite, e.g.: --overwrite=0.01.\n" " Default never overwrite object."; case OPT_STAT_FREQ: return "Frequency of dumping statistic information. suffix: s-seconds,\n" " m-minutes, e.g.: --resp_freq=10s."; case OPT_SOCK_PER_CONN: return "Number of TCP socks per concurrency. Default 1."; case OPT_RECONNECT: return "Reconnect support, when connection is closed it will be reconnected."; case OPT_VERBOSE: return "Whether it outputs detailed information when verification fails."; case OPT_FACEBOOK_TEST: return "Whether it enables facebook test feature, set with TCP and multi-get with UDP."; case OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL: return "Whether it enables binary protocol. Default with ASCII protocol."; case OPT_TPS: return "Expected throughput, suffix: K, e.g.: --tps=10k."; case OPT_REP_WRITE_SRV: return "The first nth servers can write data, e.g.: --rep_write=2."; default: return "Forgot to document this option :)"; } /* switch */ } /* ms_lookup_help */ /** * output the help information * * @param command_name, the string of this process * @param description, description of this process * @param long_options, global options array */ void ms_help_command(const char *command_name, const char *description) { char *help_message= NULL; printf("%s v%u.%u\n", command_name, 1U, 0U); printf(" %s\n\n", description); printf( "Usage:\n" " memslap -hV | -s servers [-F config_file] [-t time | -x exe_num] [...]\n\n" "Options:\n"); for (int x= 0; long_options[x].name; x++) { printf(" -%c, --%s%c\n", long_options[x].val, long_options[x].name, long_options[x].has_arg ? '=' : ' '); if ((help_message= (char *)ms_lookup_help(long_options[x].val)) != NULL) { printf(" %s\n", help_message); } } printf( "\nExamples:\n" " memslap -s -S 5s\n" " memslap -s -t 2m -v 0.2 -e 0.05 -b\n" " memslap -s -F config -t 2m -w 40k -S 20s -o 0.2\n" " memslap -s -F config -t 2m -T 4 -c 128 -d 20 -P 40k\n" " memslap -s -F config -t 2m -d 50 -a -n 40\n" " memslap -s, -F config -t 2m\n" " memslap -s, -F config -t 2m -p 2\n\n"); exit(0); } /* ms_help_command */ /* used to parse the time string */ static int64_t ms_parse_time() { int64_t ret= 0; char unit= optarg[strlen(optarg) - 1]; optarg[strlen(optarg) - 1]= '\0'; ret= atoi(optarg); switch (unit) { case 'd': case 'D': ret*= 24; case 'h': case 'H': ret*= 60; case 'm': case 'M': ret*= 60; case 's': case 'S': break; default: ret= -1; break; } /* switch */ return ret; } /* ms_parse_time */ /* used to parse the size string */ static int64_t ms_parse_size() { int64_t ret= -1; char unit= optarg[strlen(optarg) - 1]; optarg[strlen(optarg) - 1]= '\0'; ret= strtoll(optarg, (char **)NULL, 10); switch (unit) { case 'k': case 'K': ret*= 1024; break; case 'm': case 'M': ret*= 1024 * 1024; break; case 'g': case 'G': ret*= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; default: ret= -1; break; } /* switch */ return ret; } /* ms_parse_size */ /* used to parse the options of command line */ static void ms_options_parse(int argc, char *argv[]) { int option_index= 0; int option_rv; while ((option_rv= getopt_long(argc, argv, "VhURbaBs:x:T:c:X:v:d:" "t:S:F:w:e:o:n:P:p:", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (option_rv) { case 0: break; case OPT_VERSION: /* --version or -V */ ms_version_command(PROGRAM_NAME); break; case OPT_HELP: /* --help or -h */ ms_help_command(PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION); break; case OPT_SERVERS: /* --servers or -s */ ms_setting.srv_str= strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_CONCURRENCY: /* --concurrency or -c */ ms_setting.nconns= (uint32_t)strtoul(optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); if (ms_setting.nconns <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Concurrency must be greater than 0.:-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_EXECUTE_NUMBER: /* --execute_number or -x */ ms_setting.exec_num= (int)strtol(optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); if (ms_setting.exec_num <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Execute number must be greater than 0.:-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_THREAD_NUMBER: /* --threads or -T */ ms_setting.nthreads= (uint32_t)strtoul(optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); if (ms_setting.nthreads <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Threads number must be greater than 0.:-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_FIXED_LTH: /* --fixed_size or -X */ ms_setting.fixed_value_size= (size_t)strtoull(optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); if ((ms_setting.fixed_value_size <= 0) || (ms_setting.fixed_value_size > MAX_VALUE_SIZE)) { fprintf(stderr, "Value size must be between 0 and 1M.:-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_VERIFY: /* --verify or -v */ ms_setting.verify_percent= atof(optarg); if ((ms_setting.verify_percent <= 0) || (ms_setting.verify_percent > 1.0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Data verification rate must be " "greater than 0 and less than 1.0. :-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_GETS_DIVISION: /* --division or -d */ ms_setting.mult_key_num= (int)strtol(optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); if (ms_setting.mult_key_num <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Multi-get key number must be greater than 0.:-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_TIME: /* --time or -t */ ms_setting.run_time= (int)ms_parse_time(); if (ms_setting.run_time == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify the run time. :-)\n" "'s' for second, 'm' for minute, 'h' for hour, " "'d' for day. e.g.: --time=24h (means 24 hours).\n"); exit(1); } if (ms_setting.run_time == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Running time can not be 0. :-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_CONFIG_CMD: /* --cfg_cmd or -F */ ms_setting.cfg_file= strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_WINDOW_SIZE: /* --win_size or -w */ ms_setting.win_size= (size_t)ms_parse_size(); if (ms_setting.win_size == (size_t)-1) { fprintf( stderr, "Please specify the item window size. :-)\n" "e.g.: --win_size=10k (means 10k task window size).\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_UDP: /* --udp or -U*/ ms_setting.udp= true; break; case OPT_EXPIRE: /* --exp_verify or -e */ ms_setting.exp_ver_per= atof(optarg); if ((ms_setting.exp_ver_per <= 0) || (ms_setting.exp_ver_per > 1.0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Expire time verification rate must be " "greater than 0 and less than 1.0. :-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_OVERWRITE: /* --overwrite or -o */ ms_setting.overwrite_percent= atof(optarg); if ((ms_setting.overwrite_percent <= 0) || (ms_setting.overwrite_percent > 1.0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Objects overwrite rate must be " "greater than 0 and less than 1.0. :-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_STAT_FREQ: /* --stat_freq or -S */ ms_setting.stat_freq= (int)ms_parse_time(); if (ms_setting.stat_freq == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify the frequency of dumping " "statistic information. :-)\n" "'s' for second, 'm' for minute, 'h' for hour, " "'d' for day. e.g.: --time=24h (means 24 hours).\n"); exit(1); } if (ms_setting.stat_freq == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "The frequency of dumping statistic information " "can not be 0. :-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_SOCK_PER_CONN: /* --conn_sock or -n */ ms_setting.sock_per_conn= (uint32_t)strtoul(optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); if (ms_setting.sock_per_conn <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Number of socks of each concurrency " "must be greater than 0.:-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_RECONNECT: /* --reconnect or -R */ ms_setting.reconnect= true; break; case OPT_VERBOSE: /* --verbose or -b */ ms_setting.verbose= true; break; case OPT_FACEBOOK_TEST: /* --facebook or -a */ ms_setting.facebook_test= true; break; case OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL: /* --binary or -B */ ms_setting.binary_prot= true; break; case OPT_TPS: /* --tps or -P */ ms_setting.expected_tps= (int)ms_parse_size(); if (ms_setting.expected_tps == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify the item expected throughput. :-)\n" "e.g.: --tps=10k (means 10k throughput).\n"); exit(1); } break; case OPT_REP_WRITE_SRV: /* --rep_write or -p */ ms_setting.rep_write_srv= (uint32_t)strtoul(optarg, (char **) NULL, 10); if (ms_setting.rep_write_srv <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Number of replication writing server must be greater " "than 0.:-)\n"); exit(1); } break; case '?': /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */ exit(1); default: abort(); } /* switch */ } } /* ms_options_parse */ static int ms_check_para() { if (ms_setting.srv_str == NULL) { char *temp; if ((temp= getenv("MEMCACHED_SERVERS"))) { ms_setting.srv_str= strdup(temp); } else { fprintf(stderr, "No Servers provided\n\n"); return -1; } } if (ms_setting.nconns % (uint32_t)ms_setting.nthreads != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Concurrency must be the multiples of threads count.\n"); return -1; } if (ms_setting.win_size % UNIT_ITEMS_COUNT != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Window size must be the multiples of 1024.\n\n"); return -1; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* ms_check_para */ /* initialize the statistic structure */ static void ms_statistic_init() { pthread_mutex_init(&ms_statistic.stat_mutex, NULL); ms_init_stats(&ms_statistic.get_stat, "Get"); ms_init_stats(&ms_statistic.set_stat, "Set"); ms_init_stats(&ms_statistic.total_stat, "Total"); } /* ms_statistic_init */ /* initialize the global state structure */ static void ms_stats_init() { memset(&ms_stats, 0, sizeof(ms_stats_t)); if (ms_setting.stat_freq > 0) { ms_statistic_init(); } } /* ms_stats_init */ /* use to output the statistic */ static void ms_print_statistics(int in_time) { int obj_size= (int)(ms_setting.avg_key_size + ms_setting.avg_val_size); printf("\033[1;1H\033[2J\n"); ms_dump_format_stats(&ms_statistic.get_stat, in_time, ms_setting.stat_freq, obj_size); ms_dump_format_stats(&ms_statistic.set_stat, in_time, ms_setting.stat_freq, obj_size); ms_dump_format_stats(&ms_statistic.total_stat, in_time, ms_setting.stat_freq, obj_size); } /* ms_print_statistics */ /* used to print the states of memslap */ static void ms_print_memslap_stats(struct timeval *start_time, struct timeval *end_time) { char buf[1024]; char *pos= buf; pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf), "cmd_get: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.cmd_get); pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "cmd_set: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.cmd_set); pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "get_misses: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.get_misses); if (ms_setting.verify_percent > 0) { pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "verify_misses: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.vef_miss); pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "verify_failed: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.vef_failed); } if (ms_setting.exp_ver_per > 0) { pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "expired_get: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.exp_get); pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "unexpired_unget: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.unexp_unget); } pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "written_bytes: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.bytes_written); pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "read_bytes: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.bytes_read); pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "object_bytes: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.obj_bytes); if (ms_setting.udp || ms_setting.facebook_test) { pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "packet_disorder: %lu\n", (unsigned long) ms_stats.pkt_disorder); pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "packet_drop: %lu\n", (unsigned long)ms_stats.pkt_drop); pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "udp_timeout: %lu\n", (unsigned long)ms_stats.udp_timeout); } if (ms_setting.stat_freq > 0) { ms_dump_stats(&ms_statistic.get_stat); ms_dump_stats(&ms_statistic.set_stat); ms_dump_stats(&ms_statistic.total_stat); } int64_t time_diff= ms_time_diff(start_time, end_time); pos+= snprintf(pos, sizeof(buf) - (size_t)(pos -buf), "\nRun time: %.1fs Ops: %llu TPS: %.0Lf Net_rate: %.1fM/s\n", (double)time_diff / 1000000, (unsigned long long)(ms_stats.cmd_get + ms_stats.cmd_set), (ms_stats.cmd_get + ms_stats.cmd_set) / ((long double)time_diff / 1000000), (double)( ms_stats.bytes_written + ms_stats.bytes_read) / 1024 / 1024 / ((double)time_diff / 1000000)); assert(pos <= buf); fprintf(stdout, "%s", buf); fflush(stdout); } /* ms_print_memslap_stats */ /* the loop of the main thread, wait the work threads to complete */ static void ms_monitor_slap_mode() { int second= 0; struct timeval start_time, end_time; /* Wait all the threads complete initialization. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&ms_global.init_lock.lock); while (ms_global.init_lock.count < ms_setting.nthreads) { pthread_cond_wait(&ms_global.init_lock.cond, &ms_global.init_lock.lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ms_global.init_lock.lock); /* only when there is no set operation it need warm up */ if (ms_setting.cmd_distr[CMD_SET].cmd_prop < PROP_ERROR) { /* Wait all the connects complete warm up. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&ms_global.warmup_lock.lock); while (ms_global.warmup_lock.count < ms_setting.nconns) { pthread_cond_wait(&ms_global.warmup_lock.cond, &ms_global.warmup_lock.lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ms_global.warmup_lock.lock); } ms_global.finish_warmup= true; /* running in "run time" mode, user specify run time */ if (ms_setting.run_time > 0) { gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL); while (1) { sleep(1); second++; if ((ms_setting.stat_freq > 0) && (second % ms_setting.stat_freq == 0) && (ms_stats.active_conns >= ms_setting.nconns) && (ms_stats.active_conns <= INT_MAX)) { ms_print_statistics(second); } if (ms_setting.run_time <= second) { ms_global.time_out= true; break; } /* all connections disconnect */ if ((second > 5) && (ms_stats.active_conns == 0)) { break; } } gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL); sleep(1); /* wait all threads clean up */ } else { /* running in "execute number" mode, user specify execute number */ gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL); /* * We loop until we know that all connects have cleaned up. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&ms_global.run_lock.lock); while (ms_global.run_lock.count < ms_setting.nconns) { pthread_cond_wait(&ms_global.run_lock.cond, &ms_global.run_lock.lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ms_global.run_lock.lock); gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL); } ms_print_memslap_stats(&start_time, &end_time); } /* ms_monitor_slap_mode */ /* the main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { srandom((unsigned int)time(NULL)); ms_global_struct_init(); /* initialization */ ms_setting_init_pre(); ms_options_parse(argc, argv); if (ms_check_para()) { ms_help_command(PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION); exit(1); } ms_setting_init_post(); ms_stats_init(); ms_thread_init(); /* waiting work thread complete its task */ ms_monitor_slap_mode(); /* clean up */ ms_thread_cleanup(); ms_global_struct_destroy(); ms_setting_cleanup(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* main */